< Zebur 102 >

1 Ézilgenning duasi: U halidin ketkende, dad-peryadini Perwerdigar aldigha tökkende: — Duayimni anglighaysen, i Perwerdigar; Peryadim aldinggha yétip kirsun!
A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed and pours out his complaint before the LORD. Hear my prayer, LORD! Let my cry come to you.
2 Yüzüngni mendin qachurmighaysen; Qisilghan künümde manga qulaq salghaysen; Men nida qilghan künde, manga téz jawab bergin!
Do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress. Turn your ear to me. Answer me quickly in the day when I call.
3 Mana, künlirim is-tütektek tügep kétidu, Ustixanlirim otun-choghlargha oxshash köydi!
For my days consume away like smoke. My bones are burned as a torch.
4 Yürikim zexme yep chöpler xazan bolghandek qurup ketti, Hetta nénimni yéyishni untudum.
My heart is blighted like grass, and withered, for I forget to eat my bread.
5 Men ahu-zar tartqanliqimdin, Etlirim süngeklirimge chapliship qaldi.
By reason of the voice of my groaning, my bones stick to my skin.
6 Chöl-bayawandiki saqiyqushtek, Weyranchiliqta qonup yürgen huwqushqa oxshaymen.
I am like a pelican of the wilderness. I have become as an owl of the waste places.
7 Uxlimay segek turup közettimen; Ögzide yalghuz qalghan qushqach kebimen.
I watch, and have become like a sparrow that is alone on the housetop.
8 Düshmenlirim kün boyi méni mesxire qilmaqta, Méni haqaretligenler ismimni lenet ornida ishletmekte.
My enemies reproach me all day. Those who are mad at me use my name as a curse.
9 Qehring hem achchiqing tüpeylidin, Külni nan dep yewatimen, Ichimlikimni köz yéshim bilen arilashturimen; Chünki Sen méni kötürüp, andin yerge urdung.
For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mixed my drink with tears,
because of your indignation and your wrath; for you have taken me up and thrown me away.
11 Künlirim quyash uzartqan kölenggidek yoqulay dep qaldi, Özüm bolsam chöpler xazan bolghandek qurup kettim.
My days are like a long shadow. I have withered like grass.
12 Lékin Sen, Perwerdigar, ebediy turisen, Séning nam-shöhriting dewrdin-dewrgichidur.
But you, LORD, will remain forever; your renown endures to all generations.
13 Sen ornungdin turisen, Zion’gha rehim qilisen; Chünki uninggha shepqet körsitish waqti keldi, He, waqit-saiti yétip keldi!
You will arise and have mercy on Zion, for it is time to have pity on her. Yes, the set time has come.
14 Chünki qulliring uning tashliridin xursenlik tapidu, Hem tupriqighimu ichini aghritidu;
For your servants take pleasure in her stones, and have pity on her dust.
15 Eller Perwerdigarning namidin, Yer yüzidiki shahlar shan-sheripingdin eyminidu.
So the nations will fear the LORD’s name, all the kings of the earth your glory.
16 Mana, Perwerdigar Zionni qaytidin qurghanda, U Öz shan-sheripide körünidu!
For the LORD has built up Zion. He has appeared in his glory.
17 U ghérib-miskinning duasigha étibar béridu; Ularning duasini hergiz kemsitmeydu.
He has responded to the prayer of the destitute, and has not despised their prayer.
18 Bular kelgüsi bir ewlad üchün xatirilinidu; Shuning bilen kelgüside yaritilidighan bir xelq Yahni medhiyeleydu;
This will be written for the generation to come. A people which will be created will praise the LORD,
19 Chünki U esirlerning ah-zarlirini anglay dep, Ölümge buyrulghanlarni azad qilay dep, Égizdiki muqeddes jayidin éngiship nezer saldi, Ershlerdin Perwerdigar yerge qaridi;
for he has looked down from the height of his sanctuary. From heaven, the LORD saw the earth,
to hear the groans of the prisoner, to free those who are condemned to death,
21 Shundaq qilip, ular Perwerdigarning xizmitide bolayli dégende, Yeni el-memliketler jem yighilghan waqtida — Perwerdigarning nami Zionda, Uning sherepliri Yérusalémda jakarlinidu!
that men may declare the LORD’s name in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem,
when the peoples are gathered together, the kingdoms, to serve the LORD.
23 Biraq U méni yolda maghdursizlandurup, Künlirimni qisqartti.
He weakened my strength along the course. He shortened my days.
24 Men: «Tengrim, ömrümning yérimida méni élip ketme!» — dédim. — «Séning yilliring dewrdin dewrgichidur,
I said, “My God, do not take me away in the middle of my days. Your years are throughout all generations.
25 Sen yerni elmisaqtinla berpa qilghansen, Asmanlarni hem qolliring yasighandur;
Of old, you laid the foundation of the earth. The heavens are the work of your hands.
26 Ular yoq bolup kétidu, Biraq Sen dawamliq turiwérisen; Ularning hemmisi kiyimdek konirap kétidu; Ularni kona ton kebi almashtursang, Shunda ular kiyim-kéchek yenggüshlen’gendek yenggüshlinidu.
They will perish, but you will endure. Yes, all of them will wear out like a garment. You will change them like a cloak, and they will be changed.
27 Biraq Sen özgermigüchidursen, Yilliringning tamami yoqtur.
But you are the same. Your years will have no end.
28 Qulliringning balilirimu turiwéridu, Ularning ewladi huzuringda mezmut yashaydu!».
The children of your servants will continue. Their offspring will be established before you.”

< Zebur 102 >