< Zebur 145 >

1 Medhiye: Dawut yazghan küy: — Men Séni medhiyilep ulughlaymen, Xudayim, i Padishah; Naminggha ebedil’ebedgiche teshekkür-medhiye qayturimen.
“A hymn of praise by David.” I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.
2 Herküni Sanga teshekkür-medhiye qayturimen, Naminggha ebedil’ebedgiche teshekkür-medhiye qayturimen!
Every day will I bless thee, and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.
3 Ulughdur Perwerdigar, zor medhiyilerge layiqtur! Uning ulughluqini sürüshtürüp bolghili bolmas;
Great is the Lord, and greatly praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.
4 Bir dewr yéngi bir dewrge Séning qilghanliringni maxtaydu; Ular qudretlik qilghanliringni jakarlaydu;
One generation shall praise thy works to the other, and thy mighty acts shall they declare.
5 Men heywitingning shereplik julaliqini, We karamet möjiziliringni séghinip sözleymen;
On the majestic glory of thy excellence, and on thy wondrous deeds will I meditate.
6 : Shuning bilen ular qorqunchluq ishliringning qudritini bayan qilidu; Menmu ulugh emelliringni jakarlaymen!
And of the might of thy terrible acts shall men converse: and thy greatness will I relate.
7 Ular zor méhribanliqingni eslep, uni mubareklep tarqitidu, Heqqanliyliqing toghruluq yuqiri awazda küyleydu.
The memorial of thy abundant goodness shall they loudly proclaim, and they shall sing joyfully of thy righteousness.
8 Perwerdigar méhir-shepqetlik hem rehimdildur; Asan ghezeplenmeydu, U zor méhir-muhebbetliktur;
Gracious and merciful is the Lord, long-suffering, and great in kindness.
9 Perwerdigar hemmige méhribandur; Uning rehimdilliqliri barche yaratqanlirining üstididur;
The Lord is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works.
10 Séning barliq yasighanliring Séni medhiyileydu, i Perwerdigar, Séning mömin bendiliring Sanga teshekkür-medhiye qayturidu.
All thy works shall thank thee, O Lord; and thy pious servants shall bless thee.
11 Ular padishahliqingning sheripidin xewer yetküzidu, Küch-qudritingni sözleydu;
Of the glory of thy kingdom shall they converse, and of thy might shall they speak:
12 Shundaq qilip insan balilirigha qudretlik ishliring, Padishahliqingning shereplik heywisi ayan qilinidu.
To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom.
13 Séning padishahliqing ebediy padishahliqtur, Selteniting ewladtin-ewladqichidur.
Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all eternities, and thy dominion [subsisteth] throughout all generations.
14 Perwerdigar yiqilay dégenlerning hemmisini yöleydu, Égilip qalghanlarning hemmisini turghuzidu.
The Lord upholdeth all who are falling, and raiseth up all those who are bowed down.
15 Hemmeylenning közliri Sanga tikilip kütidu; Ulargha öz waqtida rizqini teqsim qilip bérisen;
The eyes of all wait hopefully upon thee, and thou givest them their food in its due season.
16 Qolungni échishing bilenla, Barliq jan igilirining arzusini qandurisen.
Thou openest thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
17 Perwerdigar barliq yollirida heqqaniydur, Yasighanlirining hemmisige muhebbetliktur.
Righteous is the Lord in all his ways, and beneficent in all his works.
18 Perwerdigar Özige nida qilghanlarning hemmisige yéqindur, Özige heqiqette nida qilghanlarning hemmisige yéqindur;
The Lord is nigh unto all those who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
19 U Özidin eyminidighanlarning arzusini emelge ashuridu; Ularning peryadini anglap ularni qutquzidu.
The desire of those who fear him will he fulfill, and their cry will he hear, and save them.
20 Perwerdigar Özini söygenlerning hemmisidin xewer alidu; Rezillerning hemmisini yoqitidu.
The Lord preserveth all those who love him; but all the wicked will he destroy.
21 Aghzim Perwerdigarning medhiyisini éytidu; Barliq et igiliri ebedil’ebed uning muqeddes namigha teshekkür-medhiye qayturghay!
The praise of the Lord shall my mouth speak: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.

< Zebur 145 >