< Yeremiyaning yigha-zarliri 4 >

1 (Alef) Ah! Altun shunche julasiz bolup ketti! Sap altun shunche tutuq bolup ketti! Muqeddes öydiki tashlar herbir kochining béshigha tökülüp chéchildi!
How the gold has become dim! The most pure gold has changed! The stones of the sanctuary are poured out at the head of every street.
2 (Bet) Zionning oghulliri shunche qimmetlik, Sap altun’gha tégishküsiz idi, Hazir sapal kozilardek, Sapalchining qoli yasighanlirichilikmu [qimmiti yoq] dep qariliwatidu!
The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how they are esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!
3 (Gimel) Hetta chilböriler emchikini tutup bérip balilirini émitidu; Lékin méning xelqim chöldiki tögiqushlargha oxshash rehimsiz boldi.
Even the jackals offer their breast. They nurse their young ones. But the daughter of my people has become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness.
4 (Dalet) Bowaqning tili ussuzluqtin tangliyigha chaplishiwatidu; Kichik balilar nan tilimekte, Héchkim ulargha oshtup bermeywatidu.
The tongue of the nursing child clings to the roof of his mouth for thirst. The young children ask for bread, and no one breaks it for them.
5 (Xé) Nazunémetlerni yep kön’genler kochilarda sarghiyip yüridu; Sösün kiyim kiydürülüp chong qilin’ghanlar tézeklikni quchaqlap yétiwatidu.
Those who ate delicacies are desolate in the streets. Those who were brought up in purple embrace dunghills.
6 (Waw) Xelqimning qizining qebihlikige chüshken jaza Sodomning gunahining jazasidin éghirdur; Chünki Sodom biraqla örüwétilgenidi, héch ademning qoli uni qiynimighanidi.
For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown as in a moment. No hands were laid on her.
7 (Zain) Xelqimning «Nazariy»liri bolsa qardin sap, süttin aq, téni qizil yaqutlardin parqiraq idi, Teqi-turqi kök yaquttek idi.
Her nobles were purer than snow. They were whiter than milk. They were more ruddy in body than rubies. Their polishing was like sapphire.
8 (Xet) Hazir chirayliri qurumdin qara; Kochilarda kishiler toniyalmighudek bolup qaldi; Bir tére-bir ustixan bolup qaldi; U qaqshalliship yaghachtek bolup ketti.
Their appearance is blacker than a coal. They are not known in the streets. Their skin clings to their bones. It is withered. It has become like wood.
9 (Tet) Qilichta öltürülgenler qehetchilikte ölgenlerdin bextliktur; Chünki ular qaqshal bolup ketmekte, Tupraqning méwiliri bolmighachqa yiqitilmaqta.
Those who are killed with the sword are better than those who are killed with hunger; for these pine away, stricken through, for lack of the fruits of the field.
10 (Yod) Baghri yumshaq ayallar öz qolliri bilen balilirini qaynitip pishurdi; Xelqimning qizi nabut qilin’ghinida balilar ularning göshi bolup qaldi.
The hands of the pitiful women have boiled their own children. They were their food in the destruction of the daughter of my people.
11 (Kaf) Perwerdigar qehrini chüshürüp pighandin chiqti, Otluq ghezipini tökti; Zionda bir ot yéqip, Uning ullirini yutuwetti.
The LORD has accomplished his wrath. He has poured out his fierce anger. He has kindled a fire in Zion, which has devoured its foundations.
12 (Lamed) Yer yüzidiki padishahlar we jahanda barliq turuwatqanlar bolsa, Ne küshende ne düshmenning Yérusalémning qowuqliridin bösüp kiridighanliqigha ishenmeytti.
The kings of the earth did not believe, neither did all the inhabitants of the world, that the adversary and the enemy would enter into the gates of Jerusalem.
13 (Mem) Halbuki, peyghemberlirining gunahliri tüpeylidin, Kahnlirining qebihlikliri tüpeylidin, Ularning [Zionda] heqqaniylarning qanlirini tökkenliki tüpeylidin, — Bu ish [béshigha] chüshti!
It is because of the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the middle of her.
14 (Nun) Hazir ular qarghulardek kochilarda ténep yürmekte, Ular qan’gha bulghan’ghanki, Héchkim kiyimlirige tegküchi bolmaydu.
They wander as blind men in the streets. They are polluted with blood, So that men cannot touch their garments.
15 (Sameq) Xeq ulargha: «Yoqulush! Napaklar! Yoqulush! Yoqulush, bizge tegküchi bolushma!» dep warqirishmaqta. Ular qéchip terep-terepke sergerdan bolup ketti; Lékin eller: «ularning arimizda turushigha bolmaydu!» — dewatidu.
“Go away!” they cried to them. “Unclean! Go away! Go away! Do not touch! When they fled away and wandered, men said among the nations, “They cannot live here any more.”
16 (Pé) Perwerdigar Özi ularni tarqitiwetti; U ularni qayta nezirige almaydu; Kahinlarning hörmiti qilinmidi, Yashan’ghanlarmu héch méhribanliq körmidi.
The LORD’s anger has scattered them. He will not pay attention to them any more. They did not respect the persons of the priests. They did not favor the elders.
17 (Ayin) Közimiz yardemni bihude kütüp halidin ketti; Derweqe bizni qutquzalmighan bir elni kütüp közet munarlirimizda turup kelduq.
Our eyes still fail, looking in vain for our help. In our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save.
18 (Tsade) Düshmenlirimiz izimizdin qoghlap yürdi; Shunga kochilarda yürelmeyttuq; Ejilimiz yéqinlashti, künlirimiz toshti; Chünki ejilimiz keldi!
They hunt our steps, so that we cannot go in our streets. Our end is near. Our days are fulfilled, for our end has come.
19 (Kof) Péyimizge chüshkenler asmandiki bürkütlerdin ittik; Taghlardimu bizni qoghlap yügürdi, Bayawandimu bizni böktürmide paylashti.
Our pursuers were swifter than the eagles of the sky. They chased us on the mountains. They set an ambush for us in the wilderness.
20 (Resh) Jénimizning nepisi bolghan, Perwerdigarning Mesih qilghini ularning ora-tuzaqlirida tutuldi; Biz u toghrisida: «uning sayiside eller arisida yashaymiz» dep oyliduq!
The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the LORD, was taken in their pits; of whom we said, under his shadow we will live among the nations.
21 (Shiyn) I uz zéminida turghuchi, Édomning qizi, xushal-xuram yayrighin! Lékin bu [jaza] qedehi sangimu ötidu; Senmu mest bolisen, yalingachlinisen!
Rejoice and be glad, daughter of Edom, who dwells in the land of Uz. The cup will pass through to you also. You will be drunken, and will make yourself naked.
22 (Taw) Qebihlikingning jazasigha Xatime bérilidu, i Zion qizi; U séni sürgünlükke qayta élip ketmeydu; Lékin, i Édom qizi, u séning qebihlikingni jazalaydu; U gunahliringni échip tashlaydu!
The punishment of your iniquity is accomplished, daughter of Zion. He will no more carry you away into captivity. He will visit your iniquity, daughter of Edom. He will uncover your sins.

< Yeremiyaning yigha-zarliri 4 >