< Chöl-bayawandiki seper 9 >

1 Misir zéminidin chiqqandin kéyinki ikkinchi yili birinchi ayda, Perwerdigar Sinay chölide Musagha buyrup: —
And Yahweh spake unto Moses in the desert of Sinai, in the second year by their coming forth out of the land of Egypt in the first month, saying:
2 Israillar békitilgen waqitta ötüp kétish héytini ötküzsun;
Let the sons of Israel therefore, keep the passover in its appointed season:
3 yeni mushu ayning on tötinchi küni gugumda, békitilgen waqitta, barliq belgilime we qaide-tertip boyiche héytni ötküzünglar, — dédi.
on the fourteenth day of this month between the two evenings, shall ye keep it, in its appointed season, —according to all the statute thereof and according to all the regulations thereof, shall ye keep it.
4 Shuning bilen Musa Israillargha söz qilip ötüp kétish héytini ötküzüshni buyrudi.
Then spake Moses unto the sons of Israel that they should keep the passover.
5 Ular birinchi ayning on tötinchi küni gugumda, Sinay chölide ötüp kétish héytini ötküzdi; Perwerdigar Musagha qandaq buyrughan bolsa, Israillar shundaq qildi.
So they kept the passover in the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month between the two evenings, in the desert of Sinai, —according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so, did the sons of Israel.
6 Bir nechcheylen bir ölükke tégip kétip napak bolup qalghanliqi üchün, ular shu küni ötüp kétish héytini ötküzelmidi-de, ular shu küni Musa bilen Harunning aldigha kélip Musagha: —
But so it was that there were, certain men who had become unclean by a dead person, and could not keep the passover on that day, —therefore came they near before Moses and before Aaron on that day.
7 Biz ölüp qalghan ademge tégip kétip napak bolup qalghan bolsaqmu, lékin némishqa Israillarning qatarida, békitilgen waqitta Perwerdigargha sunushqa kérek bolghinini élip kélishtin ret qilinimiz? — déyishti.
Then said those men unto him, We, are unclean by a dead person, —wherefore should we become of less esteem for want of offering the oblation of Yahweh in its appointed season, in the midst of the sons of Israel?
8 — Toxtap turunglar, men bérip Perwerdigar siler toghranglarda néme buyruydikin, anglap baqay, — dédi Musa ulargha.
And Moses said unto them, —Stay, and let me hear, what Yahweh shall command concerning you!
9 Perwerdigar Musagha söz qilip mundaq dédi: —
Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying:
10 Sen Israillargha mundaq dégin: «Siler we silerning ewladliringlar ichide beziler ölüklerge tégip kétip napak bolup qalghan bolsa yaki uzaq seper üstide bolsa, ular yenila Perwerdigar üchün ötüp kétish héytini ötküzüshke bolidu.
Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, —Though, any man, be unclean by a dead person or be on a journey afar off, whether in the case of yourselves or of your generations, yet shall he keep a passover unto Yahweh.
11 Undaq kishiler ikkinchi ayning on tötinchi küni gugumda héytni ötküzsun; [héyt taamini] pétir nan we achchiq köktatlar bilen bille yésun;
In the second month, on the fourteenth day between the two evenings, shall they keep it, —with unleavened cakes and bitter herbs, shall they eat it.
12 ulardin etige azraqmu qaldurmisun we [qozisining] ustixanliridin birersinimu sundurghuchi bolmisun; ular héytni ötüp kétish héytining barliq belgilimiliri boyiche ötküzsun.
They shall not leave thereof until morning, and no bone, shall they break therein—according to all the statutes of the passover, shall they keep it.
13 Halbuki, pak bolghan, seper üstidimu bolmighan emma ötüp kétish héytini ötküzüshke étibar bermigen kishi bolsa öz xelqidin üzüp tashlinidu; chünki békitilgen waqitta Perwerdigargha sunush kérek bolghinini sunmighanliqi üchün, u öz gunahini öz üstige alidu.
But as for the man who is, clean, and no a journey, doth not chance to be and yet faileth to keep the passover, that person shall he cut off from among his kinsfolk, —for the oblation of Yahweh, hath he not offered in its appointed season, his own sin, shall, that man, bear.
14 Eger aranglarda turuwatqan yat ellik bir musapir Perwerdigar üchün ötüp kétish héytini ötküzüshni xalisa, u ötüp kétish héyti toghrisidiki belgilime we qaide-tertip boyiche ötküzsun; yat ellik musapirlar üchün we zéminda tughulghanlar üchünmu aranglarda shu birla nizam bolsun.
When moreover there may sojourn with you a sojourner, who would keep a passover unto Yahweh, according to the statute of the passover, and according to the regulation thereof, so, must he keep [it], —one statute, shall there be for you, both for the sojourner and for the native of the land.
15 Ibadet chédiri tiklen’gen küni, bulut ibadet chédirini, yeni höküm-guwahliq chédirini qaplap turdi; kechtin taki etigen’giche, bulut xuddi ottek ibadet chédirining üstide turdi.
Now, on the day the habitation was reared, the cloud covered the habitation, even the tent of the testimony, —and in the evening, it was over the habitation, like an appearance of fire, until morning,
16 Daim shundaq bolatti; [kündüzi] bulut ibadet chédirini qaplap turatti, kéchisi u otqa oxshaytti.
Thus, came it to pass continually, the cloud, covered it, —and an appearance of fire, by night;
17 Qachaniki bulut jamaet chédirining üstidin kötürülse, Israillar yolgha chiqatti; bulut qeyerde toxtisa, Israillar shu yerde bargah tiketti.
but at the bidding of the upgoings of the cloud from off the tent, then, after that, the sons of Israel set forward, —and in the place where the cloud abode, there the sons of Israel encamped:
18 Israillar Perwerdigarning buyruqi boyiche mangatti, Perwerdigarning buyruqi boyiche bargah tiketti; bulut ibadet chédirining üstide qanche uzaq toxtisa, ular bargahta shunche uzaq turatti.
at the bidding of Yahweh, the sons of Israel set forward, and at the bidding of Yahweh, they encamped, —all the days that the cloud abode upon the habitation, they remained encamped.
19 Bulut ibadet chédirining üstide xéli künlergiche toxtap tursa, Israillarmu Perwerdigarning körsitmisini tutup seperge chiqmaytti;
And when the cloud lengthened out its stay upon the habitation, many days, then would the sons of Israel keep the watch of Yahweh, and would not set forward.
20 mubada bulut ibadet chédirining üstide peqet birnechche künla toxtisa, ular Perwerdigarning buyruqi boyiche shu waqitta bargah qurup yatatti, andin yene Perwerdigarning buyruqi boyiche seperge atlinatti.
And, so it was, when the cloud would be a few days upon the habitation, at the bidding of Yahweh, they remained encamped, and at the bidding of Yahweh, they set forward.
21 We mubada bulut peqetla kechtin etigen’giche toxtap, ettigende bulut yene kötürülse, ular yene yolgha chiqatti; meyli kündüzi yaki kéchisi bulut kötürülsila, ular seperge chiqatti.
And, so it was, when the cloud would be from evening until morning, as soon as the cloud went up in the morning, so soon did they set forward: whether by day or by night, as soon as the cloud went up, so soon did they set forward.
22 Bulut ibadet chédirining üstide uzunraq tursa, meyli ikki kün, bir ay, bir yil tursimu, Israillar yolgha chiqmay bargahta turuwéretti; lékin bulut kötürülüp mangsila ular sepirini dawamlashturatti.
Whether for two days or a month or a year, the cloud lengthened out its stay upon the habitation abiding thereupon, the sons of Israel remained encamped and set not forward, —but at the upgoings thereof, they set forward.
23 Perwerdigarning buyruqi bilen ular bargah quratti, Perwerdigarning buyruqi bilen ular seperni dawamlashturatti; ular Perwerdigarning Musaning wastisi bilen bergen emri boyiche, Perwerdigarning körsitmisini tutatti.
At the bidding of Yahweh, they encamped, and at the bidding of Yahweh, they set forward, —the watch of Yahweh, they kept, at the bidding of Yahweh by the hand of Moses.

< Chöl-bayawandiki seper 9 >