< Zebur 86 >

1 Dawutning duasi: Quliqingni men terepke tutqin, i Perwerdigar, manga jawab bergeysen; Chünki men ézilgen we hajetmendurmen.
A Prayer. David’s. Bow down, O Yahweh, thine ear—answer me, For, oppressed and needy, am I;
2 Jénimni saqlighaysen, Chünki men Sanga mömindurmen; I Sen Xudayim, Sanga tayan’ghan qulungni qutquzghaysen;
O guard my life, For, a man of lovingkindness, am I, —Save thy servant, O thou my God, [Thy servant] who trusteth in thee;
3 Manga méhir-shepqet körsetkeysen, i Reb, Chünki men kün boyi Sanga nida qilimen.
Show me favour, O My Lord, For, unto thee, do I cry, all the day;
4 Qulungning jénini shad qilghin, Chünki jénim Sanga telmürüp qaraydu;
Rejoice the soul of thy servant, For, unto thee, O My Lord, my soul, do I lift.
5 Chünki Sen Reb, méhriban, kechürümchan Sen! Özengge iltija qilghanlarning hemmisige zor méhir-muhebbet körsetküchidursen!
For, thou, O My Lord, art good and forgiving, And abundant in lovingkindness, to all who call upon thee.
6 Méning duayimgha qulaq salghin, i Perwerdigar, Yélinishlirimning sadasini anglighaysen;
Give ear, O Yahweh, unto my prayer, And attend unto the voice of my supplications.
7 Béshimgha kün chüshkende, Men Sanga iltija qilimen, Chünki Sen manga jawab bérisen.
In the day of my distress, will I call upon thee, For thou wilt answer me.
8 Ilahlar arisida Séning tengdishing yoqtur, i Reb; Qilghan ishliringningmu tengdishi yoqtur.
There is none like unto thee, among the gods, O My Lord, And nothing like thy works.
9 Sen yaratqan barliq eller kélip séning aldingda sejde qilidu, i Reb, Namingni ulughlaydu.
All nations whom thou hast made, Shall come in and bow down before thee, O My Lord, That they may glorify thy Name.
10 Chünki Sen nahayiti büyüksen, Möjizilerni Yaratquchidursen; Sen Xudadursen, yalghuz Senla.
For great thou art, and doest wondrous things, Thou, O God, of thyself alone.
11 Öz yolungni manga ögetkeysen, i Perwerdigar, We Séning heqiqitingde yürimen; Naminggha hörmet-eyminishte bolushum üchün, qelbimni pütün qilghaysen.
Point out to me, O Yahweh, thy way, I will walk steadfastly in thy truth, My heart will rejoice to revere thy Name.
12 Ya Rebbim Xuda, pütün qelbim bilen Séni medhiyileymen, Ebedil’ebed namingni ulughlaymen.
I will give thee thanks, Adonay, my God, with all my heart, And will glorify thy Name unto times age-abiding.
13 Chünki manga bolghan méhir-muhebbiting zordur, Sen tehtisaraning tegliridin jénimni qutquzisen; (Sheol h7585)
For, thy lovingkindness, is great towards me, And thou hast rescued my soul from Hades beneath. (Sheol h7585)
14 I Xuda, tekebburlar manga qarshi kötürüldi, Esheddiylerning jamaiti jénimni izdimekte, Ular Séni nezirige almeydu!
O God, the insolent, have arisen against me, And, the assembly of tyrants, have sought my life, And have not set thee before them.
15 Emma Sen, Reb, rehimdil we shepqetlik Ilahsen, Asanliqche achchiqlanmaysen, Méhir-muhebbet hem heqiqet-sadiqliqing téship turidu.
But, thou, O My Lord, art, A God of compassion and favour, Slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness a faithfulness.
16 Men terepke burulup, shepqet körsetkeysen; Öz qulunggha küchüngni bergeysen, Dédikingning oghlini qutquzghaysen!
Turn thou unto me, and show me favour, —Give thy strength to thy servant, And save the son of thy handmaid.
17 Manga öchmenlerning uni körüp xijil bolushi üchün, Iltipatingni körsitidighan bir alametni manga körsetkin; Chünki Sen Perwerdigar, manga yardem qilding, Manga teselli bérip kelgensen.
Perform with me a token for good, —That they who hate me may see and be ashamed, In that, thou, Yahweh, hast helped me and comforted me.

< Zebur 86 >