< Yuhanna 16 >

1 Silerning putliship ketmeslikinglar üchün bularni silerge éyttim.
These things have I said to you, that ye may not be stumbled.
2 Ular silerni sinagoglarning jamaetliridin qoghlap chiqiriwétidu; hemde shundaq bir waqit-saet kéliduki, silerni öltürgüchi özini Xudagha xizmet qiliwatimen, dep hésablaydu.
For they will eject you from their synagogues; and the hour will come, that whoever shall kill you, will suppose that he presenteth an offering to God.
3 Ular bularni ya Atini, ya méni tonumighanliqi üchün qilidu.
And these things will they do, because they have not known either my Father, or me.
4 Lékin men bu ishlarni silerge éyttimki, waqit-saiti kelgende, men shundaq aldin’ala éytqinimni ésinglargha keltüreleysiler.
These things have I spoken to you, that when the time of them cometh, ye may recollect, that I told you of them. And I did not tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.
5 — Men bashta bularni silerge éytmidim, chünki men siler bilen bille idim. Lékin emdi méni ewetküchining yénigha qaytip kétimen. Shundaq turuqluq, aranglardin héchkim mendin: «Nege kétisen?» dep sorimaywatidu.
But now, I am going to Him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou?
6 Eksiche, silerge bularni éytqinim üchün, qelbinglar qayghugha chömüp ketti.
And because I have told you these things, sorrow hath come and hath filled your hearts.
7 Emma men silerge heqiqetni éytip qoyayki, méning kétishim silerge paydiliqtur. Chünki eger ketmisem, Yardemchi silerge kelmeydu. Emma ketsem, Uni silerge ewetimen.
But I tell you the truth, that it is profitable for you that I go away; for, if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
8 U kelgende, bu dunyadikilerge gunah toghrisida, heqqaniyliq toghrisida we axiret soriqi toghrisida heqiqetni bilgüzidu.
And when he is come, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
9 U ularni gunah toghrisida bilgüzidu, chünki ular manga étiqad qilmidi.
Of sin because they believe not in me:
10 Ularni heqqaniyliq toghrisida [bilgüzidu], chünki Atamning yénigha qaytip barimen we siler méni yene körelmeysiler.
and of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more:
11 Ularni axiret soriqi toghrisida [bilgüzidu], chünki bu dunyaning hökümdari üstige höküm chiqirildi.
and of Judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.
12 Silerge éytidighan yene köp sözlirim bar idi; lékin siler ularni hazirche kötürelmeysiler.
Moreover, I have much to say to you: but ye cannot comprehend it now.
13 Lékin U, yeni Heqiqetning Rohi kelgende, U silerni barliq heqiqetke bashlap baridu. Chünki U özlükidin sözlimeydu, belki némini anglighan bolsa, shuni sözleydu we kelgüside bolidighan ishlardin silerge xewer béridu.
But when the Spirit of truth shall come, he will lead you into all the truth. For he will not speak from his own mind; but whatever he heareth, that will he speak: and he will make known to you things to come.
14 U méni ulughlaydu; chünki U mende bar bolghanni tapshuruwélip, silerge jakarlaydu.
He will glorify me; because he will receive of what is mine, and will show it to you.
15 Atida bar bolghanning hemmisi hem méningkidur; mana shuning üchün men: «U mende bar bolghanni tapshuruwélip, silerge jakarlaydu» dep éyttim.
Whatever the Father hath, is mine: therefore said I to you that he will receive of what is mine, and will show it to you.
16 Az waqittin kéyin, méni körmeysiler; we yene bir’az waqit ötkendin kéyin, méni qayta körisiler, chünki men Atamning yénigha kétimen».
A little while, and ye will not see me; and again a little while, and ye will see me; because I go to the Father.
17 Shunga muxlislarning beziliri bir-birige: — Bizlerge: — «Az waqittin kéyin, méni körmeysiler; yene bir’az waqit ötkendin kéyin, méni qayta körisiler» we yene «Chünki men Atamning yénigha kétimen» dégini néme déginidu?
And his disciples said one to another: What is this that he saith to us, A little while, and ye will not see me and again a little while, and ye will see me, because I go to my Father?
18 «Az waqittin kéyin» dégen sözining menisi néme? Uning némilerni dewatqanlirini bilmiduq, — déyishidu.
And they said: What is this little while, of which he speaketh? We know not what he saith.
19 Eysa ularning özidin némini sorimaqchi bolghinini bilip ulargha mundaq dédi: — «Méning «Az waqittin kéyin, méni körmeysiler; yene bir’az waqit ötkendin kéyin, méni körisiler» déginimning menisini bir-biringlardin sorawatamsiler?
And Jesus knew, that they desired to ask him; and he said to them: Are ye debating with each other, of what I said to you, A little while, and ye will not see me, and again a little while, and ye will see me?
20 Berheq, berheq, men silerge shuni éytip qoyayki, siler yigha-zar kötürüsiler, lékin bu dunyadikiler xushal bolushup kétidu; siler qayghurisiler, lékin qayghuliringlar shadliqqa aylinidu.
Verily, verily, I say to you, That ye will weep and lament: And the world will rejoice, while to you will be sorrow. But your sorrow will be turned to joy.
21 Ayal kishi tughutta azablinidu, chünki uning waqit-saiti yétip kelgen; lékin bowiqi tughulup bolghandin kéyin, bir perzentning dunyagha kelgenlikining shadliqi bilen tartqan azabini untup kétidu.
A woman, in bringing forth, hath sorrow, for the day of her travail hath come: but when she hath brought forth a son, she remembereth not her anguish, because of the joy that a human being is born into the world.
22 Shuninggha oxshash, silermu hazir azabliniwatisiler, lékin men siler bilen qayta körüshimen, qelbinglar shadlinidu we shadliqinglarni héchkim silerdin tartiwalalmaydu.
Ye also now have sorrow; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will deprive you of your joy.
23 Shu künde siler mendin héchnerse sorimaysiler. Berheq, berheq, men silerge shuni éytip qoyayki, méning namim bilen Atidin némini tilisenglar, u shuni silerge béridu.
And in that day ye will ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say to you, That whatsoever ye shall ask of my Father in my name, he will give to you.
24 Hazirghiche méning namim bilen héchnéme tilimidinglar. Emdi tilenglar, érishisiler, buning bilen shadliqinglar tolup tashidu!
Hitherto ye have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and ye will receive; that your joy may be complete.
25 Silerge bularni temsiller bilen éytip berdim. Biraq shundaq bir waqit kéliduki, u chaghda silerge yene temsiller bilen sözlimeymen, Ata toghruluq silerge ochuq éytimen.
These things have I spoken to you in allegories: but the hour will come, when I shall not speak to you in allegories, but I will speak to you plainly of the Father.
26 Shu küni tilekliringlarni méning namim bilen iltija qilisiler. Men siler üchün Atidin telep qilimen, dep éytmaymen;
In that day ye will ask in my name; and I do not say to you, that I will pray to the Father for you;
27 chünki Ata özimu silerni söyidu; chünki siler méni söyisiler we méning Xudaning yénidin kelgenlikimge ishendinglar.
for the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I proceeded from the presence of the Father.
28 Men Atining yénidin chiqip bu dunyagha keldim; emdi men yene bu dunyadin kétip Atining yénigha barimen».
I proceeded forth from before the Father, and came into the world; and again I leave the world, and go to the Father.
29 Muxlisliri: — Mana sen hazir ochuq éytiwatisen, temsil keltürüp sözlimiding!
His disciples say to him: Lo, now thou speakest plainly, and thou utterest no allegory.
30 Biz séning hemmini bilginingni, shundaqla héchkimning sendin soal sorishining hajiti yoqluqini emdi bilip yettuq. Shuningdin séning Xudaning yénidin kelgenlikingge ishenduq, — déyishti.
Now know we, that thou knowest every thing; and thou hast no need, that any one should ask thee: by this we believe, that thou didst proceed from God.
31 Eysa jawaben ulargha: — Hazir ishendinglarmu?
Jesus said to them: Do ye believe?
32 Mana, shundaq waqit-saiti kéley dep qaldi, shundaqla kélip qaldiki, hemminglar méni yalghuz tashlap herbiringlar öz yolliringlargha tarqilip kétisiler. Biraq men yalghuz emesmen, chünki Ata men bilen billidur.
Behold, the hour cometh, and hath now come, when ye will be dispersed, each to his place; and ye will leave me alone. But I am not alone, for the Father is with me.
33 Silerning mende xatirjemlikke ige bolushunglar üchün bularni silerge éyttim. Bu dunyada turup azab-oqubet tartisiler, emma gheyretlik bolunglar! Men bu dunya üstidin ghelibe qildim!
These things have I said to you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye will have trouble: but, take courage, I have vanquished the world.

< Yuhanna 16 >