< Matta 28 >

1 Shabat küni ötüp, heptining birinchi küni tang atay dégende, Magdalliq Meryem bilen yene bir Meryem qebrini körüshke keldi.
And in the close evening of the sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, came Mary of Magdala and the other Mary, to view the sepulchre.
2 We mana, yerler tuyuqsiz qattiq tewrep ketti; chünki Perwerdigarning bir perishtisi asmandin chüshüp, [qebrige] bérip, tashni bir chetke domilitip, üstide olturghanidi.
And lo, there was a great earthquake: for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled away the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
3 Perishtining qiyapiti chaqmaqtek, kiyimliri qardek ap’aq idi.
And his aspect was like the lightning; and his raiment white like snow:
4 Közetchiler uningdin shunche qorqushtiki, titriship, ölüktek qétipla qaldi.
and from fear of him the keepers were astounded, and became as dead men.
5 Perishte ayallargha qarap: — Qorqmanglar! Silerning kréstlen’gen Eysani izdewatqininglarni bilimen.
And the angel answered, and said to the women: Be not ye afraid, for I know that ye seek Jesus who was crucified.
6 U bu yerde emes; u özi éytqandek tirildürüldi. Kélinglar, Reb yatqan jayni körünglar;
He is not here; for he is risen, as he predicted. Come ye, see the place where our Lord was laid.
7 andin derhal bérip uning muxlislirigha: «U ölümdin tiriliptu. We mana, u silerdin awwal Galiliyege baridiken, uni shu yerde köridikensiler» denglar. Mana men bularni silerge éytip berdim, — dédi.
And then go quickly, tell his disciples, that he is risen from the dead; and lo, he precedeth you to Galilee; there will ye see him. Behold, I have told you.
8 Shunga ayallar hem qorqunch hem zor xushalliq ichide qebridin derhal ayrilip, uning muxlislirigha xewer bérishke yügürüshti.
And they went quickly from the sepulchre, with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.
9 Ular muxlislirini xewerlendürüshke mangghanda, mana Eysa ularning aldigha chiqip: — Salam silerge! — dédi. Ularmu aldigha bérip, uning putigha ésilip, uninggha sejde qildi.
And lo, Jesus met them, and said to them: Hail, ye. And they came and clasped his feet, and worshipped him.
10 Andin Eysa ulargha: — Qorqmanglar! Bérip qérindashlirimgha: Galiliyege béringlar, dep uqturunglar, ular méni shu yerde köridu, — dédi.
Then Jesus said to them: Be not afraid; but go, tell my brethren, that they go into Galilee, and there they will see me.
11 Ayallar téxi yolda kétiwatqanda, mana közetchilerning beziliri sheherge kirip, bolghan weqelerning hemmisi toghrisida bash kahinlargha xewer qildi.
And while they were going, some of the guards came into the city, and told the chief priests all that had occurred.
12 [Bash kahinlar] aqsaqallar bilen bir yerge yighilip meslihetleshkendin kéyin, leshkerlerge bek köp pul bérip:
And they assembled with the Elders, and held a council; and they gave no little money to the guards,
13 — Siler: «Uning muxlisliri kéchisi kélip, biz uxlawatqanda uning jesitini oghrilap ekétiptu» — denglar.
and said to them: Say ye, that his disciples came and stole him away by night, while we were asleep.
14 Eger bu xewer waliyning quliqigha yétip qalsa, biz uni qayil qilip silerni awarichiliktin saqlaymiz — dédi.
And if this should be reported before the President, we will pacify him, and cause you not to be troubled.
15 Shundaq qilip, leshkerler pulni aldi we özlirige tapilan’ghandek qildi. Shuning bilen bu gep bügün’giche Yehudiylar arisida tarqilip kelmekte.
And they, having received the money, did as they were instructed. And this story is current among the Jews to this day.
16 On bir muxlis Galiliyege bérip, Eysa ulargha béqitken taghqa chiqishti.
And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.
17 Ular uni körginide uninggha sejde qilishti; lékin beziliri gumanlinip qaldi.
And when they beheld him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
18 Eysa ularning yénigha kélip, mundaq dédi: — Ershte we yer yüzide barliq hoquq manga bérildi.
And Jesus came near, and discoursed with them, and said to them: All authority is given to me, in heaven and on earth. And as my Father sent me, so also I send you.
19 Shuning üchün, bérip pütkül ellerni [özümge] muxlis qilip yétishtürünglar, shundaqla ularni Ata, Oghul we Muqeddes Rohning namigha tewe qilip chömüldürüp,
Go ye, therefore, and instruct all nations; and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
20 ulargha men silerge tapilighan barliq emrlerge emel qilishni ögitinglar. We mana, men zaman axirighiche her küni siler bilen bille bolimen. (aiōn g165)
And teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And, behold, I am with you always, unto the consummation of the worlds Amen. Completion of the Holy Gospel as published by Matthew; and which he published in Hebrew, in the land of the Palestineans. (aiōn g165)

< Matta 28 >