< Habakkuk 1 >

1 Habakkuk peyghember körgen, uninggha yüklen’gen wehiy: —
The prophecy which Habakkuk the prophet foresaw.
2 Ah Perwerdigar, qachan’ghiche men Sanga nida qilimen, Sen anglimaysen? Men Sanga: «Zulum-zorawanliq!» dep nale-peryad kötürimen, Biraq Sen qutquzmaysen.
How long, O Lord, have I entreated [thee], and thou wouldst not hear? [how long] shall I cry out unto thee [because of] violence, and thou wilt not save?
3 Sen némishqa manga qebihlikni körgüzisen, Némishqa japa-zulumgha qarap turisen? Chünki bulangchiliq, zulum-zorawanliq köz aldimdidur; Jenggi-jédeller bar, Dewalar köpeymekte.
Why wilt thou let me see wickedness, and wilt look on trouble, and the robbery and violence [that are] before me: while there is strife, and contention lifteth up [its head]?
4 Shunga qanun palech bolup qaldi, Adalet meydan’gha héch chiqmaydu; Chünki reziller heqqaniy ademni qistimaqta; Shunga hökümler burmilinip chiqirilidu.
Therefore is the law powerless, and justice cometh not forth victorious; for the wicked encompasseth about the righteous; therefore doth justice come forth perverted.
5 Eller arisida bolidighan bir ishni körüp béqinglar, obdan qaranglar, heyranuhes qélinglar! Chünki silerning dewringlarda bir ish qilimenki, Birsi silerge bayan qilghan teghdirdimu siler ishenmeyttinglar.
Look ye about among the nations, and behold and be astonished and astounded; for [God] will fulfill a work in your days, ye would not believe it, if it were only told you.
6 Chünki mana, Men héliqi mijezi osal hem aldiraqsan el kaldiylerni ornidin turghuzimen; Esli özige tewe emes makanlarni igilesh üchün, Ular yer yüzining kengri jaylirini bésip mangidu;
For, lo, I will raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and impetuous nation, that march to the wide spaces of the earth to conquer dwelling-places that are not theirs.
7 Ular özlirining déginini hésab qilidu hem özini xalighanche yuqiri tutidu;
Terrible and dreadful are they: from themselves go forth their judicial laws and their dignity.
8 Ularning atliri yilpizlardin ittik, Kechte owgha chiqidighan börilerdin esheddiydur; Atliq leshkerler atlirini meghrurane chapchitidu; Atliq leshkerler yiraqtin kélidu, Ular owgha shungghughan bürküttek uchup yüridu.
And swifter than leopards are their horses, and fiercer than the evening wolves; and their horsemen spread themselves abroad: and their horsemen will come from afar; they will fly like the eagle hastening to eat.
9 Ularning hemmisi zulum-zorawanliqqa kélidu; Ularning top-top ademliri yüzlirini aldigha békitip, algha basidu, Esirlerni qumdek köp yighidu.
They all will come for violence: the front of their faces is like the east wind, and they gather captives as the sand.
10 Berheq, u padishahlarni mazaq qilidu, Emirlernimu nezirige almaydu; U hemme istihkamlarni mesxire qilidu, Chünki u topa-tupraqlarni döwe-döwe qilip, ularni ishghal qilidu.
And they will make sport with kings, and princes will be a play unto them: at every strong-hold will they laugh, and they will cast up earth-mounds and capture it.
11 Shundaq qilip u shamaldek ghuyuldap ötidu, Heddidin éship gunahkar bolidu; Uning bu küch-qudriti özige ilah bolup sanilidu.
Then doth their spirit become arrogant, and they are surpassingly proud, and offend, [imputing] this their power unto their god.
12 Sen Ezeldin Bar Bolghuchi emesmu, i Perwerdigar Xudayim, méning Muqeddes Bolghuchim? Biz ölmeymiz, i Perwerdigar; Sen uni jazayingni beja keltürüsh üchün békitkensen; Sen, i Qoram Tash Bolghuchi, uni [bizge] ibret qilip tüzitishke belgiligensen.
Art thou not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my Holy One? we shall not die. O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O Protector, thou hast appointed them to correct [nations].
13 Séning közüng shunche ghubarsiz idiki, Rezillikke qarap turmaytting; Emdi némishqa Sen munapiqliq qilghanlargha qarap turisen, Reziller özidin adil bolghan kishini yutuwalghinida, némishqa süküt qilisen?
Thou, who art too pure of eyes to behold evil, and canst not look on trouble, wherefore wilt thou look upon those that deal treacherously, be silent when the wicked swalloweth up him that is more righteous than he?
14 Sen ademlerni xuddi déngizdiki béliqlardek, Xuddi özliri üstide héch yétekligüchisi yoq ömiligüchi haywanlargha oxshash qilisen;
And [why] makest thou men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them?
15 Shu [kaldiy kishi] ularning hemmisini changgikigha ilinduridu, Ularni öz tori bilen tutuwalidu, Ularni yighma torigha yighidu; Shuning bilen xushal bolup shadlinidu;
All of them he bringeth up with the angle, he draggeth them up in his net, and gathereth them in his drag: therefore he rejoiceth and is glad.
16 We torigha qurbanliq sunidu, Yighma torigha isriq salidu, Chünki shular arqiliq uning nésiwisi mol, Németliri lezzetlik boldi.
Therefore he sacrificeth unto his net, and burneth incense unto his drag; because through them is his portion fat, and his food marrowy.
17 Emdi u shu teriqide torini toxtawsiz boshitiwerse, Shu teriqide ellerni héch rehim qilmay qiriwerse bolamdu?
Shall he therefore [always] empty his net, and continually slay nations without sparing?

< Habakkuk 1 >