< Zebur 119 >

1 (Alef) Yolda mukemmel bolghanlar, Perwerdigar Tewrat-qanunida mangidighanlar bextliktur!
Alleluia. Blessid ben men with out wem in the weie; that gon in the lawe of the Lord.
2 Uning agah-guwahlirini tutqanlar, Uni chin qelbi bilen izdigenler,
Blessid ben thei, that seken hise witnessingis; seken him in al the herte.
3 Héchbir heqsizliqni qilmighanlar bextliktur! Ular uning yollirida mangidu.
For thei that worchen wickidnesse; yeden not in hise weies.
4 Körsetmiliringge estayidil emel qilishimiz üchün, Özüng ularni békitkensen.
Thou hast comaundid; that thin heestis be kept greetly.
5 Ah, yollirimning yönilishi belgilimiliringge emel qilishqa békitilgey!
I wolde that my weies be dressid; to kepe thi iustifiyngis.
6 Shuning bilen barliq emr-permanliringni etiwarlisam, Men yerge qarap qalmaymen.
Thanne Y schal not be schent; whanne Y schal biholde perfitli in alle thin heestis.
7 Séning heqqaniy hökümliringni öginip, Durus köngüldin Sanga teshekkür éytimen.
I schal knouleche to thee in the dressing of herte; in that that Y lernyde the domes of thi riytfulnesse.
8 Men belgilimiliringni choqum tutimen; Méni pütünley tashliwetmigeysen!
I schal kepe thi iustifiyngis; forsake thou not me on ech side.
9 (Bet) Yash bir yigit qandaq qilip öz yolini pak tutalaydu? Séning söz-kalamingni anglap emel qilish bilenla.
In what thing amendith a yong waxinge man his weie? in keping thi wordis.
10 Pütün qelbim bilen men Séni izdidim; Méni emrliringdin adashturmighaysen;
In al myn herte Y souyte thee; putte thou me not awei fro thin heestis.
11 Gunah qilip Sanga qarshi chiqmasliqim üchün, Sözüngni könglümge mehkem püküwaldim.
In myn herte Y hidde thi spechis; that Y do not synne ayens thee.
12 Mubarekdursen Perwerdigar, Manga Öz belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Lord, thou art blessid; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
13 Lewlirim bilen men bayan qilimen, Aghzingdiki barliq hökümliringni.
In my lippis Y haue pronounsid; alle the domes of thi mouth.
14 Türlük bayliqlardin shadlan’ghandek, Agah-guwahliqliringgha egeshken yolda shadlandim.
I delitide in the weie of thi witnessingis; as in alle richessis.
15 Men körsetmiliring üstide séghinip oylinimen; Izliringgha qarap oylinimen.
I schal be ocupied in thin heestis; and Y schal biholde thi weies.
16 Belgilimiliringni xursenlik dep bilimen; Söz-kalamingni untumaymen.
I schal bithenke in thi iustifiyngis; Y schal not foryete thi wordis.
17 (Gimel) Qulunggha méhribanliqni körsetkeysen, shuning bilen men yashaymen, Kalaminggha boysunimen.
Yelde to thi seruaunt; quiken thou me, and Y schal kepe thi wordis.
18 Tewrat-qanunungdin karamet sirlarni körüshüm üchün, Közlirimni achqaysen!
Liytne thou myn iyen; and Y schal biholde the merueils of thi lawe.
19 Men bu dunyada musapirmen; Emrliringni mendin yoshurmighaysen.
I am a comeling in erthe; hide thou not thin heestis fro me.
20 Hökümliringge herqachan intizar bolup, Yürikim ézilip kétey dep qaldi.
Mi soule coueitide to desire thi iustifiyngis; in al tyme.
21 Sen lenetke buyrulghan tekebburlargha tenbih bérisen, Ular emrliringdin adiship kétidu.
Thou blamedist the proude; thei ben cursid, that bowen awei fro thin heestis.
22 Mendin ahanet hem mesxirini yiraqqa ketküzgeysen; Chünki agah-guwahliqliringni tutimen.
Do thou awei `fro me schenschipe and dispising; for Y souyte thi witnessingis.
23 Emirler olturup yaman gépimni qilishmaqta; Séning qulung bolsa belgilimiliring üstide séghinip oylaydu.
For whi princis saten, and spaken ayens me; but thi seruaunt was exercisid in thi iustifiyngis.
24 Séning agah-guwahliqliring méning xursenlikim, Méning meslihetchilirimdur.
For whi and thi witnessyngis is my thenkyng; and my counsel is thi iustifiyngis.
25 (Dalet) Méning jénim tupraqqa yépishqan; Söz-kalaming boyiche méni yéngilandurghaysen.
Mi soule cleuede to the pawment; quykine thou me bi thi word.
26 Öz yollirimni aldingda ochuq bayan qildim, Sen manga jawab berding; Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
I telde out my weies, and thou herdist me; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
27 Méni körsetmiliringning yolini chüshinidighan qilghaysen, Andin men karametliring üstide séghinip oylinimen.
Lerne thou me the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal be exercisid in thi merueils.
28 Jénim qayghu bilen érip kétidu; Söz-kalaming boyiche méni küchlendürgeysen.
Mi soule nappide for anoye; conferme thou me in thi wordis.
29 Mendin aldamchi yolni néri qilghaysen; Shepqet qilip manga Tewrat-qanunungni béghishlighaysen;
Remoue thou fro me the weie of wickidnesse; and in thi lawe haue thou merci on me.
30 Men heqiqet-sadaqet yolini talliwaldim; Hökümliringni aldimda qoydum.
I chees the weie of treuthe; Y foryat not thi domes.
31 Agah-guwahliringni ching tutimen; Perwerdigar, méni uyatqa qaldurmighaysen.
Lord, Y cleuede to thi witnessyngis; nyle thou schende me.
32 Sen méning qelbimni keng-azade qilishing bilen, Emrliring yoligha egiship yügürimen.
I ran the weie of thi comaundementis; whanne thou alargidist myn herte.
33 (Xé) I Perwerdigar, belgilimiliringning yolini manga ayan qilghaysen; Men uni axirghiche tutimen.
Lord, sette thou to me a lawe, the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal seke it euere.
34 Méni yorutqaysen, men Tewrat-qanunungni tutimen, Shundaqla pütün qelbim bilen uninggha emel qilimen.
Yyue thou vndurstonding to me, and Y schal seke thi lawe; and Y schal kepe it in al myn herte.
35 Méni emrliringning yolida mangidighan qilghaysen; Chünki ularni xursenlik dep bilimen.
Lede me forth in the path of thin heestis; for Y wolde it.
36 Méning qelbimni shexsiy menpeetke emes, Belki agah-guwahliqliringgha mayil qilghaysen.
`Bowe thou myn herte in to thi witnessingus; and not in to aueryce.
37 Közlirimni saxtini körüshtin yandurghaysen; Méni yolungda janlandurghaysen;
Turne thou awei myn iyen, that `tho seen not vanyte; quykene thou me in thi weie.
38 Sen qulunggha bolghan wedengni emelge ashurghaysen; Shuning bilen xeqler Sendin eyminidu.
Ordeyne thi speche to thi seruaunt; in thi drede.
39 Men qorqqan shermendilikni néri ketküzgeysen; Chünki Séning hökümliring eladur.
Kitte awey my schenschip, which Y supposide; for thi domes ben myrie.
40 Mana, men körsetmiliringge teshna bolup keldim; Öz heqqaniyitingde méni janlandurghaysen;
Lo! Y coueitide thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thin equite.
41 : (Waw) We méhir-muhebbetliring yénimgha kelsun, i Perwerdigar; Wedeng boyiche nijatliqing yénimgha kelsun;
And, Lord, thi merci come on me; thin heelthe come bi thi speche.
42 Shunda mende méni mesxire qilghuchigha bergüdek jawab bolidu; Chünki sözüngge tayinimen.
And Y schal answere a word to men seiynge schenschipe to me; for Y hopide in thi wordis.
43 We aghzimdin heqiqetning sözini élip tashlimighaysen; Chünki hökümliringge ümid baghlidim;
And take thou not awei fro my mouth the word of treuthe outerli; for Y hopide aboue in thi domes.
44 Shunda men Séning Tewrat-qanunungni her qachan tutimen, Berheq, ebedil’ebedgiche tutimen;
And Y schal kepe thi lawe euere; in to the world, and in to the world of world.
45 Shunda men azadilikte mangimen; Chünki körsetmiliringni izdidim.
And Y yede in largenesse; for Y souyte thi comaundementis.
46 Shunda men padishahlar aldida agah-guwahliqliring toghruluq sözleymen, Bu ishlarda men yerge qarap qalmaymen.
And Y spak of thi witnessyngis in the siyt of kingis; and Y was not schent.
47 We emrliringni xursenlik dep bilimen, Chünki ularni söyüp keldim;
And Y bithouyte in thin heestis; whiche Y louede.
48 Men söyüp kelgen emrliringge qollirimni sozup intilimen, We belgilimiliring üstide séghinip oylinimen.
And Y reiside myn hondis to thi comaundementis, whiche Y louede; and Y schal be excercisid in thi iustifiyngis.
49 (Zain) Sen qulunggha bergen sözüngni, Yeni manga ümid béghishlighan kalamingni esligeysen.
Lord, haue thou mynde on thi word to thi seruaunt; in which word thou hast youe hope to me.
50 U bolsa derdimge bolghan tesellidur; Chünki söz-wedeng méni janlandurdi.
This coumfortide me in my lownesse; for thi word quikenede me.
51 Tekebburlar esheddiy haqaretligini bilen, Lékin Tewrat-qanunungdin héch chetnimidim.
Proude men diden wickidli bi alle thingis; but Y bowide not awei fro thi lawe.
52 Qedimde békitilgen hökümliringni yadimgha keltürdüm, i Perwerdigar, Shundaq qilip özümge teselli berdim.
Lord, Y was myndeful on thi domes fro the world; and Y was coumfortid.
53 Tewrat-qanunungni tashliwetken reziller wejidin, Otluq ghezep mende qaynap tashti.
Failing helde me; for synneris forsakinge thi lawe.
54 Musapir bolup turghan jayimda, Körsetmiliring méning naxshilirim boldi.
Thi iustifiyngis weren delitable to me to be sungun; in the place of my pilgrimage.
55 Kéchide, i Perwerdigar, namingni eslep yürdum, Tewrat-qanunungni tutup keldim.
Lord, Y hadde mynde of thi name bi niyt; and Y kepte thi lawe.
56 Men buninggha nésip boldum, Chünki men körsetmiliringke itaet qilip keldim.
This thing was maad to me; for Y souyte thi iustifiyngis.
57 (Xet) Özüng méning nésiwemdursen, i Perwerdigar; «Séning söz-kalamingni tutay» — dédim.
Lord, my part; Y seide to kepe thi lawe.
58 Men pütün qelbim bilen didaringgha intilip yélindim; Wedeng boyiche manga shapaet körsetkeysen.
I bisouyte thi face in al myn herte; haue thou merci on me bi thi speche.
59 Men yolliring üstide oylandim, Ayaghlirimni agah-guwahliqliringgha qaritip buridim.
I bithouyte my weies; and Y turnede my feet in to thi witnessyngis.
60 Men aldiridim, héch kéchikmidim, Séning emrliringge emel qilishqa.
I am redi, and Y am not disturblid; to kepe thi comaundementis.
61 Rezillerning asaretliri méni chirmiwalghini bilen, Men Tewrat-qanunungni héch untumidim.
The coordis of synneris han biclippid me; and Y haue not foryete thi lawe.
62 Heqqaniy hökümliring üchün, Tün kéchide teshekkür éytqili qopimen.
At mydnyyt Y roos to knouleche to thee; on the domes of thi iustifiyngis.
63 Men Sendin qorqidighanlarning, Körsetmiliringge egeshkenlerning hemmisining ülpitidurmen.
I am parcener of alle that dreden thee; and kepen thin heestis.
64 Jahan, i Perwerdigar, Séning özgermes muhebbiting bilen toldi; Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Lord, the erthe is ful of thi merci; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
65 (Tet) Söz-kalaming boyiche, i Perwerdigar, Öz qulunggha méhribanliqni körsitip kelgensen.
Lord, thou hast do goodnesse with thi seruaunt; bi thi word.
66 Manga obdan perq étishni we bilimni ögetkeysen; Chünki men emrliringge ishendim.
Teche thou me goodnesse, and loore, and kunnyng; for Y bileuede to thin heestis.
67 Men azabqa uchrashtin burun yoldin azghan, Biraq hazir sözüngni tutimen.
Bifor that Y was maad meke, Y trespasside; therfor Y kepte thi speche.
68 Sen méhribandursen, méhribanliq qilisen, Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Thou art good; and in thi goodnesse teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
69 Tekebburlar manga qara chaplashti; Biraq körsetmiliringge pütün qelbim bilen itaet qilimen.
The wickidnesse of hem that ben proude, is multiplied on me; but in al myn herte Y schal seke thin heestis.
70 Ularning qelbi tuymas bolup ketti; Biraq men bolsam Tewrat-qanunungni xursenlik dep bilimen.
The herte of hem is cruddid as mylk; but Y bithouyte thi lawe.
71 Azabqa uchrighinim yaxshi boldi, Shuning bilen belgilimiliringni ögendim.
It is good to me, that thou hast maad me meke; that Y lerne thi iustifiyngis.
72 Men üchün aghzingdiki qanun-telim, Minglighan altun-kümüsh tenggidin ewzeldur.
The lawe of thi mouth is betere to me; than thousyndis of gold and of siluer.
73 (Yod) Séning qolliring méni yasighan, méni mustehkemlidi; Méni yorutqaysen, emrliringni öginimen.
Thin hondis maden me, and fourmeden me; yyue thou vndurstondyng to me, that Y lerne thin heestis.
74 Sendin eyminidighanlar méni körüp shadlinidu; Chünki men söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlap keldim.
Thei that dreden thee schulen se me, and schulen be glad; for Y hopide more on thi wordis.
75 I Perwerdigar, Séning hökümliringning heqqaniy ikenlikini, Wapadarliqingdin méni azabqa salghiningni bilimen.
Lord, Y knewe, that thi domes ben equite; and in thi treuth thou hast maad me meke.
76 Ah, qulunggha bergen wedeng boyiche, Özgermes muhebbiting teselliyim bolsun.
Thi merci be maad, that it coumforte me; bi thi speche to thi seruaunt.
77 Méning yashishim üchün, Rehimdilliqliring yénimgha kelsun; Chünki Tewrat-qanunung méning xursenlikimdur.
Thi merciful doyngis come to me, and Y schal lyue; for thi lawe is my thenkyng.
78 Tekebburlar xijalette qalsun; Chünki ular manga yalghanchiliq bilen tetürlük qilghan; Men bolsam, körsetmiliring üstide séghinip oylinimen.
Thei that ben proude be schent, for vniustli thei diden wickidnesse ayens me; but Y schal be exercisid in thin heestis.
79 Sendin eyminidighanlar men terepke burulup kelsun; Agah-guwahliqliringni bilgenlermu shundaq bolsun.
Thei that dreden thee be turned to me; and thei that knowen thi witnessyngis.
80 Könglüm belgilimiliringde mukemmel bolsun; Shuning bilen yerge qarap qalmaymen.
Myn herte be maad vnwemmed in thi iustifiyngis; that Y be not schent.
81 (Kaf) Jénim nijatliqinggha telmürüp halidin kétey dewatidu; Men söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlidim.
Mi soule failide in to thin helthe; and Y hopide more on thi word.
82 Közüm söz-wedengge telmürüp tügishey dédi, «Sen qachanmu manga teselli bérersen» — dep.
Myn iyen failiden in to thi speche; seiynge, Whanne schalt thou coumforte me?
83 Chünki men islinip qurup ketken tulumdek boldum, Biraq belgilimiliringni untumaymen.
For Y am maad as a bowge in frost; Y haue not foryete thi iustifiyngis.
84 Qulungning künliri qanche bolidu? Manga ziyankeshlik qilghanlarni qachan jazalaysen?
Hou many ben the daies of thi seruaunt; whanne thou schalt make doom of hem that pursuen me?
85 Tekebburlar manga orilarni kolighan; Bu ishlar Tewratinggha muxaliptur;
Wickid men telden to me ianglyngis; but not as thi lawe.
86 Séning barliq emrliring ishenchliktur; Ular yolsizliq bilen méni qistimaqta; Manga yardem qilghaysen!
Alle thi comaundementis ben treuthe; wickid men han pursued me, helpe thou me.
87 Ular méni yer yüzidin yoqatqili qil qaldi; Biraq men bolsam, körsetmiliringdin waz kechmidim.
Almeest thei endiden me in erthe; but I forsook not thi comaundementis.
88 Özgermes muhebbiting boyiche méni janlandurghaysen, We aghzingdiki agah-guwahliqliringni tutimen.
Bi thi mersi quikene thou me; and Y schal kepe the witnessingis of thi mouth.
89 (Lamed) Menggüge, i Perwerdigar, Söz-kalaming ershlerde békitilgendur.
Lord, thi word dwellith in heuene; with outen ende.
90 Séning sadaqiting dewrdin-dewrgichidur; Sen yer-zéminni muqim békitkensen, u mewjut bolup turidu.
Thi treuthe dwellith in generacioun, and in to generacioun; thou hast foundid the erthe, and it dwellith.
91 Séning höküm-qanuniyetliring bilen bular bügünki kündimu turidu; Chünki barliq mewjudatlar Séning xizmitingdidur.
The dai lastith contynueli bi thi ordynaunce; for alle thingis seruen to thee.
92 Séning Tewrat-qanunung xursenlikim bolmighan bolsa, Azabimda yoqap kéter idim.
No but that thi lawe was my thenking; thanne perauenture Y hadde perischid in my lownesse.
93 Men Séning körsetmiliringni hergiz untumaymen; Chünki mushular arqiliq manga hayatliq berding;
With outen ende Y schal not foryete thi iustifiyngis; for in tho thou hast quikened me.
94 Men Séningkidurmen, méni qutquzghaysen; Chünki men körsetmiliringni izdep keldim.
I am thin, make thou me saaf; for Y haue souyt thi iustifiyngis.
95 Reziller méni halak qilishni kütmekte; Biraq men agah-guwahliringni könglümde tutup oylaymen.
Synneris aboden me, for to leese me; Y vndurstood thi witnessingis.
96 Men hemme mukemmellikning chéki bar dep bilip yettim; Biraq Séning emr-kalaming cheksiz kengdur!
I siy the ende of al ende; thi comaundement is ful large.
97 (Mem) Ah, méning Tewrat-qanununggha bolghan muhebbitim neqeder chongqurdur! Kün boyi u méning séghinip oylaydighinimdur.
Lord, hou louede Y thi lawe; al dai it is my thenking.
98 Emrliring herdaim men bilen bille turghachqa, Méni düshmenlirimdin dana qilidu;
Aboue myn enemyes thou madist me prudent bi thi comaundement; for it is to me with outen ende.
99 Barliq ustazlirimdin köp yorutulghanmen, Chünki agah-guwahliring séghinishimdur.
I vndurstood aboue alle men techinge me; for thi witnessingis is my thenking.
100 Men qérilardin köprek chüshinimen, Chünki körsetmiliringge itaet qilip keldim.
I vndirstood aboue eelde men; for Y souyte thi comaundementis.
101 Söz-kalaminggha emel qilishim üchün, Ayaghlirimni hemme yaman yoldin tarttim.
I forbeed my feet fro al euel weie; that Y kepe thi wordis.
102 Hökümliringdin héch chiqmidim; Chünki manga ögetken Sen özüngdursen.
I bowide not fro thi domes; for thou hast set lawe to me.
103 Sözliring tilimgha shunche shérin tétiydu! Aghzimda heseldin tatliqtur!
Thi spechis ben ful swete to my cheekis; aboue hony to my mouth.
104 Körsetmiliringdin men yorutuldum; Shunga barliq saxta yolni öch körimen.
I vnderstood of thin heestis; therfor Y hatide al the weie of wickidnesse.
105 (Nun) Söz-kalaming ayighim aldidiki chiragh, Yolumgha nurdur.
Thi word is a lanterne to my feet; and liyt to my pathis.
106 Qesem ichtim, emel qilimenki, Men heqqaniy hökümliringni tutimen.
I swoor, and purposide stidefastli; to kepe the domes of thi riytfulnesse.
107 Zor azab-oqubetlerni chektim, i Perwerdigar; Söz-kalaming boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
I am maad low bi alle thingis; Lord, quykene thou me bi thi word.
108 Qobul qilghaysen, i Perwerdigar, aghzimdiki xalis qurbanliqlarni, Manga hökümliringni ögetkeysen.
Lord, make thou wel plesinge the wilful thingis of my mouth; and teche thou me thi domes.
109 Jénimni aliqinimda daim élip yürimen, Biraq Tewrat-qanunungni peqet untumaymen.
Mi soule is euere in myn hondis; and Y foryat not thi lawe.
110 Reziller men üchün qiltaq qurdi; Biraq körsetmiliringdin adashmidim.
Synneris settiden a snare to me; and Y erride not fro thi comaundementis.
111 Agah-guwahliqliringni miras qilip menggüge qobul qildim; Chünki ular könglümning shadliqidur.
I purchasside thi witnessyngis bi eritage with outen ende; for tho ben the ful ioiyng of myn herte.
112 Men könglümni belgilimiliringge menggüge [emel qilishqa], Yeni axirghiche emel qilishqa mayil qildim.
I bowide myn herte to do thi iustifiyngis with outen ende; for reward.
113 (Sameq) Ala köngüllerni öch körüp keldim; Söyginim bolsa, Tewrat-qanunungdur.
I hatide wickid men; and Y louede thi lawe.
114 Sen méning dalda jayim, méning qalqanimdursen; Söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlidim.
Thou art myn helpere, and my `taker vp; and Y hopide more on thi word.
115 Men Xudayimning emrlirige emel qilishim üchün, Mendin néri bolunglar, i rezillik qilghuchilar!
Ye wickide men, bowe awei fro me; and Y schal seke the comaundementis of my God.
116 Yashishim üchün, Wedeng boyiche méni yöligeysen; Ümidimning aldida méni yerge qaratmighaysen.
Vp take thou me bi thi word, and Y schal lyue; and schende thou not me fro myn abydyng.
117 Méni qollap quwwetligeysen, shunda men aman-ésen yürimen; We belgilimiliringni herdaim qedirleymen.
Helpe thou me, and Y schal be saaf; and Y schal bithenke euere in thi iustifiyngis.
118 Belgilimiliringdin azghanlarning hemmisini neziringdin saqit qilding; Chünki ularning aldamchiliqi quruqtur.
Thou hast forsake alle men goynge awey fro thi domes; for the thouyt of hem is vniust.
119 Sen yer yüzidiki barliq rezillerni dashqaldek shallap tazilaysen; Shunga men agah-guwahliqliringni söyimen.
I arettide alle the synneris of erthe brekeris of the lawe; therfor Y louede thi witnessyngis.
120 Etlirim Séningdin bolghan eyminishtin titreydu; Hökümliringdin qorqup yürimen.
Naile thou my fleischis with thi drede; for Y dredde of thi domes.
121 (Ayin) Men durus hökümlerni we adaletni yürgüzdum; Méni ezgüchilerge tashlap qoymighaysen;
I dide doom and riytwisnesse; bitake thou not me to hem that falsli chalengen me.
122 Öz qulung üchün yaxshiliqqa kapalet bolghaysen; Tekebburlargha méni ezgüzmigeysen.
Take vp thi seruaunt in to goodnesse; thei that ben proude chalenge not me.
123 Közüm nijatliqinggha teshna bolup, Hem heqqaniyiting toghruluq wedengge telmürüp tügishey dep qaldi;
Myn iyen failiden in to thin helthe; and in to the speche of thi riytfulnesse.
124 Özgermes muhebbiting bilen qulunggha muamile qilghaysen; Belgilimiliringni manga ögetkeysen.
Do thou with thi seruaunt bi thi merci; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
125 Men Séning qulungdurmen; Agah-guwahliqliringni bilip yétishim üchün méni yorutqaysen.
I am thi seruaunt, yyue thou vndurstondyng to me; that Y kunne thi witnessingis.
126 Perwerdigar heriketke kélish waqti keldi! Chünki ular Tewrat-qanunungni bikar qiliwétidu.
Lord, it is tyme to do; thei han distried thi lawe.
127 Shu sewebtin emrliringni altundin artuq söyimen, Sap altundin artuq söyimen;
Therfor Y louede thi comaundementis; more than gold and topazion.
128 Shunga hemme ishlarni bashquridighan barliq körsetmiliringni toghra dep bilimen; Barliq saxta yolni öch körimen.
Therfor Y was dressid to alle thin heestis; Y hatide al wickid weie.
129 (Pé) Agah-guwahliqliring karamettur; Shunga jénim ulargha egishidu.
Lord, thi witnessingis ben wondirful; therfor my soule souyte tho.
130 Sözliringning yéshimi nur élip kélidu; Nadanlarnimu yorutidu.
Declaring of thi wordis liytneth; and yyueth vnderstonding to meke men.
131 Aghzimni échip hasirap kettim, Chünki emrliringge teshna bolup keldim.
I openede my mouth, and drouy the spirit; for Y desiride thi comaundementis.
132 Namingni söygenlerge bolghan aditing boyiche, Jamalingni men terepke qaritip shepqet körsetkeysen.
Biholde thou on me, and haue merci on me; bi the dom of hem that louen thi name.
133 Qedemlirimni sözüng bilen toghrilighaysen; Üstümge héch qebihlikni höküm sürgüzmigeysen.
Dresse thou my goyingis bi thi speche; that al vnriytfulnesse haue not lordschip on me.
134 Méni insanning zulumidin qutuldurghaysen, Shuning bilen Séning körsetmiliringge itaet qilimen.
Ayeyn bie thou me fro the false chalengis of men; that Y kepe thin heestis.
135 Jamalingning nurini qulungning üstige chachturghaysen; Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Liytne thi face on thi seruaunt; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
136 Közlirimdin yash ériqliri aqidu, Chünki insanlar Tewrat-qanununggha boysunmaydu.
Myn iyen ledden forth the outgoynges of watris; for thei kepten not thi lawe.
137 (Tsade) Heqqaniydursen, i Perwerdigar; Hökümliring toghridur.
Lord, thou art iust; and thi dom is riytful.
138 Sen agah-guwahliqliringni heqqaniyliqta buyrughan; Ular tolimu ishenchliktur!
Thou hast comaundid riytfulnesse, thi witnessingis; and thi treuthe greetli to be kept.
139 Otluq muhebbitim özümni yoqitidu, Chünki méni xar qilghuchilar sözliringge pisent qilmaydu.
Mi feruent loue made me to be meltid; for myn enemys foryaten thi wordis.
140 Sözüng toluq sinap ispatlan’ghandur; Shunga qulung uni söyidu.
Thi speche is greetli enflawmed; and thi seruaunt louede it.
141 Men tériqtekturmen, kemsitilgenmen, Biraq körsetmiliringni untumaymen.
I am yong, and dispisid; Y foryat not thi iustifiyngis.
142 Séning heqqaniyiting ebediy bir heqqaniyettur, Tewrat-qanunung heqiqettur.
Lord, thi riytfulnesse is riytfulnesse with outen ende; and thi lawe is treuthe.
143 Péshkellik we azab manga chirmishiwaldi; Biraq emrliring méning xursenliklirimdur.
Tribulacioun and angwische founden me; thin heestis is my thenking.
144 Séning agah-guwahliqliringning heqqaniyliqi ebediydur; Yashighin dep, méni yorutqaysen.
Thi witnessyngis is equite with outen ende; yyue thou vndirstondyng to me, and Y schal lyue.
145 (Kof) Men pütün qelbim bilen Sanga nida qildim, i Perwerdigar; Manga jawab bergeysen; Men belgilimiliringni tutimen.
I criede in al myn herte, Lord, here thou me; and Y schal seke thi iustifiyngis.
146 Men Sanga nida qilimen; Méni qutquzghaysen; agah-guwahliqliringgha egishimen.
I criede to thee, make thou me saaf; that Y kepe thi comaundementis.
147 Men tang atmay ornumdin turup peryad kötürimen; Söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlidim.
I bifor cam in ripenesse, and Y criede; Y hopide aboue on thi wordis.
148 Wediliring üstide séghinip oylinish üchün, Tündiki jésekler almashmay turup közüm échilidu.
Myn iyen bifor camen to thee ful eerli; that Y schulde bithenke thi speches.
149 Özgermes muhebbiting boyiche awazimni anglighaysen; I Perwerdigar, hökümliring boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
Lord, here thou my vois bi thi merci; and quykene thou me bi thi doom.
150 Qebih niyetke egeshkenler manga yéqinlashti, Ular Tewrat-qanunungdin yiraqtur.
Thei that pursuen me neiyden to wickidnesse; forsothe thei ben maad fer fro thi lawe.
151 I Perwerdigar, Sen manga yéqin turisen; Barliq emrliring heqiqettur.
Lord, thou art nyy; and alle thi weies ben treuthe.
152 Uzundin béri agah-guwahliqliringdin ögendimki, Ularni menggüge inawetlik qilghansen.
In the bigynnyng Y knewe of thi witnessingis; for thou hast foundid tho with outen ende.
153 (Resh) Méning xar bolghinimni körgeysen, méni qutuldurghaysen; Chünki Tewrat-qanunungni untumidim.
Se thou my mekenesse, and delyuere thou me; for Y foryat not thi lawe.
154 Méning dewayimni sorighaysen, hemjemet bolup méni qutquzghaysen; Wedeng boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
Deme thou my dom, and ayenbie thou me; quikene thou me for thi speche.
155 Nijatliq rezillerdin yiraqtur; Chünki ular belgilimiliringni izdimeydu.
Heelthe is fer fro synners; for thei souyten not thi iustifiyngis.
156 Rehimdilliqliring köptur, i Perwerdigar; Hökümliring boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
Lord, thi mercies ben manye; quykene thou me bi thi dom.
157 Manga ziyankeshlik qilghuchilar hem méni xar qilghuchilar köptur; Biraq agah-guwahliqliringdin héch chetnimidim.
Thei ben manye that pursuen me, and doen tribulacioun to me; Y bowide not awei fro thi witnessingis.
158 Men asiyliq qilghuchilargha qarap yirgendim, Chünki ular sözüngni tutmaydu.
I siy brekers of the lawe, and Y was meltid; for thei kepten not thi spechis.
159 Séning körsetmiliringni shunche söygenlikimni körgeysen; Özgermes muhebbiting boyiche méni janlandurghaysen, i Perwerdigar.
Lord, se thou, for Y louede thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thi merci.
160 Söz-kalamingni mujessemligende andin heqiqet bolur; Séning herbir adil hökümüng ebediydur.
The bigynnyng of thi wordis is treuthe; alle the domes of thi riytwisnesse ben withouten ende.
161 (Shiyn) Emirler bikardin-bikar manga ziyankeshlik qilidu; Biraq yürikim kalaming aldidila titreydu.
Princes pursueden me with outen cause; and my herte dredde of thi wordis.
162 Birsi zor olja tapqandek, Wedengdin xushallinimen.
I schal be glad on thi spechis; as he that fyndith many spuylis.
163 Saxtiliqtin nepretlinip yirginimen; Söyginim Tewrat-qanunungdur.
I hatide and wlatide wickidnesse; forsothe Y louede thi lawe.
164 Heqqaniy hökümliring tüpeylidin, Künde yette qétim Séni medhiyileymen.
I seide heriyngis to thee seuene sithis in the dai; on the domes of thi riytfulnesse.
165 Tewratingni söygenlerning zor xatirjemliki bar; Héch nerse ularni putliyalmas.
Miche pees is to hem that louen thi lawe; and no sclaundir is to hem.
166 Men nijatliqinggha ümid baghlap küttüm, i Perwerdigar, Emrliringge emel qilip.
Lord, Y abood thin heelthe; and Y louede thin heestis.
167 Jénim agah-guwahliqliringgha egishidu, Ularni intayin söyimen.
Mi soule kepte thi witnessyngis; and louede tho greetli.
168 Barliq yollirim aldingda bolghach, Körsetmiliring hem agah-guwahliqliringgha egishimen.
I kepte thi `comaundementis, and thi witnessingis; for alle my weies ben in thi siyt.
169 (Taw) Méning peryadim aldinggha yéqin kelsun, i Perwerdigar; Kalaming boyiche méni yorutqaysen.
Lord, my biseching come niy in thi siyt; bi thi speche yyue thou vndurstonding to me.
170 Yélinishim aldinggha kelsun; Wedeng boyiche méni qutuldurghaysen.
Myn axing entre in thi siyt; bi thi speche delyuere thou me.
171 Manga belgilimiliringni ögitishing üchün, Lewlirimdin medhiyiler urghup chiqidu.
Mi lippis schulen telle out an ympne; whanne thou hast tauyte me thi iustifiyngis.
172 Tilim sözüngni küylep naxsha éytidu, Chünki emrliringning hemmisi heqqaniydur.
Mi tunge schal pronounce thi speche; for whi alle thi comaundementis ben equite.
173 Qolung manga yardemge teyyar bolsun; Chünki men körsetmiliringni talliwaldim.
Thin hond be maad, that it saue me; for Y haue chose thin heestis.
174 Men nijatliqinggha telmürüp teshna bolup keldim, i Perwerdigar; Séning Tewrating méning xursenlikimdur.
Lord, Y coueitide thin heelthe; and thi lawe is my thenking.
175 Jénim yashisun, u Séni medhiyileydu, Séning hökümliring manga yardem qilsun.
Mi soule schal lyue, and schal herie thee; and thi domes schulen helpe me.
176 Men yoldin adashqan qoydek temtirep qaldim; Qulungni izdigeysen; Chünki emrliringni untup qalghinim yoq.
I erride as a scheep that perischide; Lord, seke thi seruaunt, for Y foryat not thi comaundementis.

< Zebur 119 >