< Zebur 89 >

1 Ezrahliq Étan yazghan «Masqil»: — Perwerdigarning özgermes muhebbitini ebediy küyleymen, Aghzimda dewrdin-dewrgiche heqiqet-sadaqitingni ayan qilimen.
An instruction. Of Ethan the Ezrahite. I will sing of the loving-kindness of Jehovah for ever; with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness from generation to generation.
2 Chünki men: Özgermes muhebbet menggüge tiklinip mangidu, Sen heqiqet-sadaqitingni ershielada mustehkemlewatisen — dep bildim;
For I said, Loving-kindness shall be built up for ever; in the very heavens wilt thou establish thy faithfulness.
3 Sen dédingki: — «Men talliwalghinim bilen ehde tüzgenmen; Qulum Dawutqa qesem qildim: —
I have made a covenant with mine elect, I have sworn unto David my servant:
4 Séning ewladingni menggü dawam qildurimen, Textingni ewladtin-ewladqa qurup chiqimen». (Sélah)
Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne from generation to generation. (Selah)
5 Hem asmanlarmu Séning möjiziliringni tebrikleydu, i Perwerdigar, Muqeddeslerning jamaitide ular heqiqet-sadaqitingni medhiyileydu;
And the heavens shall celebrate thy wonders, O Jehovah, and thy faithfulness in the congregation of the saints.
6 Chünki asmanlarda Perwerdigarning tengdishi barmu? Qudret Igisining oghulliri arisida Perwerdigargha oxshaydighan kim bar?
For who in the heaven can be compared to Jehovah? [who] among the sons of the mighty shall be likened to Jehovah?
7 Tengrining heywisi muqeddeslerning mejlisidikilerni qattiq titritidu, Uning etrapidikilerning hemmisi üchün U qorqunchluqtur.
God is greatly to be feared in the council of the saints, and terrible for all that are round about him.
8 I Perwerdigar, samawiy qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Xuda, Qudretlik Yah, Sanga oxshaydighan kim bar? Etrapingda heqiqet-sadaqiting turuqluqtur.
Jehovah, God of hosts, who is like unto thee, the strong Jah? And thy faithfulness is round about thee.
9 Déngizning meghrurluqi üstidin höküm sürisen, Dolqunliri örkeshligende, sen ularni tinchlandurisen;
Thou rulest the pride of the sea: when its waves arise, thou stillest them.
10 Rahabni ölgüdek yanjidingsen, Küchlük biliking bilen düshmenliringni tiripiren qilip tarqitiwetting.
Thou hast crushed Rahab as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with the arm of thy strength.
11 Asmanlar séningki, yermu Séningkidur, Jahan hem uninggha tolghan hemmini berpa qilding.
Thine are the heavens, the earth also is thine; the world and its fulness, thou hast founded them.
12 Shimal we jenubni, ularni yaratqansen, Tabor we Hermon choqqiliri namingni yangritip küyler.
The north and the south, thou hast created them: Tabor and Hermon triumph in thy name.
13 Qudretlik bilek séningkidur; Küchlüktur Séning qolung, ong qolung hem kötürüklüktur.
Thine is the arm of might: strong is thy hand, high is thy right hand.
14 Textingning uli heqqaniyliq hem adalettur, Muhebbet hem heqiqet-sadaqet daim didaring aldida mangidu.
Righteousness and judgment are the foundation of thy throne; loving-kindness and truth go before thy face.
15 Tentene sadasini bilgen xelq bextliktur; Ular Séning jamalingning nurida mangidu, i Perwerdigar!
Blessed is the people that know the shout of joy: they walk, O Jehovah, in the light of thy countenance.
16 Ular namingda kün boyi shad bolar, Heqqaniyliqingda ular kötürüldi.
In thy name are they joyful all the day, and in thy righteousness are they exalted.
17 Chünki ularning küchining shan-sheripi özüngdursen, Séning iltipating bilen münggüzimiz kötürülidu.
For thou art the glory of their strength; and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted.
18 Chünki Perwerdigar bizning qalqinimiz, Israildiki Muqeddes Bolghuchi Shahimizdur.
For Jehovah is our shield, and the Holy One of Israel, our king.
19 Sen burun Öz mömin bendengge ghayibane alamette körünüp söz qilip shuni dégenidingsen: — «Men bir ezimet üstige yardimimni qondurdum, El arisidin men talliwalghan birsini kötürdüm;
Then thou spakest in vision of thy Holy One, and saidst, I have laid help upon a mighty one; I have exalted one chosen out of the people.
20 Qulum Dawutni taptim, Muqeddes méyim bilen Men uni mesih qilip tiklidim.
I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:
21 Qolum uninggha yar bolushqa békitilgen, Bilikim uni küchlendüridu.
With whom my hand shall be established; and mine arm shall strengthen him.
22 Düshmen uningdin héch alwan-séliq almaydu, Peskesh adem uni qistimaydu;
No enemy shall exact upon him, nor the son of wickedness afflict him;
23 Belki Men reqiblirini uning aldida yanjiymen, Uni öch körgenlerni yer bilen yeksan qilimen;
But I will beat down his adversaries before his face, and will smite them that hate him.
24 Öz heqiqet-sadaqitim hem méhir-muhebbitim uninggha yar bolar, Hem Méning namim bilen uning münggüzi kötürülidu.
And my faithfulness and my loving-kindness shall be with him, and by my name shall his horn be exalted.
25 Men uning qolini déngiz üstide, Ong qolini deryalar üstide qoyimen.
And I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.
26 U Méni chaqirip deyduki: — «Sen méning Atam, méning Tengrim, Nijatliqim bolghan qoram téshimdursen!».
He shall call unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation;
27 Men yene uni Méning tunji oghlum dep, Dunya padishahliridin eng yuqurisi qilimen.
And as to me, I will make him firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.
28 Méning muhebbitimni uning üchün ebediy qaldurimen, Méning ehdem uning bilen mehkem turidu;
My loving-kindness will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him;
29 Men uning neslini ebediyleshtürimen, Uning textini asmanning künliridek dawam qildurimen.
And I will establish his seed for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven.
30 Mubada oghulliri Tewrat-qanunumdin chiqip, Hökümlirim boyiche yürmise,
If his sons forsake my law, and walk not in mine ordinances;
31 Belgilimilirimni buzsa, Emrlirimge itaet qilmisa,
If they profane my statutes, and keep not my commandments:
32 — U waqitta itaetsizlikini tayaq bilen, Gunahini yara-jarahet bilen jazalaymen.
Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.
33 Lékin muhebbitimni uningdin üzüp qoymaymen, Heqiqet-sadaqitimge xiyanet qilmaymen;
Nevertheless my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor belie my faithfulness;
34 Men tüzgen ehdemni esla buzmaymen, Lewlirimdin chiqqanlirini héch özgertmeymen.
My covenant will I not profane, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
35 Men bir qétim pak-muqeddeslikimge qesem ichtim — Dawutqa qeti yalghan sözlimeymen: —
Once have I sworn by my holiness; I will not lie unto David:
36 «Uning ewladi ebediy dawamlishar; Uning texti köz aldimdiki quyash kebi turar;
His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me;
37 U ay kebi menggülük mustehkemliner, Asmandiki turghun guwahchidek mezmut turar». (Sélah)
It shall be established for ever as the moon, and the witness in the sky is firm. (Selah)
38 Biraq Sen bularni chetke qéqip, ténip ketting; Sen mesih qilghan padishahqa qattiq ghezeplending.
But thou hast rejected and cast off; thou hast been very wroth with thine anointed:
39 Qulung bilen tüzgen ehdidin waz kechting, Uning tajini yerge tashlap dagh tegküzdung.
Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant; thou hast profaned his crown to the ground:
40 Uning barliq tam-pasillirini yiqitip, Qel’elirini xarabilikke aylandurdung.
Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 Yoldin ötüwatqanlarning hemmisi uni bulimaqta, U barliq qoshniliri aldida reswa boldi.
All that pass by the way plunder him; he is become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Uni ezgenlerning ong qolini yuqiri kötürdüng, Pütkül düshmenlirini xushal qilding.
Thou hast exalted the right hand of his oppressors; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice:
43 Berheq, Sen uning qilichining bisini qayriwetting, Jengde uni tik turghuzmiding.
Yea, thou hast turned back the edge of his sword, and hast not made him stand in the battle.
44 Uning julaliqini yoqitip, Uning textini yerge örüwettingsen.
Thou hast made his brightness to cease, and cast his throne down to the ground;
45 Yashliq künlirini Sen qisqartting, Uni xijaletke chömdürdüng. (Sélah)
The days of his youth hast thou shortened; thou hast covered him with shame. (Selah)
46 Qachan’ghiche, i Perwerdigar? Özüngni ebediy yoshuriwéremsen? Qehring ot kebi menggü yanarmu?
How long, Jehovah, wilt thou hide thyself for ever? shall thy fury burn like fire?
47 Manga nisbeten, ömürning qis ikenlikini este tutqin! Némishqimu barliq insan balilirini bihudilikke yaratqansen?
Remember, as regards me, what life is. Wherefore hast thou created all the children of men to be vanity?
48 Qéni, qaysi adem yashap ölümni körmeydiken? U jénini tehtisaraning changgilidin qutquzalamdiken? (Sélah) (Sheol h7585)
What man liveth, and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
49 Sen heqiqet-sadaqitingde Dawutqa qesem ichken, Awwalqi méhir-muhebbetler qeyerde qaldi, ya Rebbim?
Where, Lord, are thy former loving-kindnesses, [which] thou swarest unto David in thy faithfulness?
50 Qulliring uchrawatqan mesxirilerni yad etkeysen, i Reb — Men ichimde pütkül küchlük ellerning mazaqlirini kötürüp yürimen —
Remember, Lord, the reproach of thy servants — that I bear in my bosom [that of] all the mighty peoples —
51 Düshmenliringning Özüng mesih qilghanning qedemlirini qanchilik mesxiriliginini, I Perwerdigar, yad etkeysen!
Wherewith thine enemies, O Jehovah, have reproached, wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed.
52 Perwerdigargha menggüge teshekkür-medhiye qayturulsun! Amin! Amin!
Blessed be Jehovah for evermore! Amen, and Amen.

< Zebur 89 >