< Ayup 16 >

1 Andin Ayup jawaben mundaq dédi: —
And Job answered and said,
2 Men mushundaq geplerni köp anglighanmen; Siler hemminglar azab yetküzidighan ajayib teselli bergüchi ikensiler-he!
I have heard many such things: grievous comforters are ye all.
3 Mundaq watildap qilghan gepliringlarning chéki barmu? Silerge mundaq jawab bérishke zadi néme qutratquluq qildi?
Shall words of wind have an end? or what provoketh thee that thou answerest?
4 Xalisamla özüm silerge oxshash söz qilalayttim; Siler méning ornumda bolidighan bolsanglar, Menmu sözlerni baghlashturup éytip, silerge zerbe qilalaytim, Béshimnimu silerge qaritip chayqiyalayttim!
I also could speak as ye: if your soul were in my soul's stead, I could join together words against you, and shake my head at you;
5 Halbuki, men eksiche aghzim bilen silerni righbetlendürettim, Lewlirimning tesellisi silerge dora-derman bolatti.
[But] I would encourage you with my mouth, and the solace of my lips should assuage [your pain].
6 Lékin méning sözlishim bilen azabim azaymaydu; Yaki gépimni ichimge yutuwalisammu, manga néme aramchiliq bolsun?
If I speak, my pain is not assuaged; and if I forbear, what am I eased?
7 Biraq U méni halsizlandürüwetti; Shundaq, Sen pütkül ailemni weyran qiliwetting!
But now he hath made me weary; ...thou hast made desolate all my family;
8 Sen méni qamalliding! Shuning bilen [ehwalim manga] guwahliq qilmaqta; Méning oruq-qaqshal [bedinim] ornidin turup özümni eyiblep guwahliq qilidu!
Thou hast shrivelled me up! it is become a witness; and my leanness riseth up against me, it beareth witness to my face.
9 Uning ghezipi méni titma qilip, Méni ow oljisi qilidu; U manga qarap chishini ghuchurlitidu; Méning düshminimdek közini alayitip manga tikidu.
His anger teareth and pursueth me; he gnasheth with his teeth against me; [as] mine adversary he sharpeneth his eyes at me.
10 [Ademler] manga qarap [mazaq qiliship] aghzini achidu; Ular nepret bilen mengzimge kachatlaydu; Manga hujum qilay dep sep tüzidu.
They gape upon me with their mouth; they smite my cheeks reproachfully; they range themselves together against me.
11 Xuda méni eskilerge tapshurghan; Méni rezillerning qoligha tashliwetkeniken.
God hath delivered me over to the iniquitous man, and hurled me into the hands of the wicked.
12 Eslide men tinch-amanliqta turattim, biraq u méni pachaqlidi; U boynumdin silkip bitchit qiliwetti, Méni Öz nishani qilghaniken.
I was at rest, but he hath shattered me; he hath taken me by the neck and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark.
13 Uning oqyachiliri méni qapsiwaldi; Héch ayimay U üchey-baghrimni yirtip, Ötümni yerge töküwetti.
His arrows encompass me round about, he cleaveth my reins asunder and doth not spare; he poureth out my gall upon the ground.
14 U u yer-bu yérimge üsti-üstilep zexim qilip bösüp kiridu; U palwandek manga qarap étilidu.
He breaketh me with breach upon breach; he runneth upon me like a mighty man.
15 Téremning üstige böz rext tikip qoydum; Öz izzet-hörmitimni topa-changgha sélip qoydum.
I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and rolled my horn in the dust.
16 Gerche qolumda héchqandaq zorawanliq bolmisimu, Duayim chin dilimdin bolghan bolsimu, Yüzüm yigha-zaridin qizirip ketti; Qapaqlirimni ölüm sayisi basti.
My face is red with weeping, and on my eyelids is the shadow of death;
Although there is no violence in my hands, and my prayer is pure.
18 Ah, yer-zémin, qénimni yapmighin! Nale-peryadim toxtaydighan’gha jay bolmighay!
O earth, cover not my blood, and let there be no place for my cry!
19 Biraq mana, asmanlarda hazirmu manga shahit Bolghuchi bar! Ershlerde manga kapalet Bolghuchi bar!
Even now, behold, my Witness is in the heavens, and he that voucheth for me is in the heights.
20 Öz dostlirim méni mazaq qilghini bilen, Biraq közüm téxiche Tengrige yash tökmekte.
My friends are my mockers; mine eye poureth out tears unto God.
21 Ah, insan balisi dosti üchün kélishtürgüchi bolghandek, Tengri bilen adem otturisidimu kélishtürgüchi bolsidi!
Oh that there were arbitration for a man with God, as a son of man for his friend!
22 Chünki yene birnechche yil ötüshi bilenla, Men barsa qaytmas yolda méngip qalimen.
For years [few] in number shall pass, — and I shall go the way [whence] I shall not return.

< Ayup 16 >