< Zebur 78 >

1 Asaf yazghan «Masqil»: — I Méning xelqim, telimimni anglanglar, Aghzimdiki sözlerge qulaq sélinglar.
AN INSTRUCTION OF ASAPH. Give ear, O my people, to my law, Incline your ear to sayings of my mouth.
2 Men aghzimni bir temsil bilen achimen, Qedimki tépishmaqlarni élan qilimen.
I open my mouth with an allegory, I bring forth hidden things of old,
3 Biz bularni anglighan, bilgen, Ata-bowilirimiz ularni bizge éytip bergen.
That we have heard and know, And our fathers have recounted to us.
4 Biz bularni ularning ewladliridin yoshurmaymiz, Kélidighan dewrge Perwerdigarning medhiyilirini, Uning küch-qudritini, Uning qilghan karamet ishlirini bayan qilimiz.
We do not hide from their sons, Recounting praises of YHWH to a later generation, And His strength, and His wonders that He has done.
5 Chünki U Yaqupta bir agah-guwahni békitken, Israilda bir qanunni ornatqan; U ata-bowilirimizgha bularni öz perzentlirige ögitishni buyrughan;
And He raises up a testimony in Jacob, And has placed a law in Israel, That He commanded our fathers, To make them known to their sons.
6 Shundaq qilip kéler dewr, Yeni tughulidighan balilarmu bularni bilsun, Ularmu ornidin turup öz balilirigha bularni ögetsun;
So that a later generation knows, Sons who are born, rise and recount to their sons,
7 Perzentliri ümidini Xudagha baghlisun, Tengrining qilghanlirini untumisun, Belki Uning emrlirige kirsun;
And place their confidence in God, And do not forget the doings of God, But keep His commands.
8 Ular ata-bowilirigha oxshimisun dep, Yeni jahil hem asiy bir dewr, Öz qelbini durus qilmighan, Rohi Tengrige wapaliqta turmighan bir dewrge oxshimisun dep, U shundaq [buyrughandur].
And they are not like their fathers, A generation apostatizing and being rebellious, A generation—it has not prepared its heart, Nor [is] its spirit steadfast with God.
9 Mana Efraimning ewladliri, Qorallan’ghan oqyachilar bolsimu, Jeng künide septin yandi.
Sons of Ephraim—armed bearers of bow, Have turned in a day of conflict.
10 Ular Xudaning ehdisini tutmidi, Belki Uning Tewrat-qanunida méngishni ret qildi.
They have not kept the covenant of God, And they have refused to walk in His law,
11 Ular Uning qilghanlirini, Özlirige körsetken karametlirini untudi.
And they forget His doings, And His wonders that He showed them.
12 U Misirning zéminida, Zoanning dalasida, Ularning ata-bowilirining köz aldida möjizilerni körsetkenidi;
He has done wonders before their fathers, In the land of Egypt—the field of Zoan.
13 U déngizni bölüwétip, Ularni otturisidin ötküzgen; Sularni döwe-döwe qilip tiklidi.
He cleft a sea, and causes them to pass over, Indeed, He causes waters to stand as a heap.
14 U kündüzde bulut bilen, Kéchide ot nuri bilen ularni yéteklidi.
And leads them with a cloud by day, And with a light of fire all the night.
15 Chöl-bayawanda tashlarni yériwetti, Chongqur surlardin urghup chiqqandek ichimlikni mol qildi;
He cleaves rocks in a wilderness, And gives drink—as the great deep.
16 U xada tashtin östeng-éqinlarni hasil qildi, Suni deryalardek aqquzdi.
And brings out streams from a rock, And causes waters to come down as rivers.
17 Biraq ular yene Uning aldida gunah qiliwerdi, Chölde Hemmidin Aliy Bolghuchigha asiyliq qildi.
And they still add to sin against Him, To provoke the Most High in the dry place.
18 Ular könglide Tengrini sinidi, Nepsini qandurushqa yémeklikni telep qildi.
And they try God in their heart, To ask food for their lust.
19 Ular Xudani haqaretlep: — «Tengri chöl-deshtte dastixan salalamdu?
And they speak against God—they said: “Is God able to array a table in a wilderness?”
20 Mana U qoram tashni uruwidi, Sular urghup, Éqinlar bulaqtek téship chiqti; Emdi U bizge nanmu bérelemdu? Öz xelqini gösh bilen teminliyelemdu?» — déyishti.
Behold, He has struck a rock, And waters flow, indeed, streams overflow. “Also, [is] He able to give bread? Does He prepare flesh for His people?”
21 Shuning bilen Perwerdigar anglap, ghezeplendi; Yaqupqa ot tutashti, Israilgha achchiqi kötürüldi;
Therefore YHWH has heard, And He shows Himself angry, And fire has been kindled against Jacob, And anger has also gone up against Israel,
22 Chünki ular Xudagha ishenmidi, Uning nijatliqigha ular tayanmidi,
For they have not believed in God, Nor have they trusted in His salvation.
23 U ershtin bulutlarni buyrup, Asman derwazilirini achqanidi;
And He commands clouds from above, Indeed, He has opened doors of the heavens.
24 U ular üstige «manna»ni yaghdurup, Ulargha ershtiki ashliqni bergenidi;
And He rains manna on them to eat, Indeed, He has given grain of the heavens to them.
25 Shuning bilen insanlar küch igilirining nénini yégenidi; U ulargha qan’ghuche ozuqni ewetkenidi.
Each has eaten food of the mighty, He sent provision to them to satiety.
26 Emdi U asmanda sherq shamili chiqirip, Küchi bilen jenub shamilinimu élip keldi;
He causes an east wind to journey in the heavens, And leads a south wind by His strength,
27 U göshni chang-tozandek ular üstige chüshürdi, Déngizlar sahilidiki qumlardek uchar-qanatlarni yaghdurdi.
And He rains on them flesh as dust, And as sand of the seas—winged bird,
28 U bularni ularning bargahining otturisigha, Chédirlirining etrapigha chüshürdi.
And causes [it] to fall in the midst of His camp, Around His dwelling places.
29 Ular bolushiche yep toyushti, Chünki ularning nepsi tartqinini [Xuda] ulargha keltürgenidi.
And they eat, and are greatly satisfied, And He brings their desire to them.
30 Lékin ular nepsi tartqinidin téxi zérikmeyla, Göshni éghizlirida téxi chaynawatqinidila,
They have not been estranged from their desire, Their food [is] yet in their mouth,
31 Xudaning ghezipi ulargha qarita qozghaldi; U ulardin eng qametliklirini qiriwetti, Israilning serxil yashlirini yerge uruwetti.
And the anger of God has gone up against them, And He slays among their fat ones, And He caused youths of Israel to bend.
32 Mana, shundaq bolsimu, Ular yenila dawamliq gunah qiliwerdi, Uning möjizilirige téxichila ishenmidi;
With all this they have sinned again, And have not believed in His wonders.
33 Shunga U ularning künlirini bihudilikte, Yillirini dekke-dükkilik ichide tügetküzdi.
And He consumes their days in vanity, And their years in trouble.
34 U ularni öltürgili turghanda, Andin ular Uni izdidi; Ular yolidin yénip, intilip Tengrini izdidi;
If He slew them, then they sought Him, And turned back, and earnestly sought God,
35 Ular Xudaning ularning uyultéshi ikenlikini, Hemmidin Aliy Bolghuchi Tengrining ularning hemjemet-qutquzghuchisi ikenlikini ésige keltürdi.
And they remember that God [is] their rock, And God Most High their redeemer.
36 Biraq ular aghzi bilen Uninggha xushamet qildi, Tili bilen Uninggha yalghan söz qildi;
And they deceive Him with their mouth, And lie to Him with their tongue,
37 Chünki ularning köngli Uninggha sadiq bolmidi, Ular Uning ehdisini ching tutmidi.
And their heart has not been right with Him, And they have not been steadfast in His covenant.
38 Biraq U yenila rehimdil idi; Qebihlikini kechürüp, ularni yoqatmidi; U qayta-qayta Öz ghezipidin yandi, U qehrini qozghighini bilen hemmini tökmidi.
And He, the Merciful One, pardons iniquity, and does not destroy, And has often turned back His anger, And does not awaken all His fury.
39 U ularning peqet et igiliri, Ketse qaytip kelmes bir nepes ikenlikini yad etti.
And He remembers that they [are] flesh, A wind going on—and it does not return.
40 Ular chöl-deshtte shunche köp qétim Uning achchiqini keltürdi. Shunche köp qétim bayawanda könglige azar berdi!
How often do they provoke Him in the wilderness, Grieve Him in the desolate place?
41 Berheq, ular qaytidin yoldin chetnep Tengrini sinidi, Israildiki Muqeddes Bolghuchining yürikini zéde qildi.
Indeed, they turn back, and try God, And have limited the Holy One of Israel.
42 Ular Uning qolini [eslimidi]; Ularni zomigerning changgilidin hörlükke qutquzghan künini, Qandaq qilip Misirda karametlerni yaritip, Zoan dalasida möjizilerni körsetkinini ésidin chiqardi.
They have not remembered His hand The day He ransomed them from the adversary.
When He set His signs in Egypt, And His wonders in the field of Zoan,
44 U [Misirliqlarning] deryalirini, éqinlirini qan’gha aylandurup, Ularni ichelmes qilip qoydi;
And He turns their streams to blood, And they do not drink their floods.
45 Ularning arisigha neshterlik chiwinlarni top-topi bilen ewetti, Halak qilar paqilarni mangdurdi;
He sends among them the beetle, and it consumes them, And the frog, and it destroys them,
46 Ularning ziraetlirini képinek qurtlirigha tutup bérip, Mehsulatlirini chéketkilerge berdi;
And gives their increase to the caterpillar, And their labor to the locust.
47 Üzüm tallirini möldür bilen urdurup, Enjürlirini qiraw bilen üshshütiwetti.
He destroys their vine with hail, And their sycamores with frost,
48 U kalilirini möldürge soqturup, Mallirini chaqmaq otlirida [köydüriwetti].
And delivers their beasts up to the hail, And their livestock to the burning flames.
49 U ulargha ghezipining dehshetlikini — Qehrini, achchiqini hem éghir külpetlerni, Balayi’apet élip kélidighan bir türküm perishtilernimu chüshürdi.
He sends on them the fury of His anger, Wrath, and indignation, and distress—A discharge of evil messengers.
50 U Öz ghezipi üchün bir yolni tüzlep qoydi; Ularning jénini ölümdin ayimay, Belki hayatini wabagha tapshurdi;
He ponders a path for His anger, He did not keep back their soul from death, Indeed, He delivered up their life to the pestilence.
51 U Misirda barliq tunji tughulghan balilarni, Hamning chédirlirida ularning ghururi bolghan tunji oghul balilirini qiriwetti.
And He strikes every firstborn in Egypt, The first-fruit of the strong in tents of Ham.
52 U padichidek Öz xelqini Misirdin seperge atlandurup, Chöl-bayawandin ularni qoy padisidek bashlap mangdi;
And causes His people to journey as a flock, And guides them as a drove in a wilderness,
53 Ularni aman-ésen yétekligechke, Ular qorqunchtin xaliy bolup mangdi; Düshmenlirini bolsa, déngiz yutup ketti.
And He leads them confidently, And they have not been afraid, And the sea has covered their enemies.
54 U ularni Öz muqeddes zéminining chégrasigha, Ong qoli igiliwalghan bu taghliqqa élip keldi.
And He brings them to the border of His sanctuary, This mountain His right hand had acquired,
55 U ellerni ularning aldidin qoghliwétip, Zémin üstige tana tartquzup ölchep, ulargha teqsim qildi; Israil qebililirini ularning chédirlirigha olturaqlashturdi.
And casts out nations from before them, And causes them to fall in the line of inheritance, And causes the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents,
56 Biraq ular Xudani, Hemmidin Aliy Bolghuchini sinap achchiqlandurdi, Uning tapshurghan guwah-agahlirini tutmidi;
And they tempt and provoke God Most High, And have not kept His testimonies.
57 Belki ata-bowliridek yoldin téyip asiyliq qildi, Xain oqyadek qéyip ketti.
And they turn back, And deal treacherously like their fathers, They have been turned like a deceitful bow,
58 Ular égizlikte qurghan ibadetgahlar bilen Uning ghezipini qozghidi, Oyma butliri bilen Uning yürikini örtidi.
And make Him angry with their high places, And make Him zealous with their carved images,
59 Xuda ularni anglap ghezeplendi, Israildin intayin yirgendi.
God has heard, and shows Himself angry. And kicks exceedingly against Israel.
60 U Shilohdiki makanini, Yeni U insan arisida turghan chédirni tashlap ketti,
And He leaves the Dwelling Place of Shiloh, The tent He had placed among men,
61 Özining qudret belgisini bulap kétishke, Shan-sheripini ishghaliyetchilerning qoligha berdi;
And He gives His strength to captivity, And His beauty into the hand of an adversary,
62 Öz xelqini qilichqa tapshurdi, Özining mirasi bolghanlardin intayin ghezeplendi.
And delivers His people up to the sword, And showed Himself angry with His inheritance.
63 Ot ularning yigitlirini yalmidi, Qizliri toy naxshilirida maxtalmaytti.
Fire has consumed His young men, And His virgins have not been praised.
64 Ularning kahinliri qilich astida yiqildi, Lékin tul xotunliri haza tutmidi.
His priests have fallen by the sword, And their widows do not weep.
65 Andin Reb birsi uyqudin oyghandek oyghandi, Sharabtin jasaretlen’gen palwandek towlidi.
And the Lord wakes as a sleeper, As a mighty one crying aloud from wine.
66 U reqiblirini urup chékindürüp, Ularni tügimes reswagha qaldurdi.
And He strikes His adversaries backward, He has put a continuous reproach on them,
67 Yüsüpning chédirini shallap, ret qildi; Efraim qebilisini tallimidi;
And He kicks against the tent of Joseph, And has not fixed on the tribe of Ephraim.
68 Belki Yehuda qebilisini, Yaxshi körgen Zion téghini tallidi.
And He chooses the tribe of Judah, With Mount Zion that He loved,
69 [Shu yerde] muqeddes jayini tagh choqqiliridek, Yer-zéminni ebediy ornatqandek mezmut bina qildi;
And builds His sanctuary as a high place, Like the earth, He founded it for all time.
70 U Öz quli Dawutni tallap, Uni qoy qotanliridin chaqiriwaldi;
And He fixes on His servant David, And takes him from the folds of a flock,
71 Qozilirini émitidighan saghliqlarni egiship béqishtin ayrip, Uni Öz xelqi Yaqupni, mirasi bolghan Israilni béqishqa chiqardi.
He has brought him in from behind suckling ones, To rule over Jacob His people, And over Israel His inheritance.
72 Dawut ularni qelbidiki durusluqi bilen baqti, Qolining epchilliki bilen ularni yéteklidi.
And he rules them according to the integrity of his heart, And leads them by the skillfulness of his hands!

< Zebur 78 >