< Yeshua 20 >

1 Perwerdigar Yeshuagha söz qilip mundaq dédi: —
And YHWH speaks to Joshua, saying,
2 Sen Israillargha mundaq dégin: — «Özüm Musaning wasitisi bilen silerge buyrughandek, özünglar üchün «panahliq sheherler»ni tallap békitinglar;
“Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, Give cities of refuge for yourselves, as I have spoken to you by the hand of Moses,
3 bilmey, tasadipiyliqtin adem urup öltürüp qoyghan herqandaq kishi u sheherlerge qéchip ketsun. Buning bilen bu sheherler silerge qan intiqamini alghuchidin panahgah bolidu.
for the fleeing there of a manslayer striking life through ignorance, without knowledge; and they have been for a refuge to you from the redeemer of blood.
4 [Ademni shundaq öltürgen] kishi bu sheherlerning birige qéchip bérip, sheherning qowuqigha kélip, shu yerde sheherning aqsaqallirigha öz ehwalini éytsun; ular uni özige qobul qilip sheherge kirgüzüp, uning özliri bilen bille turushigha uninggha jay bersun.
When [one] has fled to one of these cities, and has stood [at] the opening of the gate of the city, and has spoken his matter in the ears of [the] elderly of that city, then they have gathered him into the city to them, and have given a place to him, and he has dwelt with them.
5 Emdi qan qisasini alghuchi uni qoghlap kelse, ular adem öltürgen kishini qisaskarning qoligha tapshurup bermisun; chünki shu kishining burundin öz qoshnisigha héch öch-adawiti bolmighan, belki tasadipiy urup öltürüp qoyghan.
And when the redeemer of blood pursues after him, then they do not shut up the manslayer into his hand, for he has struck his neighbor without knowledge, and is not hating him until now;
6 [Adem öltürgen] kishi jamaet aldida soraq qilin’ghuche shu sheherde tursun; andin shu waqittiki bash kahin ölüp ketkende, u shu sheherdin ayrilip, öz shehirige, yeni qéchip chiqqan sheherdiki öyige yénip kelsun.
and he has dwelt in that city until his standing before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the chief priest who is in those days—then the manslayer turns back and has come to his city, and to his house, to the city from where he fled.”
7 Shuning bilen ular Naftali taghliq yurtidiki Kedeshni, Efraimning taghliq yurtidiki Shekemni we Yehudaning taghliq yurtidiki Kiriat-Arba, yeni Hébronni,
And they sanctify Kedesh in Galilee, in the hill-country of Naphtali, and Shechem in the hill-country of Ephraim, and Kirjath-Arba (it [is] Hebron), in the hill-country of Judah;
8 Yérixoning sherq teripidiki, Iordan deryasining u qétidiki Ruben qebilisining zéminidin tüzlenglikning chölidiki Bezerni, Gad qebilisining zéminidin Giléadtiki Ramotni we Manasseh qebilisining zéminidin Bashandiki Golanni tallap békitti.
and beyond the Jordan, [at] Jericho eastward, they have given Bezer in the wilderness, in the plain, out of the tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe of Manasseh.
9 Mana bu sheherler barliq Israillar we ularning arisida turuwatqan musapirlar üchün panahgah bolushqa békitilgen sheherlerdur; kimki bilmey, tasadipiliqtin adem öltürgen bolsa, uning jamaet aldida soraq qilinishidin burun, qan qisaskarning qolida ölmesliki üchün shu sheherlerge qéchip kétishke bu sheherler békitilgen.
These have been cities of meeting for all the sons of Israel, and for a sojourner who is sojourning in their midst, for the fleeing there of anyone striking life through ignorance, and he does not die by the hand of the redeemer of blood until his standing before the congregation.

< Yeshua 20 >