< Chöl-bayawandiki seper 23 >

1 Balaam Balaqqa: — Sili mushu yerge manga yette qurban’gah yasitip bersile, mushu yerge yene yette buqa bilen yette qoshqarmu hazirlap bersile, — dédi.
And Balaam seide to Balaach, Bilde thou here to me seuene auteris, and make redi so many caluys, and rammes of the same noumbre.
2 Balaq Balaamning déginidek qilip berdi; Balaq bilen Balaam ikkisi herbir qurban’gahqa qurbanliq qilishqa birdin buqa bilen birdin qoshqar sundi.
And whanne he hadde do bi the word of Balaam, thei puttiden a calf and a ram to gidere on the auter.
3 Balaam Balaqqa: — Sili öz köydürme qurbanliqlirining yénida tursila, men aldigha barimen, Perwerdigar méning bilen körüshüshke kélemdikin? U manga néme dep körsetme berse, men özlirige shuni dep bérimen, — dédi we bir döngge chiqti.
And Balaam seide to Balaach, Stond thou a litil while bisidis thi brent sacrifice, while Y go, if in hap the Lord meete me; and Y schal `speke to thee what euer thing he schal comaunde.
4 Xuda Balaam bilen körüshti; Balaam Xudagha: — Men yette qurban’gah hazirlattim, herbir qurban’gahqa qurbanliq süpitide birdin buqa bilen birdin qoshqar sundum, — dédi.
And whanne he hadde go swiftli, God cam to hym; and Balaam spak to hym, and seide, Y reiside seuene auteris, and Y puttide a calf and a ram aboue.
5 Perwerdigar Balaamning aghzigha bir sözni sélip: — Balaqning yénigha qaytip bérip uninggha mundaq, mundaq dégin, — dédi.
Forsothe the Lord `puttide a word in his mouth, and seide, Turne ayen to Balaach, and thou schalt speke these thingis.
6 Shuning bilen u Balaqning yénigha qaytip bardi. Mana, u we Moabning barliq emirliri uning köydürme qurbanliqining yénida turatti.
He turnede ayen, and fond Balach stondynge bisidis his brent sacrifice, and alle the princes of Moabitis.
7 Balaam kalam sözini aghzigha élip mundaq dédi: — Balaq méni Aram dégen yurttin, Moab shahi Balaq méni meshriq taghliridin élip kélip, Mundaq dédi: — Kel, méning üchün Yaqupni qarghighin. Kel, Israilni rasa bir söküp eyibligin.
And whanne his parable `was takun, he seide, Balaach, the kyng of Moabitis, brouyte me fro Aran, fro the `hillis of the eest; and he seide, Come thou and curse Jacob; haaste thou, and greetli curse thou Israel.
8 Tengri Özi qarghimighan birawni men qandaq qarghay? Perwerdigar Özi söküp eyiblimigen birawni men qandaq söküp eyibley?
How schal Y curse whom God cursid not? bi what resoun schal Y `haue abhomynable whom God `hath not abhomynable?
9 Men qoram tashlarning choqqilirida turup uni körmektimen, Dönglerde turup uninggha nezer salmaqtimen; Mana, ular yekke yashaydighan bir qowm, Ular bashqa qowmlarning qatarida sanalmaydu.
Fro the hiyeste flyntis Y schal se hym, and fro litle hillis Y schal biholde hym; the puple schal dwelle aloone, and it schal not be arettid among hethene men.
10 Yaqupning topilirini kim hésablap chiqalaydu? Hetta Israilning töttin birinimu kim sanap chiqalaydu? Méning jénim heqqaniyning ölümidek ölsun, Méning axirim uningkidek bolghay!
Who may noumbre the dust, that is, kynrede, of Jacob, and knowe the noumbre of the generacioun of Israel? My lijf die in the deeth of iust men, and my laste thingis be maad lijk hem!
11 Balaq Balaamgha qarap: — Sen manga néme qiliwatisen?! Men séni düshmenlirimni qarghap bérishke chaqiritqan tursam, mana sen eksiche pütünley ulargha amet tiliding! — dédi.
And Balaach seide to Balaam, What is this that thou doist? Y clepide thee, that thou schuldist curse myn enemyes, and ayenward thou blessist hem.
12 — Perwerdigarning aghzimgha salghinini yetküzüshke köngül qoymisam bolamti? — dep jawap berdi Balaam.
To whom Balaam answeride, Whether Y may speke othir thing no but that that the Lord comaundith?
13 Balaq Balaamgha: — Méning bilen bille bashqa bir yerge barsila, ularni shu yerdin köreleyla; biraq ularning hemmisini emes, ularning chégridiki bir qisminila köreleyla; sili shu yerde turup ularni men üchün qarghap bersile, — dédi.
Therfor Balaach seide to Balaam, Come with me in to anothir place, fro whennus thou se a part of Israel, and mayst not se al; fro thennus curse thou hym.
14 Shuning bilen Balaq Balaamni «Zofimning dalasi»gha, Pisgah téghining choqqisigha bashlap bérip, shu yerde yette qurban’gah saldurup, herbir qurban’gahqa qurbanliq süpitide birdin buqa, birdin qoshqar sundi.
And whanne he hadde led Balaam in to an hiy place, on the cop of the hil of Phasga, he bildide seuene auteris to Balaam, and whanne calues and rammes weren put aboue,
15 Balaam Balaqqa: — Sili mushu yerde özlirining köydürme qurbanliqlirining yénida turup tursila, men awu yaqqa bérip körüshüp kéley, — dédi.
he seide to Balaach, Stonde here bisidis thi brent sacrifice, while Y go.
16 Perwerdigar Balaam bilen körüshüp, uning aghzigha bir sözni sélip: — Sen Balaqning yénigha qaytip uninggha mundaq, mundaq dégin, — dédi.
And whanne the Lord hadde `come to him, and hadde put `a word in his mouth, he seide, Turne ayen to Balach, and thou schalt seie these thingis to hym.
17 Balaam Balaqning yénigha qaytip kelgende, mana, u we Moabning barliq emirliri uning köydürme qurbanliqining yénida turatti. — Perwerdigar néme dédi? — dep soridi Balaq.
He turnyde ayen, and foond Balach stondynge bisidis his brent sacrifice, and the princis of Moabitis with hym. To whom Balach seide, What spak the Lord?
18 Balaam kalam sözini aghzigha élip mundaq dédi: — «Hey Balaq, sen qopup anglighin, Ah, Zipporning oghli, manga qulaq salghin.
And whanne his parable `was takun, he seide, Stonde, Balach, and herkene; here, thou sone of Sephor. God is not `as a man,
19 Tengri insan emestur, U yalghan éytmaydu, Yaki adem balisimu emestur, U pushayman qilmaydu. U dégeniken, ishqa ashurmay qalamdu? U söz qilghaniken, wujudqa chiqarmay qalamdu?
that he lye, nethir he is as the sone of a man, that he be chaungid; therfor he seide, and schal he not do? he spak, and schal he not fulfille?
20 Mana, manga «beriketle» dep tapshuruldi, U beriketligeniken, buni men yanduralmaymen.
Y am brouyt to blesse, Y may not forbede blessyng.
21 U Yaqupta héch gunah körmigen, Israilda naheqliqni uchratmighan. Xudasi Perwerdigar uning bilen bille, Padishahning tentene awazi uning arisididur.
Noon idol is in Jacob, nethir symylacre is seyn in Israel; his Lord God is with hym, and the sown of victorie of kyng is in hym.
22 Tengri uni Misirdin élip chiqqan; Uningda yawa kaliningkidek küch bardur.
The Lord God ledde hym out of Egipt, whos strengthe is lijk an vnicorn;
23 Chünki Yaquplargha epsun kargha kelmeydu, Israillarghimu pal kargha kelmeydu. Waqti-saiti kelgende, Yaqup bilen Israil toghrisida: — «Tengri neqeder karamet ish qilip bergen-he!» Dep jakarlanmay qalmaydu!
fals tellyng bi chiteryng of bryddis, `ethir idolatrie, is not in Jacob, nethir fals dyuynyng is in Israel. In his tymes it schal be seide to Jacob and Israel, What the Lord hath wrought!
24 Mana, bu qowm chishi shirdek qopidu, Erkek shirdek qeddini ruslaydu; Özi owlighan owni yémigüche, Öltürgenlerning qénini ichmigüche, Hergiz yatmaydu!».
Lo! the puple schal rise to gidere as a lionesse, and schal be reisid as a lioun; the lioun schal not reste, til he deuoure prey, and drynke the blood of hem that ben slayn.
25 Balaq Balaamgha: — Boldi, sili ularni azraqmu qarghimisila, ulargha ametmu tilimisile! — dédi.
And Balach seide to Balaam, Nether curse thou, nether blesse thou hym.
26 Balaam Balaqqa jawab qilip: — Men silige: — «Perwerdigarning manga éytqanlirining hemmisige emel qilmisam bolmaydu» dégen emesmidim? — dédi.
And he seide, Whether Y seide not to thee, that what euer thing that God comaundide to me, Y wolde do this?
27 Balaq Balaamgha: — Kelsile, men silini bashqa bir yerge apiray, Xudaning neziride sili shu yerde turup ularni qarghashliri muwapiq tépilarmikin? — dédi.
And Balach seide to hym, Come, and Y schal lede thee to an other place, if in hap it plesith God that fro thennus thou curse hym.
28 Shuning bilen Balaq Balaamni bashlap, chöl-bayawan’gha qaraydighan Péor téghining choqqisigha keldi.
And whanne Balaach hadde led hym out on the `cop of the hil of Phegor, that biholdith the wildirnesse,
29 Balaam Balaqqa: — Sili bu yerde manga yette qurban’gah saldurup bersile, yette buqa bilen yette qoshqarmu teyyarlap bersile, — dédi.
Balaam seide to hym, Bilde here seuene auteris to me, and make redi so many caluys, and rammes of the same noumbre.
30 Balaq Balaamning déginidek qildi, herbir qurban’gahqa birdin buqa bilen birdin qochqar sundi.
Balaach dide as Balaam seide, and he puttide caluys and rammes, bi alle auteris.

< Chöl-bayawandiki seper 23 >