< Zebur 22 >

1 Neghmichilerning béshigha tapshurulup, «Ayjelet-xashshahar» (tang seherde kelgen medet) dégen ahangda oqulsun dep, Dawut yazghan küy: — «Ah Ilahim, Ilahim, némishqa mendin waz kechting? Sen némishqa méni qutquzushtin shunche yiraqsen? Némishqa qattiq peryadlirimdin shunche yiraq turisen,
“To the chief musician upon Ayeleth-hashachar, a psalm of David.” My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from saving me, and from the words of my loud complaint?
2 Xudayim, kündüzde nida qildim, lékin Sen héch jawab qilmaysen; Kéchidimu men shundaq peryad qilishtin aram alalmaymen.
O my God! I call in the day-time, but thou answerest not; and in the night I find no rest.
3 Biraq i Israilning medhiyilirini öz makaning qilghuchi, Sen dégen pak-muqeddestursen!
But thou art holy, O thou that dwellest amidst the praises of Israel.
4 Ata-bowilirimiz séni tayanchi qilghan, Ular sanga tayan’ghan, sen ularni qutquzghan.
In thee did our fathers trust: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.
5 Ular Sanga nida qilishliri bilen qutulghan; Sanga tayinish bilen ularning ümidi héch yerde qalghan emes.
Unto thee they cried, and were delivered: in thee they trusted, and were not put to shame.
6 Biraq men bolsam adem emes, bir qurtmen, Insan teripidin [töhmet bilen] reswayialem qilin’ghanmen, Xalayiq teripidin kemsitilgenmen.
But I am a worm, and not a man, a reproach of men, and despised of people.
7 Méni körgenlerning hemmisi mazaq qilip külidu, Bashlirini silkiship aghzilirini pürüshtürüp:
All those who see me laugh me to scorn: they draw open their lips, they shake their head, [saying, ]
8 «U Perwerdigargha özini tapshurghan emesmu?! Emdi Perwerdigar uni qutquzsun! Perwerdigar uningdin xursen bolsa eger, Uni qutuldursun!» — déyishidu.
“Let him throw himself on the Lord, that he may deliver him: he will save him, for he delighteth in him.”
9 Biraq méni apamning qorsiqidin chiqarghuchi özüngdursen; Hetta emchektiki waqtimdimu méni özüngge tayandurghansen;
Yea, thou art he that took me from the womb: thou hast been my trust when I hung on my mother's breasts.
10 Tughulghinimdin tartipla, men özümni qoynunggha tashlighanmen; Anamning baliyatqusidiki waqtimdila, Sen méning Tengrim bolup kelgensen.
Upon thee was I cast from my birth: from my mother's womb art thou my God.
11 Mendin yiraqlashma; Chünki riyazet méni qistap keldi; Manga yardemde bolghuchi yoqtur.
Oh be not far from me [now]; for distress is near; for there is none to help.
12 Nurghun buqilar méni qorshiwaldi; Bashanning küchlük buqiliri méni oriwaldi;
Many steers have encompassed me: the strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
13 Ular ademni titma qilghuchi hörkirewatqan shirdek, Aghzilirni chong échip manga tikilip turidu.
They have opened wide against me their mouth, [as] a ravenous and roaring lion.
14 Men tökülgen sudek boldum, Hemme söngeklirim izidin chiqip ketti; Yürikim momdek érip ketti, Ich-baghrimda zeipliship érip ketti.
Like water am I poured out, and all my bones are disjointed: my heart is become like wax, it is melted in the midst of my entrails.
15 Qaghjirap ketken sapal parchisidek maghdurum qalmidi, Tilim tangliyimgha chapliship ketti, Sen [Perwerdigar] méni ölümning topa-changlirigha qoyghansen.
Like a potsherd is my strength dried up; and my tongue cleaveth to my palate; and into the dust of death hast thou laid me down.
16 Ghaljir itlar manga olashti, Bir top reziller méni qistap kélip, Méning qolum we putumni sanjip teshti.
For dogs have encompassed me; the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: like lions [they threaten] my hands and my feet.
17 Söngeklirimning hemmisini saniyalaymen, [Ustixanlirim] manga tikilip qarap turghandek qilidu.
I may number all my bones: [while] they stare and look upon me.
18 Ular kiyimlirimni öz arisida üleshtürüwatidu, Könglikimge érishish üchün chek tashlishiwatidu.
They divide my clothes among themselves, and for my garment do they cast lots.
19 Biraq, i Perwerdigar, mendin yiraqlashma! I Küch-Qudritim bolghuchim, yardemge téz kelgeysen!
But thou, O Lord, be not far from me: O [thou who art] my strength, hasten to my aid.
20 Jénimni qilichtin qutquzghin, Méning yalghuz jénimni itning changgilidin qutuldurghin.
Deliver from the sword my life, from the power of the dog my solitary soul.
21 Méni shirning aghzidin qutquzghin; Shundaq, Sen iltijalirimni ijabet qilip yawa kalilarning münggüzliridin qutquzghansen!
Save me from the lion's mouth; as thou hast answered me from the horns of the reem.
22 Men Séning namingni qérindashlirimgha élan qilimen; Chong jamaet ichide turup Sanga bolghan medhiyilirimni jakarlaymen;
I will relate thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
23 Perwerdigardin eymen’güchiler, Uni medhiyilenglar! Yaqupning barliq nesilliri, Uninggha shan-sherep keltürünglar! Israilning pütün ewladliri, Uningdin eymininglar.
Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and be in dread of him, all ye the seed of Israel.
24 Chünki U ézilgüchining ashu xarlinishlirini neziridin saqit qilghan emes, Yaki Uningdin héch yirgen’gen emes; Uningdin Öz wisalini héch yoshurghan emes; Belki U iltija qilip awazini kötürginide, Uninggha qulaq sélip anglighan.
For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poor; neither hath he hidden his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.
25 Chong jamaet ichide manga oqulghan medhiyiler Özüngdindur, Xudadin eymen’güchilerning aldida ichken qesemlirimni ishqa ashurimen;
Of thee shall be my praise in a great assembly: my vows will I pay in the presence of those who fear him.
26 Ajiz möminler qorsiqi toyghuche tamaqlinidu; Perwerdigarni izdigenler Uni medhiyeleydu; Silerning qelbinglar menggü yashnaydu!
The meek shall eat and be satisfied; they who seek him shall praise the Lord: may your heart live for ever.
27 Zéminning eng chétidikilermu bu ishni qelbide tutup, towa qilip Perwerdigarning aldigha kélidu; El-milletlerning barliq jemetliri aldingda ibadet qilidu;
All the ends of the world shall remember and return unto the Lord: and all the families of the nations shall bow themselves down before thee.
28 Chünki padishahliq Perwerdigarghila tewedur; U el-milletler arisida höküm sürgüchidur.
For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he governeth the nations.
29 Jahandiki baylarmu Uning aldidin yep-ichip, ibadet qilidu; Tupraqqa kirey dep qalghanlarmu, hetta öz jénini saqliyalmaydighanlarmu Uninggha sejde qilidu;
All they that eat the fat of the earth shall bow themselves down; before him shall bend the knee all that are going down into the dust; for none can keep alive his own soul.
30 Kelgüsidiki bir ewlad Uning xizmitide bolidu; Bu ewlad Reb üchün Öz perzentliri hésablinidu.
Distant ages shall serve him; there shall be related of the Lord unto future generations.
31 Kéyin ular kélip, shu chaghda tughulidighan bir qowmgha Uning heqqaniyliqini jakarlap shuni élan qiliduki, «U buni emelge ashurdi!»
They will come, and will tell his righteousness unto a people yet unborn, that he hath done this.

< Zebur 22 >