< Zebur 119 >

1 (Alef) Yolda mukemmel bolghanlar, Perwerdigar Tewrat-qanunida mangidighanlar bextliktur!
ALEPH. Happy are they whose way is perfect, who walk in the law of the Lord.
2 Uning agah-guwahlirini tutqanlar, Uni chin qelbi bilen izdigenler,
Happy are they who keep his testimonies, that seek him with all their heart.
3 Héchbir heqsizliqni qilmighanlar bextliktur! Ular uning yollirida mangidu.
They also commit no injustice; in his ways do they walk.
4 Körsetmiliringge estayidil emel qilishimiz üchün, Özüng ularni békitkensen.
Thou thyself hast commanded us thy precepts, that we might keep [them] diligently.
5 Ah, yollirimning yönilishi belgilimiliringge emel qilishqa békitilgey!
Oh that my ways were firmly directed to observe thy statutes!
6 Shuning bilen barliq emr-permanliringni etiwarlisam, Men yerge qarap qalmaymen.
Then would I not be made ashamed, while I look at all thy commandments.
7 Séning heqqaniy hökümliringni öginip, Durus köngüldin Sanga teshekkür éytimen.
I will thank thee with uprightness of heart, when I learn thy righteous ordinances.
8 Men belgilimiliringni choqum tutimen; Méni pütünley tashliwetmigeysen!
Thy statutes will I observe: oh forsake me not too greatly.
9 (Bet) Yash bir yigit qandaq qilip öz yolini pak tutalaydu? Séning söz-kalamingni anglap emel qilish bilenla.
BETH. Wherewithal shall a youth keep his way pure? by guarding it according to thy word.
10 Pütün qelbim bilen men Séni izdidim; Méni emrliringdin adashturmighaysen;
With all my heart have I sought thee: oh let me not wander astray from thy commandments.
11 Gunah qilip Sanga qarshi chiqmasliqim üchün, Sözüngni könglümge mehkem püküwaldim.
In my heart have I treasured up thy saying, in order that I may not sin against thee.
12 Mubarekdursen Perwerdigar, Manga Öz belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me thy statutes.
13 Lewlirim bilen men bayan qilimen, Aghzingdiki barliq hökümliringni.
With my lips have I related all the ordinances of thy mouth.
14 Türlük bayliqlardin shadlan’ghandek, Agah-guwahliqliringgha egeshken yolda shadlandim.
On the way of thy testimonies have I been glad, as over all wealth.
15 Men körsetmiliring üstide séghinip oylinimen; Izliringgha qarap oylinimen.
On thy precepts will I meditate, and direct my look unto thy paths.
16 Belgilimiliringni xursenlik dep bilimen; Söz-kalamingni untumaymen.
In thy statutes will I seek my delight: I will not forget thy word.
17 (Gimel) Qulunggha méhribanliqni körsetkeysen, shuning bilen men yashaymen, Kalaminggha boysunimen.
GIMEL. Deal bountifully with thy servant: let me live, that I may observe thy word.
18 Tewrat-qanunungdin karamet sirlarni körüshüm üchün, Közlirimni achqaysen!
Open thou my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
19 Men bu dunyada musapirmen; Emrliringni mendin yoshurmighaysen.
A stranger am I on the earth: hide not from me thy commandments.
20 Hökümliringge herqachan intizar bolup, Yürikim ézilip kétey dep qaldi.
My soul is broken from longing for thy ordinances at all times.
21 Sen lenetke buyrulghan tekebburlargha tenbih bérisen, Ular emrliringdin adiship kétidu.
Thou hast rebuked the accursed proud, who go erringly astray from thy commandments.
22 Mendin ahanet hem mesxirini yiraqqa ketküzgeysen; Chünki agah-guwahliqliringni tutimen.
Roll away from me reproach and contempt; for thy testimonies have I kept.
23 Emirler olturup yaman gépimni qilishmaqta; Séning qulung bolsa belgilimiliring üstide séghinip oylaydu.
Although even princes should sit and speak against me, thy servant would still meditate on thy statutes.
24 Séning agah-guwahliqliring méning xursenlikim, Méning meslihetchilirimdur.
Also thy testimonies are my delight, my counsellors.
25 (Dalet) Méning jénim tupraqqa yépishqan; Söz-kalaming boyiche méni yéngilandurghaysen.
DALETH. My soul cleaveth unto the dust: revive thou me according to thy word.
26 Öz yollirimni aldingda ochuq bayan qildim, Sen manga jawab berding; Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
My ways do I relate [to thee], and thou answerest me: teach me thy statutes.
27 Méni körsetmiliringning yolini chüshinidighan qilghaysen, Andin men karametliring üstide séghinip oylinimen.
Cause me to understand the way of thy precepts, that I may meditate on thy wonders.
28 Jénim qayghu bilen érip kétidu; Söz-kalaming boyiche méni küchlendürgeysen.
My soul droppeth away from grief: sustain me according to thy word.
29 Mendin aldamchi yolni néri qilghaysen; Shepqet qilip manga Tewrat-qanunungni béghishlighaysen;
The way of falsehood do thou remove from me, and grant me graciously thy law.
30 Men heqiqet-sadaqet yolini talliwaldim; Hökümliringni aldimda qoydum.
The way of truth have I chosen: thy ordinances have I set [before me].
31 Agah-guwahliringni ching tutimen; Perwerdigar, méni uyatqa qaldurmighaysen.
I have adhered unto thy testimonies: O Lord, put me not to shame.
32 Sen méning qelbimni keng-azade qilishing bilen, Emrliring yoligha egiship yügürimen.
The way of thy commandments will I run; for thou wilt enlarge my heart.
33 (Xé) I Perwerdigar, belgilimiliringning yolini manga ayan qilghaysen; Men uni axirghiche tutimen.
HE. Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I shall keep it in all its windings.
34 Méni yorutqaysen, men Tewrat-qanunungni tutimen, Shundaqla pütün qelbim bilen uninggha emel qilimen.
Give me understanding, that I may keep thy law, and I will observe it with all [my] heart.
35 Méni emrliringning yolida mangidighan qilghaysen; Chünki ularni xursenlik dep bilimen.
Guide me on the path of thy commandments; for therein do I find my delight.
36 Méning qelbimni shexsiy menpeetke emes, Belki agah-guwahliqliringgha mayil qilghaysen.
Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to desire for gain.
37 Közlirimni saxtini körüshtin yandurghaysen; Méni yolungda janlandurghaysen;
Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity: on thy way do thou give me life.
38 Sen qulunggha bolghan wedengni emelge ashurghaysen; Shuning bilen xeqler Sendin eyminidu.
Fulfill unto thy servant thy promise for those who are devoted to thy fear.
39 Men qorqqan shermendilikni néri ketküzgeysen; Chünki Séning hökümliring eladur.
Cause to pass away my disgrace of which I have dread; for thy ordinances are good.
40 Mana, men körsetmiliringge teshna bolup keldim; Öz heqqaniyitingde méni janlandurghaysen;
Behold, I have longed after thy precepts: through thy righteousness do thou give my life.
41 : (Waw) We méhir-muhebbetliring yénimgha kelsun, i Perwerdigar; Wedeng boyiche nijatliqing yénimgha kelsun;
VAV. And let thy kindness come unto me, O Lord, thy salvation, according to thy promise.
42 Shunda mende méni mesxire qilghuchigha bergüdek jawab bolidu; Chünki sözüngge tayinimen.
Then shall I have a word to answer the one that reproacheth me; for I trust in thy word.
43 We aghzimdin heqiqetning sözini élip tashlimighaysen; Chünki hökümliringge ümid baghlidim;
And snatch not the word of truth out of my mouth too greatly; for I wait for thy ordinances.
44 Shunda men Séning Tewrat-qanunungni her qachan tutimen, Berheq, ebedil’ebedgiche tutimen;
So shall I observe thy law continually for ever and ever.
45 Shunda men azadilikte mangimen; Chünki körsetmiliringni izdidim.
And I will walk in an open space; for thy precepts have I sought.
46 Shunda men padishahlar aldida agah-guwahliqliring toghruluq sözleymen, Bu ishlarda men yerge qarap qalmaymen.
And I will speak of thy testimonies before kings, and will not be ashamed.
47 We emrliringni xursenlik dep bilimen, Chünki ularni söyüp keldim;
And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I love.
48 Men söyüp kelgen emrliringge qollirimni sozup intilimen, We belgilimiliring üstide séghinip oylinimen.
And so will I lift up my hands unto thy commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on thy statutes.
49 (Zain) Sen qulunggha bergen sözüngni, Yeni manga ümid béghishlighan kalamingni esligeysen.
ZAYIN. Remember thy word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to wait.
50 U bolsa derdimge bolghan tesellidur; Chünki söz-wedeng méni janlandurdi.
This is my comfort in my affliction, that thy promise hath revived me.
51 Tekebburlar esheddiy haqaretligini bilen, Lékin Tewrat-qanunungdin héch chetnimidim.
The presumptuous have held me too greatly in derision: yet have I not departed away from thy law.
52 Qedimde békitilgen hökümliringni yadimgha keltürdüm, i Perwerdigar, Shundaq qilip özümge teselli berdim.
I remembered thy decrees [which were] from olden times, O Lord, and thus comforted myself.
53 Tewrat-qanunungni tashliwetken reziller wejidin, Otluq ghezep mende qaynap tashti.
Horror seized on me because of the wicked that forsake thy law.
54 Musapir bolup turghan jayimda, Körsetmiliring méning naxshilirim boldi.
Songs have thy statutes been unto me in the house of my pilgrimage.
55 Kéchide, i Perwerdigar, namingni eslep yürdum, Tewrat-qanunungni tutup keldim.
I remembered in the night thy name, O Lord, and observed thy law.
56 Men buninggha nésip boldum, Chünki men körsetmiliringke itaet qilip keldim.
This came to pass unto me, because I had kept thy precepts.
57 (Xet) Özüng méning nésiwemdursen, i Perwerdigar; «Séning söz-kalamingni tutay» — dédim.
CHETH. My portion is the Lord, have I said, that I might observe thy words.
58 Men pütün qelbim bilen didaringgha intilip yélindim; Wedeng boyiche manga shapaet körsetkeysen.
I make entreaty before thee with all my heart: be gracious unto me according to thy promise.
59 Men yolliring üstide oylandim, Ayaghlirimni agah-guwahliqliringgha qaritip buridim.
I have thought over my ways, and made my feet return unto thy testimonies.
60 Men aldiridim, héch kéchikmidim, Séning emrliringge emel qilishqa.
I hastened, and delayed not to observe thy commandments.
61 Rezillerning asaretliri méni chirmiwalghini bilen, Men Tewrat-qanunungni héch untumidim.
Companies of wicked men have surrounded me; but I have not forgotten thy law.
62 Heqqaniy hökümliring üchün, Tün kéchide teshekkür éytqili qopimen.
At midnights do I constantly rise to give thanks unto thee, because of thy righteous decrees.
63 Men Sendin qorqidighanlarning, Körsetmiliringge egeshkenlerning hemmisining ülpitidurmen.
An associate am I unto all that fear thee, and unto those that keep thy precepts.
64 Jahan, i Perwerdigar, Séning özgermes muhebbiting bilen toldi; Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Of thy kindness, O Lord, is the earth full: teach me thy statutes.
65 (Tet) Söz-kalaming boyiche, i Perwerdigar, Öz qulunggha méhribanliqni körsitip kelgensen.
TETH. Thou hast shown goodness on thy servant, O Lord, according to thy word.
66 Manga obdan perq étishni we bilimni ögetkeysen; Chünki men emrliringge ishendim.
The best of discernment and knowledge do thou teach me; for in thy commandments do I believe.
67 Men azabqa uchrashtin burun yoldin azghan, Biraq hazir sözüngni tutimen.
Before I was afflicted I was in error; but now I observe thy saying.
68 Sen méhribandursen, méhribanliq qilisen, Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Thou art good, and doing good: teach me thy statutes.
69 Tekebburlar manga qara chaplashti; Biraq körsetmiliringge pütün qelbim bilen itaet qilimen.
The presumptuous have invented falsehoods against me; but I will with all my heart indeed keep thy precepts.
70 Ularning qelbi tuymas bolup ketti; Biraq men bolsam Tewrat-qanunungni xursenlik dep bilimen.
Gross as fat is their heart; but I take truly delight in thy law.
71 Azabqa uchrighinim yaxshi boldi, Shuning bilen belgilimiliringni ögendim.
It is well for me that I have been afflicted, in order that I might learn thy statutes.
72 Men üchün aghzingdiki qanun-telim, Minglighan altun-kümüsh tenggidin ewzeldur.
Better is unto me the law of thy mouth than thousands of gold and silver.
73 (Yod) Séning qolliring méni yasighan, méni mustehkemlidi; Méni yorutqaysen, emrliringni öginimen.
YOD. Thy hands have made me and established me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.
74 Sendin eyminidighanlar méni körüp shadlinidu; Chünki men söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlap keldim.
Those that fear thee will see me and be rejoiced; because I have waited for thy word.
75 I Perwerdigar, Séning hökümliringning heqqaniy ikenlikini, Wapadarliqingdin méni azabqa salghiningni bilimen.
I know, O Lord, that thy decrees are righteous, and that in faithfulness thou hast afflicted me.
76 Ah, qulunggha bergen wedeng boyiche, Özgermes muhebbiting teselliyim bolsun.
Let, I pray thee, thy kindness come to comfort me, according to thy promise unto thy servant.
77 Méning yashishim üchün, Rehimdilliqliring yénimgha kelsun; Chünki Tewrat-qanunung méning xursenlikimdur.
Let thy mercies come unto me, that I may live; for thy law is my delight.
78 Tekebburlar xijalette qalsun; Chünki ular manga yalghanchiliq bilen tetürlük qilghan; Men bolsam, körsetmiliring üstide séghinip oylinimen.
Let the presumptuous be made ashamed; because they have without a cause dealt perversely with me; but I will indeed meditate on thy precepts.
79 Sendin eyminidighanlar men terepke burulup kelsun; Agah-guwahliqliringni bilgenlermu shundaq bolsun.
Let those that fear thee return unto me, and those that know thy testimonies.
80 Könglüm belgilimiliringde mukemmel bolsun; Shuning bilen yerge qarap qalmaymen.
Let my heart be entire in thy statutes, in order that I may not be put to shame.
81 (Kaf) Jénim nijatliqinggha telmürüp halidin kétey dewatidu; Men söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlidim.
CAPH. My soul ardently desireth for thy salvation: for thy word do I wait.
82 Közüm söz-wedengge telmürüp tügishey dédi, «Sen qachanmu manga teselli bérersen» — dep.
My eyes look eagerly for thy promise, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?
83 Chünki men islinip qurup ketken tulumdek boldum, Biraq belgilimiliringni untumaymen.
For I am become like a bottle in the smoke: [yet] do I not forget thy statutes.
84 Qulungning künliri qanche bolidu? Manga ziyankeshlik qilghanlarni qachan jazalaysen?
How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute justice on my persecutors?
85 Tekebburlar manga orilarni kolighan; Bu ishlar Tewratinggha muxaliptur;
The presumptuous have dug pits for me, which is not in accordance with thy law.
86 Séning barliq emrliring ishenchliktur; Ular yolsizliq bilen méni qistimaqta; Manga yardem qilghaysen!
All thy commandments are founded on truth: without cause they persecute me; help thou me.
87 Ular méni yer yüzidin yoqatqili qil qaldi; Biraq men bolsam, körsetmiliringdin waz kechmidim.
But little was wanting that they had consumed me upon earth; but I have truly not forsaken thy precepts.
88 Özgermes muhebbiting boyiche méni janlandurghaysen, We aghzingdiki agah-guwahliqliringni tutimen.
According to thy kindness give me life, that I may observe the testimony of thy mouth.
89 (Lamed) Menggüge, i Perwerdigar, Söz-kalaming ershlerde békitilgendur.
LAMED. To eternity, O Lord, standeth firm thy word with the heavens.
90 Séning sadaqiting dewrdin-dewrgichidur; Sen yer-zéminni muqim békitkensen, u mewjut bolup turidu.
Unto all generations endureth thy faithfulness: thou hast established the earth, and she standeth.
91 Séning höküm-qanuniyetliring bilen bular bügünki kündimu turidu; Chünki barliq mewjudatlar Séning xizmitingdidur.
According to thy ordinances they exist this day: for all are thy servants.
92 Séning Tewrat-qanunung xursenlikim bolmighan bolsa, Azabimda yoqap kéter idim.
Unless thy law had been my delights, I should long since have been lost in my affliction.
93 Men Séning körsetmiliringni hergiz untumaymen; Chünki mushular arqiliq manga hayatliq berding;
Never will I forget thy precepts; for with them thou hast kept me alive.
94 Men Séningkidurmen, méni qutquzghaysen; Chünki men körsetmiliringni izdep keldim.
Thine am I, save me; for thy precepts have I sought.
95 Reziller méni halak qilishni kütmekte; Biraq men agah-guwahliringni könglümde tutup oylaymen.
Wicked men have waited for me to destroy me; [but] I will reflect on thy testimonies.
96 Men hemme mukemmellikning chéki bar dep bilip yettim; Biraq Séning emr-kalaming cheksiz kengdur!
Of all perfection have I seen the end; [but] thy commandment is exceedingly extended.
97 (Mem) Ah, méning Tewrat-qanununggha bolghan muhebbitim neqeder chongqurdur! Kün boyi u méning séghinip oylaydighinimdur.
MEM. Oh how do I love thy law! all the day is it my (meditation)
98 Emrliring herdaim men bilen bille turghachqa, Méni düshmenlirimdin dana qilidu;
Wiser than my enemy doth thy commandment make me; for it is perpetually with me.
99 Barliq ustazlirimdin köp yorutulghanmen, Chünki agah-guwahliring séghinishimdur.
Above all my teachers have I obtained intelligence; for thy testimonies are my (meditation)
100 Men qérilardin köprek chüshinimen, Chünki körsetmiliringge itaet qilip keldim.
More than the elders do I possess understanding; because thy precepts do I keep.
101 Söz-kalaminggha emel qilishim üchün, Ayaghlirimni hemme yaman yoldin tarttim.
From every evil path have I withholden my feet, in order that I might observe thy word.
102 Hökümliringdin héch chiqmidim; Chünki manga ögetken Sen özüngdursen.
From thy ordinances have I not departed; for thou hast instructed me.
103 Sözliring tilimgha shunche shérin tétiydu! Aghzimda heseldin tatliqtur!
How much sweeter are to my palate thy sayings than honey to my mouth!
104 Körsetmiliringdin men yorutuldum; Shunga barliq saxta yolni öch körimen.
Through thy precepts shall I obtain understanding: therefore do I hate every path of falsehood.
105 (Nun) Söz-kalaming ayighim aldidiki chiragh, Yolumgha nurdur.
NUN. A lamp unto my feet is thy word, and a light unto my path.
106 Qesem ichtim, emel qilimenki, Men heqqaniy hökümliringni tutimen.
I have sworn, and I will perform it, to observe thy righteous ordinances.
107 Zor azab-oqubetlerni chektim, i Perwerdigar; Söz-kalaming boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
I am afflicted exceedingly much: O Lord, revive me, according to thy word.
108 Qobul qilghaysen, i Perwerdigar, aghzimdiki xalis qurbanliqlarni, Manga hökümliringni ögetkeysen.
Receive in favor the freewill-offerings of my mouth, I beseech thee, O Lord, and teach me thy ordinances.
109 Jénimni aliqinimda daim élip yürimen, Biraq Tewrat-qanunungni peqet untumaymen.
My life is in my hand continually: yet thy law do I not forget.
110 Reziller men üchün qiltaq qurdi; Biraq körsetmiliringdin adashmidim.
The wicked have laid a snare for me: yet have I not erred from thy precepts.
111 Agah-guwahliqliringni miras qilip menggüge qobul qildim; Chünki ular könglümning shadliqidur.
I have taken thy testimonies as a heritage to eternity; for they are the joy of my heart.
112 Men könglümni belgilimiliringge menggüge [emel qilishqa], Yeni axirghiche emel qilishqa mayil qildim.
I have inclined my heart to perform thy statutes always, in all their ways.
113 (Sameq) Ala köngüllerni öch körüp keldim; Söyginim bolsa, Tewrat-qanunungdur.
SAMECH. Those of divided thoughts I hate; but thy law do I love.
114 Sen méning dalda jayim, méning qalqanimdursen; Söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlidim.
My shelter and my shield art thou: for thy word do I wait.
115 Men Xudayimning emrlirige emel qilishim üchün, Mendin néri bolunglar, i rezillik qilghuchilar!
Depart from me, ye evildoers, that I may keep the commandments of God.
116 Yashishim üchün, Wedeng boyiche méni yöligeysen; Ümidimning aldida méni yerge qaratmighaysen.
Uphold me according to thy promise, that I may live, and let me not be made ashamed of my hope.
117 Méni qollap quwwetligeysen, shunda men aman-ésen yürimen; We belgilimiliringni herdaim qedirleymen.
Support me that I may be placed in safety, and I will direct my regard unto thy statutes continually.
118 Belgilimiliringdin azghanlarning hemmisini neziringdin saqit qilding; Chünki ularning aldamchiliqi quruqtur.
Thou hast trodden down all that erringly stray from thy statutes; for falsehood is their deceit.
119 Sen yer yüzidiki barliq rezillerni dashqaldek shallap tazilaysen; Shunga men agah-guwahliqliringni söyimen.
Like dross dost thou put away all the wicked of the earth: therefore do I love thy testimonies.
120 Etlirim Séningdin bolghan eyminishtin titreydu; Hökümliringdin qorqup yürimen.
My flesh trembleth shudderingly from dread of thee, and of thy decrees am I afraid.
121 (Ayin) Men durus hökümlerni we adaletni yürgüzdum; Méni ezgüchilerge tashlap qoymighaysen;
'AYIN. I have executed justice and righteousness: leave me not to those who oppress me.
122 Öz qulung üchün yaxshiliqqa kapalet bolghaysen; Tekebburlargha méni ezgüzmigeysen.
Protect thy servant for good: let not the presumptuous oppress me.
123 Közüm nijatliqinggha teshna bolup, Hem heqqaniyiting toghruluq wedengge telmürüp tügishey dep qaldi;
My eyes look eagerly for thy salvation, and for thy righteous promise.
124 Özgermes muhebbiting bilen qulunggha muamile qilghaysen; Belgilimiliringni manga ögetkeysen.
Deal with thy servant according to thy kindness, and thy statutes do thou teach me.
125 Men Séning qulungdurmen; Agah-guwahliqliringni bilip yétishim üchün méni yorutqaysen.
I am thy servant: give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies.
126 Perwerdigar heriketke kélish waqti keldi! Chünki ular Tewrat-qanunungni bikar qiliwétidu.
It is time to act for the Lord: they have broken thy law.
127 Shu sewebtin emrliringni altundin artuq söyimen, Sap altundin artuq söyimen;
Therefore do I love thy commandments more than gold, and more than fine gold.
128 Shunga hemme ishlarni bashquridighan barliq körsetmiliringni toghra dep bilimen; Barliq saxta yolni öch körimen.
Therefore do I esteem all thy precepts in all things as right: every path of falsehood do I hate.
129 (Pé) Agah-guwahliqliring karamettur; Shunga jénim ulargha egishidu.
PE. Wonderful are thy testimonies: therefore doth my soul keep them.
130 Sözliringning yéshimi nur élip kélidu; Nadanlarnimu yorutidu.
The opening of thy words giveth light, it giveth understanding unto the simple.
131 Aghzimni échip hasirap kettim, Chünki emrliringge teshna bolup keldim.
I opened my mouth, and panted for breath; because for thy commandments did I long.
132 Namingni söygenlerge bolghan aditing boyiche, Jamalingni men terepke qaritip shepqet körsetkeysen.
Turn thou unto me, and be gracious unto me, as is thy wont unto those that love thy name.
133 Qedemlirimni sözüng bilen toghrilighaysen; Üstümge héch qebihlikni höküm sürgüzmigeysen.
My steps establish thou through thy promise, and suffer not any wrong to have dominion over me.
134 Méni insanning zulumidin qutuldurghaysen, Shuning bilen Séning körsetmiliringge itaet qilimen.
Deliver me from the oppression of man, and I will observe thy precepts.
135 Jamalingning nurini qulungning üstige chachturghaysen; Manga belgilimiliringni ögetkeysen.
Let thy face shine upon thy servant, and teach me thy statutes.
136 Közlirimdin yash ériqliri aqidu, Chünki insanlar Tewrat-qanununggha boysunmaydu.
Streams of water have run down my eyes; because they had not observed thy law.
137 (Tsade) Heqqaniydursen, i Perwerdigar; Hökümliring toghridur.
TZADDE. Righteous art thou, O Lord, and upright are thy decrees.
138 Sen agah-guwahliqliringni heqqaniyliqta buyrughan; Ular tolimu ishenchliktur!
Thou hast commanded thy testimonies, as righteous and faithful exceedingly.
139 Otluq muhebbitim özümni yoqitidu, Chünki méni xar qilghuchilar sözliringge pisent qilmaydu.
My zeal destroyeth me; because my assailants have forgotten thy words.
140 Sözüng toluq sinap ispatlan’ghandur; Shunga qulung uni söyidu.
Thy promise is greatly refined, and thy servant loveth it.
141 Men tériqtekturmen, kemsitilgenmen, Biraq körsetmiliringni untumaymen.
I am little and despised: yet thy precepts have I not forgotten.
142 Séning heqqaniyiting ebediy bir heqqaniyettur, Tewrat-qanunung heqiqettur.
Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth.
143 Péshkellik we azab manga chirmishiwaldi; Biraq emrliring méning xursenliklirimdur.
Distress and trouble have overtaken me: [yet] are thy commandments my delights.
144 Séning agah-guwahliqliringning heqqaniyliqi ebediydur; Yashighin dep, méni yorutqaysen.
Righteous are thy testimonies for everlasting: give me understanding, that I may live.
145 (Kof) Men pütün qelbim bilen Sanga nida qildim, i Perwerdigar; Manga jawab bergeysen; Men belgilimiliringni tutimen.
KOPH. I have called with all my heart: answer me, O Lord: thy statutes will I keep.
146 Men Sanga nida qilimen; Méni qutquzghaysen; agah-guwahliqliringgha egishimen.
I have called on thee, save me, and I will observe thy testimonies.
147 Men tang atmay ornumdin turup peryad kötürimen; Söz-kalaminggha ümid baghlidim.
I come before thee in the dawn of morning, and cry: for thy word do I wait.
148 Wediliring üstide séghinip oylinish üchün, Tündiki jésekler almashmay turup közüm échilidu.
My eyes are awake before the night-watches, that I may meditate in thy saying.
149 Özgermes muhebbiting boyiche awazimni anglighaysen; I Perwerdigar, hökümliring boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
Hear my voice according to thy kindness: O Lord, according to thy decree do thou grant me life.
150 Qebih niyetke egeshkenler manga yéqinlashti, Ular Tewrat-qanunungdin yiraqtur.
They that pursue mischievous devices draw nigh: from thy law are they far.
151 I Perwerdigar, Sen manga yéqin turisen; Barliq emrliring heqiqettur.
Near art thou, O Lord; and all thy commandments are the truth.
152 Uzundin béri agah-guwahliqliringdin ögendimki, Ularni menggüge inawetlik qilghansen.
Of old already I knew of thy testimonies; because for eternity hast thou founded them.
153 (Resh) Méning xar bolghinimni körgeysen, méni qutuldurghaysen; Chünki Tewrat-qanunungni untumidim.
RESH. Look on my affliction, and release me; for thy law have I not forgotten.
154 Méning dewayimni sorighaysen, hemjemet bolup méni qutquzghaysen; Wedeng boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
Plead my cause, and deliver me: according to thy promise do thou revive me.
155 Nijatliq rezillerdin yiraqtur; Chünki ular belgilimiliringni izdimeydu.
Far from the wicked is salvation; because thy statutes have they not sought for.
156 Rehimdilliqliring köptur, i Perwerdigar; Hökümliring boyiche méni janlandurghaysen.
Thy mercies are abundant, O Lord; according to thy decrees do thou revive me.
157 Manga ziyankeshlik qilghuchilar hem méni xar qilghuchilar köptur; Biraq agah-guwahliqliringdin héch chetnimidim.
Many are my persecutors and my assailants: yet from thy testimonies do I not turn away.
158 Men asiyliq qilghuchilargha qarap yirgendim, Chünki ular sözüngni tutmaydu.
I beheld the treacherous, and felt disgust; because they observed not thy saying.
159 Séning körsetmiliringni shunche söygenlikimni körgeysen; Özgermes muhebbiting boyiche méni janlandurghaysen, i Perwerdigar.
Behold that I love thy precepts: O Lord, according to thy kindness do thou revive me.
160 Söz-kalamingni mujessemligende andin heqiqet bolur; Séning herbir adil hökümüng ebediydur.
The summit of thy word is truth: and the whole of thy righteous judgment endureth for ever.
161 (Shiyn) Emirler bikardin-bikar manga ziyankeshlik qilidu; Biraq yürikim kalaming aldidila titreydu.
SHIN. Princes have persecuted me without a cause; but of thy word standeth my heart in dread.
162 Birsi zor olja tapqandek, Wedengdin xushallinimen.
I am rejoiced over thy promise, as one that findeth great spoil.
163 Saxtiliqtin nepretlinip yirginimen; Söyginim Tewrat-qanunungdur.
Falsehood I hate and abhor: but thy law do I love.
164 Heqqaniy hökümliring tüpeylidin, Künde yette qétim Séni medhiyileymen.
Seven times in the day do I praise thee because of thy righteous decrees.
165 Tewratingni söygenlerning zor xatirjemliki bar; Héch nerse ularni putliyalmas.
Abundant peace have they who love thy law; and thee is nothing that causeth them to stumble.
166 Men nijatliqinggha ümid baghlap küttüm, i Perwerdigar, Emrliringge emel qilip.
I have hoped for thy salvation, O Lord, and thy commandments have I fulfilled.
167 Jénim agah-guwahliqliringgha egishidu, Ularni intayin söyimen.
My soul hath observed thy testimonies, and I love them exceedingly.
168 Barliq yollirim aldingda bolghach, Körsetmiliring hem agah-guwahliqliringgha egishimen.
I have observed thy precepts and thy testimonies; because all my ways are before thee.
169 (Taw) Méning peryadim aldinggha yéqin kelsun, i Perwerdigar; Kalaming boyiche méni yorutqaysen.
TAV. Let my entreaty come near before thee, O Lord: according to thy word grant me understanding.
170 Yélinishim aldinggha kelsun; Wedeng boyiche méni qutuldurghaysen.
Let my supplication come before thee: according to thy promise do thou deliver me.
171 Manga belgilimiliringni ögitishing üchün, Lewlirimdin medhiyiler urghup chiqidu.
My lips shall utter praise; because thou wilt teach me thy statutes.
172 Tilim sözüngni küylep naxsha éytidu, Chünki emrliringning hemmisi heqqaniydur.
My tongue shall speak loudly of thy promise; for all thy commandments are righteous.
173 Qolung manga yardemge teyyar bolsun; Chünki men körsetmiliringni talliwaldim.
Let thy hand be [ready] to help me; for thy precepts have I chosen.
174 Men nijatliqinggha telmürüp teshna bolup keldim, i Perwerdigar; Séning Tewrating méning xursenlikimdur.
I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord; and thy law is my delights.
175 Jénim yashisun, u Séni medhiyileydu, Séning hökümliring manga yardem qilsun.
Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee: and let thy decrees help me.
176 Men yoldin adashqan qoydek temtirep qaldim; Qulungni izdigeysen; Chünki emrliringni untup qalghinim yoq.
I have gone erringly astray like a lost sheep: seek thy servant; for thy commandments have I not forgotten.

< Zebur 119 >