< Zebur 129 >

1 «Yuqirigha chiqish naxshisi» «Yashliqimdin tartip ular köp qétim méni xar qilip keldi» — — Ah, Israil hazir buni désun —
A SONG OF THE ASCENTS. Often they distressed me from my youth, Pray, let Israel say:
2 «Ular yashliqimdin tartip köp qétim méni xar qilip keldi, Biraq üstümdin ghelibe qilghan emes.
Often they distressed me from my youth, Yet they have not prevailed over me.
3 Qosh heydigüchiler dümbemde heydigen, Chöneklirini intayin uzun tartqan».
Plowers have plowed over my back, They have made their furrows long.
4 Perwerdigar heqqaniydur; U rezillerning asaretlirini sunduruwetti;
YHWH [is] righteous, He has cut apart cords of the wicked.
5 Ular shermende bolup arqisigha yandurulsun, Ziondin nepretlinidighanlarning hemmisi!
All hating Zion [are] confounded and turn backward.
6 Ular ögzide ünüp chiqqan chöptek bolsun; Üzülmey turupla soliship kétidighan;
They are as grass of the roofs, That withers before it was drawn out,
7 Ot-chöp orighuchigha uningdin bir tutammu chiqmaydu; Bagh baghlighuchigha bir quchaqmu chiqmaydu;
That has not filled the hand of a reaper, And the bosom of a binder of sheaves.
8 Ötüp kétiwatqanlarmu: «Perwerdigarning berikiti üstünglarda bolghay; Perwerdigarning nami bilen silerge bext tileymiz!» — dégen salamni héch bermeydu.
And the passers by have not said, “The blessing of YHWH [is] on you, We blessed you in the Name of YHWH!”

< Zebur 129 >