< Yeshaya 57 >

1 Heqqaniy adem alemdin ötidu, Héchkim buninggha köngül bölmeydu; Méhriban ademler yighip élip kétilidu, Biraq héchkim oylap chüshinelmeyduki, Heqqaniy ademler yaman künlerni körmisun dep yighip élip kétilidu.
A iust man perischith, and noon is, that thenkith in his herte; and men of merci ben gaderid togidere, for noon is that vndurstondith; for whi a iust man is gaderid fro the face of malice.
2 U bolsa aram-xatirjemlik ichige kiridu; Yeni özlirining durus yolida mangghan herbir kishi, Öz ornida yétip aram alidu.
Pees come, reste he in his bed, that yede in his dressyng.
3 Biraq senler, i jaduger ayalning baliliri, Zinaxor bilen pahishe ayalning nesli; Buyaqqa yéqin kélinglar;
But ye, sones of the sekere of fals dyuynyng bi chiteryng of briddys, neiye hidur, the seed of auowtresse, and of an hoore.
4 Siler kimni mazaq qiliwatisiler? Yaki kimge qarshi aghzinglarni kalchaytip, Tilinglarni uzun chiqirisiler? Siler bolsanglar asiyliqtin törelgen balilar, Aldamchiliqning nesli emesmusiler?
On whom scorneden ye? on whom maden ye greet the mouth, and puttiden out the tunge? Whethir ye ben not cursid sones, a seed of leesyngis?
5 Herbir chong derex astida, Herbir yéshil derex astida shehwaniyliq bilen köyüp ketküchi, Kichik balilarni jilghilargha hem xada tashlarning yériqlirigha élip soyghuchisiler!
which ben coumfortid in goddis, vndur ech tree ful of bowis, and offren litle children in strondis, vndur hiye stoonys.
6 Ériqtiki siliqlan’ghan tashlar arisida séning nésiweng bardur; Shular, shularla séning teqsimatingdur; Shundaq, sen ulargha atap «sharab hediyesi»ni quyup, Ulargha «ashliq hediye»nimu sunup berdingghu; Emdi mushulargha razi bolup Özümni bésiwalsam bolamti?
Thi part is in the partis of the stronde, this is thi part; and to tho thou scheddist out moist offryng, thou offridist sacrifice. Whether Y schal not haue indignacioun on these thingis?
7 Sen yuqiri, égiz bir tagh üstide orun-körpe sélip qoydung, Sen ashu yerdimu qurbanliqlarni qilishqa chiqting.
Thou puttidist thi bed on an hiy hil and enhaunsid, and thidur thou stiedist to offre sacrifices;
8 Ishiklerning keynige we keyni késheklirige «esletmiliring»ni békitip qoydung, Chünki sen Mendin ayrilding, Sen yalingachlinip ornunggha chiqting; Orun-körpengni kéngeytip [xéridarliring] bilen özüng üchün ehdileshting; Ularning orun-körpisige könglüng chüshti, Sen ularda küch-hoquqni körüp qalding.
and thou settidist thi memorial bihynde the dore, and bihynde the post. For bisidis me thou vnhilidist, and tokist auouter; thou alargidist thi bed, and madist a boond of pees with hem; thou louedist the bed of hem with openyd hond,
9 Sen zeytun méyi hediyisini élip, Etirliringni üstibéshingge bolushigha chéchip, Padishahning aldigha barding; Elchiliringni yiraqqa ewetip, Hetta tehtisaragha yetküche özüngni pes qilding. (Sheol h7585)
and ournedist thee with kyngis oynement, and thou multipliedist thi pymentis; thou sentist fer thi messangeris, and thou art maad low `til to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
10 Sen bésip mangghan barliq yolliringda charchighining bilen, Yene: «Poq yeptimen, boldi bes!» dep qoymiding téxi, Ézip yürüshke yenila küchüngni yighding, Héch jaq toymiding.
Thou trauelidist in the multitude of thi weie, and seidist not, Y schal reste; thou hast founde the weie of thin hond,
11 Sen zadi kimdin yürekzade bolup, qorqup yürisen, Yalghan gep qilip, Méni ésingge héch keltürmey, Könglüngdin héch ötküzmiding. Men uzun’ghiche sükütte turup keldim emesmu? Sen yenila Mendin héch qorqup baqmiding!
therfor thou preiedist not. For what thing dreddist thou bisy, for thou liedist, and thouytist not on me? And thou thouytist not in thin herte, that Y am stille, and as not seynge; and thou hast foryete me.
12 Séning «heqqaniyliqing»ni hem «töhpiliring»ni bayan qilimen: — Ularning sanga héch paydisi yoqtur!
Y schal telle thi riytfulnesse, and thi werkis schulen not profite to thee.
13 Chirqirighanliringda sen yighip toplighan [butlar] kélip séni qutquzsun! Biraq shamal püw qilip ularning hemmisini uchurup kétidu, Bir nepesla ularni élip kétidu; Biraq Manga tayan’ghuchi zémin’gha mirasliq qilidu, Méning muqeddes téghimgha igidarchiliq qilidu.
Whanne thou schalt crie, thi gaderid tresours delyuere thee; and the wynd schal take awei alle tho, a blast schal do awei hem; but he that hath trist on me, schal enherite the lond, and schal haue in possessioun myn hooli hil.
14 [Shu chaghda]: — «Yolni kötürünglar, kötürünglar, uni teyyarlanglar, Xelqimning yolini boshitip barliq putlikashanglarni élip tashlanglar» déyilidu.
And Y schal seie, Make ye weie, yyue ye iurney, bowe ye fro the path, do ye awei hirtyngis fro the weie of my puple.
15 Chünki nami «Muqeddes» Bolghuchi, Yuqiri hem Aliy Bolghuchi, Ebedil’ebedgiche hayat Bolghuchi mundaq deydu: — «Men yuqiri hemde muqeddes jayda, Hem shundaqla rohi sunuq hem kichik péil adem bilen bille turimenki, Kichik péil ademning rohini yéngilaymen, Dili sunuqning könglini yéngilaymen.
For the Lord hiy, and enhaunsid, seith these thingis, that dwellith in euerlastyngnesse, and his hooli name in hiy place, and that dwellith in hooli, and with a contrite and meke spirit, that he quykene the spirit of meke men, and quykene the herte of contrit men.
16 Chünki Men hergiz menggüge erz qilip eyiblimeymen, Hem ebedil’ebedgiche ghezeplenmeymen; Shundaq qilsam insanning rohi Méning aldimda susliship yoqaydu, Özüm yaratqan nepes igiliri tügishidu.
For Y schal not stryue with outen ende, nether Y schal be wrooth `til to the ende; for whi a spirit schal go out fro my face, and Y schal make blastis.
17 Uning öz nepsaniyetlik qebihlikide Men uningdin ghezeplinip, uni urghanmen; Men uningdin yoshurun turup, uninggha ghezeplen’genlikim bilen, U yenila arqisigha chékin’giniche öz yolini méngiwerdi;
Y was wrooth for the wickidnesse of his aueryce, and Y smoot hym. Y hidde my face fro thee, and Y hadde indignacioun; and he yede with out stidfast dwellyng, in the weie of his herte.
18 Men uning yollirini körüp yetken teqdirdimu, Men uni saqaytimen; Men uni yétekleymen, Men lewlerning méwisini yaritimen, Uninggha we uningdiki hesret chekküchilerge yene teselli bérimen; Yiraq turuwatqan’gha, yéqin turuwatqan’ghimu mutleq aram-xatirjemlik bolsun! We Men uni saqaytimen!
Y siy hise weies, and Y helide hym, and Y brouyte hym ayen; and Y yaf coumfortyngis to hym, and to the moreneris of hym.
Y made the fruyt of lippis pees, pees to hym that is fer, and to hym that is niy, seide the Lord; and Y heelide hym.
20 Biraq reziller bolsa tinchilinishni héch bilmeydighan, Dolqunliri lay-latqilarni urghutuwatqan, Dawalghuwatqan déngizdektur.
But wickid men ben as the buyling see, that may not reste; and the wawis therof fleten ayen in to defoulyng, and fen.
21 Rezillerge, — deydu Xudayim — héch aram-xatirjemlik bolmas.
The Lord God seide, Pees is not to wickid men.

< Yeshaya 57 >