< Yeshaya 5 >

1 Men öz söygen yarimgha, Méning söyümlüküm üchün öz üzümzari toghruluq bir küy éytip bérey; Söyümlükümning munbet bir döng üstide üzümzari bar idi;
I will sing now for my beloved, the song of my dear one touching his vineyard. A vineyard had my beloved on a rich hill-top;
2 U hemme yérini kolap tashlarni élip tashlidi, Eng ésil üzüm téli tikti; U üzümzar otturisigha közitish munari saldi, Üzümzar ichidimu sharap kölchiki qazdi, Andin üzümdin yaxshi hosul kütti; Biraq buning ornigha, üzümzar achchiq üzümlernila berdi.
And he fenced it in, and cleared it of stones, and planted it with the choicest vines, and built a tower in its midst, and also a winepress he hewed out therein: and he hoped that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth worthless fruit.
3 Qéni, i Yérusalémdikiler we Yehudaning ademliri, Men bilen üzümzarimning otturisidin höküm chiqiringlar!
And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, between me and my vineyard.
4 Méning üzümzarimda qilghudek yene néme ishim qaldi? Yaxshi üzümlerni kütkinimde, Némishqa peqet achchiq üzümnila chiqirip berdi?
What more was to be done to my vineyard, that I had not done in it? Why then did I hope that it should bring forth grapes, while it brought forth worthless fruit?
5 Emdi hazir Öz üzümzarimni néme qilidighinimni silerge éytip bérey: — Uning chitlaqlirini élip tashlaymen, u yutuwétilidu; Uning tamlirini chéqip ghulitimen, u cheylinidu.
And now I will let you know also what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it shall be eaten off; I will break down its wall, and it shall be trodden down;
6 Men uni chöllükke aylandurimen; Héchkim uni chatap-putap, perwish qilmaydu; Jighanlar we tikenler uningda ösüp chiqidu; Bulutlargha uning üstige héch yamghur yaghdurmanglar dep buyruymen.
And I will lay it quite waste; it shall not be pruned, nor hoed around; and it shall be overgrown with briers and thorns; and the clouds will I command that they send down no rain upon it.
7 Chünki samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigarning üzümzari — Israil jemeti, Uning xushalliqi bolghan ösümlük bolsa — Yehudadikilerdur; U adalet méwisini kütken, Biraq mana emdi zulum kördi; Heqqaniyliqni kütken, Biraq mana emdi nale-peryad boldi!
For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the plant of his delight: and he hoped for justice, but behold injustice; for equity, but behold iniquity.
8 Xeqlerge héch orun qaldurmay öyni-öyge, étizni-étizgha ulighanlargha way! Özünglarni yalghuz zéminda qaldurmaqchimusiler?
Woe unto those that cause house to join on house, bring field near to field, till there is no more room, so that ye may be left alone as the inhabitants in the midst of the land!
9 Samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar méning quliqimgha mundaq dédi: — «Köpligen öyler, Derweqe heywetlik, heshemetlik öyler ademzatsiz, xarab bolidu.
In my ears [spoke] the Lord of hosts, Truly many houses shall become desolate, yea, great and beautiful ones without an inhabitant.
10 Berheq, qiriq moluq üzümzar peqet alte küp sharab béridu, Ottuz küre dan bolsa peqet üch küre hosul béridu.
Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield [but] one bath, and a chomer-seed shall yield [but] an ephah.
11 Mey ichishke aldirap tang atqanda ornidin turghanlargha, Qarangghu chüshishige qarimay, sharabtin keyp bolghuche bésip olturghanlargha way!
Woe unto those that rise up early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink; that continue until late in the twilight, till wine inflame them!
12 Ularning ziyapetliride chiltar we lira, tembur we ney, sharabmu bar; Biraq ular Perwerdigarning qilghanlirigha we qol ishlirigha héch étiwar qilmaydu.
And there are harp and psaltery, tambourine and flute, and wine at their drinking-feasts; but the deeds of the Lord they regard not, and the works of his hands they behold not.
13 Shu sewebtin öz xelqim bilimdin xewersiz bolghanliqi tüpeylidin sürgün bolup kétidu; Ésilzadiliri échirqiship, Puqraliri ussuzluqtin qurup kétidu.
Therefore are my people led into exile, for want of knowledge: and their honorable men suffer of famine, and their multitude are panting with thirst.
14 Shunga tehtisara nepsini yoghinitip, Aghzini hang achidu; Ularning shöhretliri, top-top ademliri, qiqas-süren kötürgüchiliri we neghme oynighuchiliri biraqla ichige chüshüp kétidu. (Sheol h7585)
Therefore hath the deep enlarged her desire, and opened her mouth without measure: and there descend [Jerusalem's] glory, and her multitude, and her noise, and whoever rejoiced therein. (Sheol h7585)
15 Puqralar égildürülidu, Mötiwerlermu töwen qilinidu, Tekebburlarning közliri yerge qaritilidu;
And bent down shall be the son of earth, and humbled shall be the man, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled;
16 Biraq samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar adalet yürgüzginide üstün dep medhiyilinidu, Pak-muqeddes bolghuchi Tengri heqqaniyliqidin pak-muqeddes dep bilinidu.
And the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and the holy God shall be sanctified by [displaying his] righteousness.
17 Shu chaghda qozilar öz yaylaqlirida turghandek otlaydu, Musapirlarmu baylarning weyrane öyliride ozuqlinidu.
Then shall the sheep feed according to their wont, and the ruins of the fat ones shall sojourners eat.
18 Qebihlikni aldamchiliqning yipliri bilen, Gunahni harwa arghamchisi bilen tartqanlargha way!
Woe unto those that draw iniquity with the cords of falsehood, and as with a wagon-rope, sinfulness;
19 Yeni: «[Xuda] aldirisun! Ishlirini Özi ittikrek ada qilsun, Shuning bilen biz uni köreleymiz! «Israildiki Muqeddes Bolghuchi»ning niyet qilghini yéqinliship ishqa ashurulghay, Biz uni biliwalayli!» — dégenlerge way!
That say, Let him make speed, let him hasten his work, that we may see it: and let draw nigh and come the counsel of the Holy One of Israel, that we may know it!
20 Yamanni yaxshi, yaxshini yaman dégüchilerge, Qarangghuluqni nurning, nurni qarangghuluqning ornigha qoyghuchilargha, Achchiqni tatliqning, tatliqni achchiqning ornigha qoyghuchilargha way!
Woe unto those that say of the evil it is good, and of the good it is evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Özlirini dana dep chaghlighanlargha, Öz neziride özlirini eqilliq dep qarighanlargha way!
Woe unto those that are wise in their own eyes, and intelligent in their own esteem!
22 Sharab ichishke batur bolghanlargha, Haraqni ebjesh qilishta qehriman bolghanlargha,
Woe unto those that are heroes to drink wine, and men of might to mingle strong drink;
23 Yeni para üchün rezillerni aqlap, Shuning bilen heqqaniylarning adalitini ret qilghuchilargha way!
Who justify the wicked in lieu of a bribe, and who deprive the righteous of their right!
24 Shunga, ot yalqunliri samanlarni yutuwetkendek, Yalqunlarda menggenler soliship yoqalghandek, Ularning yiltizliri chirip kétidu, Gül-chéchekliri chang-tozangdek tozup kétidu; Chünki ular samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigarning yolyoruq-qanunini chetke qaqqan, Israildiki Muqeddes Bolghuchining söz-kalamini közge ilmighanidi.
Therefore as the tongue of the fire devoureth the stubble, and dry hay sinketh before the flame: so shall their root be as rotten things, and their blossom shall fly up as the dust; because they have despised the law of the Lord of hosts, and the word of the Holy One of Israel they have rejected.
25 Shunga Perwerdigarning ghezipi Öz xelqige qarap qaynaydu, U ulargha qarap qolini kötürüp, ularni urup yiqitidu. Taghlar tewrinip kétidu; Ölükler exletlerdek kochilar otturisida döwe-döwe bolidu. Mushundaq ishlar bolsimu, Uning ghezipi yenila yanmaydu, Sozghan qoli yenila qayturulmay turidu.
For this cause is kindled the anger of the Lord against his people, and he stretcheth forth his hand against them, and he smiteth them; and the mountains tremble, and their carcasses lie like sweepings in the midst of the streets: with all this his anger is not turned away, but still is his hand stretched out.
26 U yiraqtiki ellerni chaqirip tughni kötüridu, U yer yüzining chet yaqisidin bir elni üshqirtip chaqiridu; Mana ular tézdin aldirap kélidu!
And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from afar, and will call for one of them from the end of the earth; and, behold, with speed, swiftly, it cometh;
27 Ulardin héchbiri charchap ketmeydu, Putlishipmu ketmeydu. Héchbiri mügdimeydu, uxlimaydu, Baghlighan belwaghliridin héchbiri boshimaydu, Choruqlirining boghquchliridin héchbiri üzülmeydu;
There is none weary, nor stumbling among its men; it slumbereth not, it sleepeth not; not loosened is the girdle of its loins, not broken is the latchet of its shoes;
28 Ularning oqliri ittik, Barliq oqyalirining kirichliri tartilip teyyar turidu, Atlirining tuyaqliri chaqmaq téshidek bolidu, [Jeng harwilirining] chaqliri qoyuntazdek aylinidu;
Whose arrows are sharpened, and all whose bows are bent; its horses hoofs are hard like the flint, and its wheels like the whirlwind;
29 Ularning hörkireshliri shirningkidek bolidu, Ular arslanlardek hörkirishidu, Derweqe, ular owgha érishkende ghazh-ghuzh qilip hörpiyishidu; Owni qutquzghudek héchkim bolmay, Ular uni élip kétidu.
It hath a roar like the lioness, it roareth like the young lions: yea, it growleth, and layeth hold of the prey, and carrieth it safely off, with none to deliver.
30 Shu küni ular déngizlar hörkürigendek owgha hörkirishidu; Eger birersi yer-zémin’gha qarighudek bolsa, Peqet qarangghuluq, derd-elemnila köridu! Herqandaq nur bulut-tuman teripidin ghuwalishidu.
And it will rage against them on that day like with the raging of the sea: and if one look unto the earth, behold, there is darkness, oppression, and the light is darkened through the darkness of its clouds.

< Yeshaya 5 >