< Zebur 65 >

1 Neghmichilerning béshigha tapshurulup oqulsun dep, Dawut yazghan küy-naxsha: — Zionda, medhiye süküt ichide Séni kütidu, i Xuda; Sanga qilghan wede emelge ashurulidu.
TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM OF DAVID. A SONG. To You, silence [and] praise, O God, in Zion, And to You a vow is completed.
2 I, dua Anglighuchi, Séning aldinggha barliq et igiliri kélidu.
Hearer of prayer, all flesh comes to You.
3 Gunahliq ishlar, asiyliqlirimiz, [Kelkün basqandek] mendin ghalip kélidu; Lékin Sen ularni yépip kechürüm qilisen;
Matters of iniquities were mightier than I, Our transgressions—You cover them.
4 Sen tallap Özüngge yéqinlashturghan kishi némidégen bextlik! U hoyliliringda makanlishidu; Bizler Séning makaningning, yeni muqeddes ibadetxanangning berikitidin qanaet tapimiz;
O the blessedness of [him whom] You choose, And draw near, he inhabits Your courts, We are satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.
5 Sen heqqaniyliqni namayan qilidighan karamet we dehshet ishlar bilen bizge jawab, I nijatliqimiz bolghan Xuda, Pütkül yer-déngizlarning chet-chetliridikilergiche tayanchi Bolghuchi!
By fearful things in righteousness You answer us, O God of our salvation, The confidence of all far off The ends of the earth and sea.
6 Béling qudret bilen baghlan’ghan bolup, Küchüng bilen taghlarni berpa qilghansen;
Establishing mountains by His power, He has been girded with might,
7 Déngizlarning örkeshligen shawqunlirini, Dolqunlarning shawqunlirini, Hemde ellerning chuqanlirini tinjitquchisen!
Restraining the noise of seas, the noise of their billows, And the multitude of the peoples.
8 Jahanning chet-chetliride turuwatqanlar karametliringdin qorqidu; Sen künchiqishtikilerni, künpétishtikilerni shadlandurisen;
And the inhabitants of the uttermost parts Are afraid from Your signs, You cause the outgoings of morning and evening to sing.
9 Yer yüzining [ghémini yep] yoqlap kélip, uni sughirisen, Uni tolimu munbetleshtürisen. Xudaning derya-ériqliri sugha tolghandur; Shundaq qilip sularni teyyarlap, Kishilerni ashliq bilen teminleysen.
You have inspected the earth, and water it, You make it very rich, the stream of God [is] full of water, You prepare their grain, When thus You prepare it,
10 Térilghu étizlarning chöneklirini sugha qandurisen, Qirlirini tarashlaysen, Tupraqni mol yéghinlar bilen yumshitisen; Uningda ün’genlerni beriketleysen.
Its ridges have been filled, Its furrow has been deepened, You soften it with showers, Its springing up You bless.
11 Sen németliringni yilning hosuligha taj qilip qoshup bérisen; Qedemliringdin bayashatliq heryan’gha tamidu;
You have crowned the year of Your goodness, And Your paths drop fatness.
12 Daladiki yaylaqlarghimu tamidu; Tagh-dawanlar shat-xoramliqni özlirige belwagh qilidu;
The pastures of a wilderness drop, And You gird the hills with joy.
13 Köklemler qoy padiliri bilen kiyin’gen, Jilghilar maysilargha qaplinidu; Ular xushalliq bilen tentene qilidu, Berheq, ular naxshilarni yangritishidu!
The meadows are clothed with the flock, And valleys are covered with grain, They shout—indeed, they sing!

< Zebur 65 >