< Ayup 3 >

1 [Yette kündin] kéyin, Ayup éghiz échip [ehwaligha qarita] özining körüwatqan künige lenet oqup mundaq dédi: —
At length Job opened his mouth, and cursed the day of his birth.
And Job spake and said:
3 «Men tughulghan ashu kün bolmighan bolsa boptiken! «Oghul bala apiride boldi!» déyilgen shu kéche bolmighan bolsa boptiken!
Perish the day in which I was born, and the night which said, “A man-child is conceived!”
4 Shu künni zulmet qaplighan bolsa boptiken! Ershte turghan Tengri köz aldidin shu künni yoqitiwetken bolsa boptiken, Quyash nuri uning üstige chüshürülmise boptiken!
Let that day be darkness; Let not God seek it from above; Yea, let not the light shine upon it!
5 Shu künni qarangghuluq hem ölümning kölenggisi öz qoynigha alsa boptiken! Bulutlar uni yutup ketse boptiken, Shu künni kün qarangghulatquchilar qorqitip ketküziwetken bolsa boptiken!
Let darkness and the shadow of death redeem it; Let a cloud dwell upon it; Let whatever darkeneth the day terrify it!
6 Shu kechni — Zulmet tutup ketse boptiken; Shu kün yil ichidiki [bashqa] künler bilen bille shatlanmisa boptiken! Shu kün ayning bir küni bolup sanalmisa boptiken!
As for that night, let darkness seize upon it; Let it not rejoice among the days of the year; Let it not come into the number of the months!
7 Mana, shu kéchide tughut bolmisa boptiken! U kéchide héchqandaq shad-xuramliq awaz yangrimisa boptiken!
O let that night be unfruitful! Let there be in it no voice of joy;
8 Künlerge lenet qilghuchilar shu kün’ge lenet qilsa boptiken! Léwiatanni qozghashqa pétinalaydighanlar shu kün’ge lenet qilsa boptiken!
Let them that curse the day curse it, Who are skilful to stir up the leviathan!
9 Shu kün tang seherdiki yultuzlar qarangghulashsa boptiken! U kün quyash nurini bihude kütse boptiken! Shu kün sübhining qapaqlirining échilishini bihude kütse boptiken!
Let the stars of its twilight be darkened; Let it long for light, and have none; Neither let it see the eyelashes of the morning!
10 Chünki shu kün méni kötürgen baliyatquning ishiklirini etmigen, Méning közlirimni derd-elemni körelmes qilmighan.
Because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb, And hid not trouble from mine eyes.
11 Ah, némishqa anamning qorsiqidin chüshüpla ölüp ketmigendimen?! Némishqa qorsaqtin chiqqandila nepestin qalmighandimen?
Why died I not at my birth? Why did I not expire when I came forth from the womb?
12 Némishqa méni qobul qilidighan étekler bolghandu? Némishqa méni émitidighan emchekler bolghandu?
Why did the knees receive me, And why the breasts, that I might suck?
13 Mushular bolmighan bolsa, undaqta men menggü tinch yétip qalattim, Menggülük uyqugha ketken bolattim, shu chaghda aram tapqan bolattim.
For now should I lie down and be quiet; I should sleep; then should I be at rest,
14 Shu chaghda özliri üchünla xilwet jaylargha mazar salghan yer yüzidiki padishahlar hem meslihetchiler bilen,
With kings and counsellors of the earth, Who built up for themselves—ruins!
15 Yaki altun yighqan, Öyliri kümüshke tolghan beg-shahzadiler bilen bolattim;
Or with princes that had gold, And filled their houses with silver;
16 Qorsaqtin mezgilsiz chüshüp ketken yoshurun balidek, Nurni körmey chachrap ketken balidek hayat kechürmigen bolattim.
Or, as a hidden untimely birth, I had perished; As infants which never saw the light.
17 Ashu yerde reziller awarichiliktin xaliy bolidu, Ashu yerde halidin ketkenler aram tapidu;
There the wicked cease from troubling; There the weary are at rest.
18 Ashu yerde esirler rahette jem bolidu, Ular ezgüchilerning awazini anglimaydu;
There the prisoners rest together; They hear not the voice of the oppressor.
19 Ghériblarmu hem ulughlarmu ashu yerde turidu, Qul bolsa xojayinidin azad bolidu.
The small and the great are there, And the servant is free from his master.
20 Japa tartquchigha néme dep nur bérilidu? Némishqa derd-elemge chömgenlerge hayat bérilidu?
Why giveth He light to him that is in misery, And life to the bitter in soul,
21 Ular teshnaliq bilen ölümni kütidu, Biraq u kelmeydu; Ular ölümni yoshurun göherni kézip izdigendinmu ewzel bilidu,
Who long for death, and it cometh not, And dig for it more than for hid treasures;
22 Ular görni tapqanda zor xushal bolup, Shad-xuramliqqa chömidu.
Who rejoice exceedingly, Yea, exult, when they can find a grave?
23 Öz yoli éniqsiz ademge, Yeni Tengrining tosiqi sélin’ghan ademge némishqa [nur we hayat] bérilidu?
Why is light given to a man from whom the way is hid, And whom God hath hedged in?
24 Shunga tamiqimning ornigha nalilirim kélidu; Méning qattiq peryadlirim sharqiratmidek sharqiraydu.
For my sighing cometh before I eat, And my groans are poured out like water.
25 Chünki men del qorqqan wehshet öz béshimgha chüshti; Men del qorqidighan ish manga keldi.
For that which I dread overtaketh me; That at which I shudder cometh upon me.
26 Mende héch aramliq yoqtur! Hem héch xatirjem emesmen! Héch tinch-amanliqim yoqtur! Biraq parakendichilik haman üstümge chüshmekte!».
I have no peace, nor quiet, nor respite: Misery cometh upon me continually.

< Ayup 3 >