< Yaritilish 4 >

1 Adem’ata ayali Hawa bilen bille boldi; Hawa hamilidar bolup Qabilni tughup: «Men bir ademge ige boldum — U Perwerdigardur!» — dédi.
And the man knew his wife Eve, and she conceives and bears Cain, and says, “I have acquired a man by YHWH”;
2 Andin u yene Qabilning inisi Habilni tughdi. Habil padichi boldi, Qabil bolsa tériqchi boldi.
and she adds to bear his brother, even Abel. And Abel is feeding a flock, and Cain has been servant of the ground.
3 Békitilgen shundaq bir waqit-saette shundaq bir ish boldiki, Qabil tupraqning hosulidin Perwerdigargha hediye keltürdi.
And it comes to pass at the end of days that Cain brings from the fruit of the ground a present to YHWH;
4 Habilmu padisidin qoylirining tunjiliridin, yeni ularning yéghidin hediye sundi. Perwerdigar Habilni we uning sun’ghan hediyesini qobul qildi.
and Abel, he has brought, he also, from the female firstlings of his flock, and from their fat ones; and YHWH looks to Abel and to his present,
5 Lékin Qabil we uning sun’ghinigha qarimidi. Shu wejidin Qabilning tolimu achchiqi kélip, chirayi tutuldi.
and to Cain and to his present He has not looked; and it is very displeasing to Cain, and his countenance is fallen.
6 Shuning bilen Perwerdigar Qabilgha: Némishqa achchiqlinisen? Néme üchün chiraying tutulup kétidu?
And YHWH says to Cain, “Why do you have displeasure? And why has your countenance fallen?
7 Eger durus ish qilsang, sen kötürülmemsen? Lékin durus ish qilmisang, mana gunah ishik aldida [séni paylap] béghirlap yatidu, u séni öz ilkige almaqchi bolidu; lékin sen uningdin ghalip kélishing kérek, dédi.
Is there not, if you do well, acceptance? And if you do not do well, sin [[or a sin-offering]] is lying at the opening, and its [[or His]] desire [is] for you, and you rule over it [[or by Him]].”
8 Qabil inisi Habilgha: «Daligha chiqip kéleyli!» dédi. Dalada shu weqe boldiki, Qabil inisi Habilgha qol sélip, uni öltürdi.
And Cain says to his brother Abel, [[“Let us go into the field”; ]] and it comes to pass in their being in the field, that Cain rises up against his brother Abel, and slays him.
9 Perwerdigar Qabilgha: Ining Habil nede? — dep soridi. U jawab bérip: Bilmeymen, men inimning baqquchisimu? — dédi.
And YHWH says to Cain, “Where [is] your brother Abel?” And he says, “I have not known; am I my brother’s keeper?”
10 Xuda uninggha: — Sen néme qilding? Mana, iningning qéni yerdin manga peryad kötürüwatidu!
And He says, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground;
11 Emdi iningning qolungda tökülgen qénini qobul qilishqa aghzini achqan yerdin qoghlinip, lenetke uchraysen.
and now, cursed [are] you from the ground, which has opened her mouth to receive the blood of your brother from your hand;
12 Sen yerge ishlisengmu u buningdin kéyin sanga quwwitini bermeydu; sen yer yüzide sersan bolup, sergerdan bolisen, — dédi.
when you till the ground, it will not add to give its strength to you—a wanderer, even a trembling one, you are in the earth.”
13 Buni anglap Qabil Perwerdigargha jawab qilip: — Méning bu jazayimni adem kötürelmigüdek!
And Cain says to YHWH, “My punishment is too great than to bear;
14 Mana, Sen bügün méni yer yüzidin qoghliding, men emdi Séning yüzüngdin yoshurunup yürimen; yer yüzide sersen bolup sergerdanliqta yürimen; shundaq boliduki, kimla méni tépiwalsa, öltürüwétidu!, — dédi.
behold, You have driven me today from off the face of the ground, and from Your face I am hid; and I have been a wanderer, even a trembling one, in the earth, and it has been—everyone finding me will slay me.”
15 Lékin Perwerdigar uninggha jawab bérip: — Shundaq boliduki, kimki Qabilni öltürse, uningdin yette hesse intiqam élinidu, — dédi. Shularni dep Perwerdigar Qabilgha uchrighan birsi uni öltürüwetmisun dep uninggha bir belge qoyup qoydi.
And YHWH says to him, “Therefore, of any slayer of Cain it is required sevenfold”; and YHWH sets to Cain a token that none finding him will slay him.
16 Shuning bilen Qabil Perwerdigarning huzuridin chiqip, Éremning meshriq teripidiki Nod dégen yurtta olturaqliship qaldi.
And Cain goes out from before YHWH, and dwells in the land, moving about east of Eden;
17 Qabil ayali bilen bille bolup, ayali hamilidar bolup Hanoxni tughdi. U waqitta Qabil bir sheher bina qiliwatatti; u sheherning namini oghlining ismi bilen Hanox dep atidi.
and Cain knows his wife, and she conceives, and bears Enoch; and he is building a city, and he calls the name of the city, according to the name of his son—Enoch.
18 Hanoxtin Irad töreldi, iradtin Mehuyail töreldi, Mehuyaildin Metushail töreldi, Metushaildin Lemex töreldi.
And born to Enoch is Irad; and Irad has begotten Mehujael; and Mehujael has begotten Methusael; and Methusael has begotten Lamech.
19 Lemex özige ikki xotun aldi. Birining ismi Adah, yene birining ismi Zillah idi.
And Lamech takes to himself two wives, the name of the first Adah, and the name of the second Zillah.
20 Adah Yabalni tughdi. U chédirda olturidighan köchmen malchilarning bowisi idi,
And Adah bears Jabal, he has been father of those inhabiting tents and [having] purchased livestock;
21 uning inisining ismi Yubal idi. Bu chiltar bilen ney chalghuchilarning bowisi idi.
and the name of his brother [is] Jubal, he has been father of everyone handling harp and pipe.
22 Zillah yene Tubal-qayin dégen bir oghulni tughdi. U mis-tömür eswablarni soqquchi idi. Tubal-qayinning Naamah isimlik bir singlisi bar idi.
And Zillah, she also bears Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron; and a sister of Tubal-Cain [is] Naamah.
23 Lemex bolsa ayallirigha söz qilip: — «Ey Adah bilen Zillah, sözümni anglanglar! Ey Lemexning ayalliri, gépimge qulaq sélinglar! Méni zeximlendürgini üchün men adem öltürdüm, Ténimni zéde qilghanliqi üchün bir yigitni öltürdüm.
And Lamech says to his wives: “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; Wives of Lamech, give ear [to] my saying: For I have slain a man for my wound, Even a young man for my hurt;
24 Eger Qabil üchün yette hesse intiqam élinsa, Lemex üchün yetmish yette hesse intiqam élinidu!» — dédi.
For sevenfold is required for Cain, And for Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”
25 Adem’ata yene ayali bilen bille boldi. Ayali bir oghul tughup, uninggha Shét dep at qoyup: Qabil Habilni öltürüwetkini üchün Xuda uning ornigha manga bashqa bir ewlad tiklep berdi, dédi.
And Adam again knows his wife, and she bears a son, and calls his name Seth, “for God has appointed for me another seed instead of Abel”: for Cain had slain him.
26 Shéttinmu bir oghul tughuldi; u uninggha Énosh dep at qoydi. Shu waqittin tartip ademler Perwerdigarning namigha nida qilishqa bashlidi.
And to Seth, to him also a son has been born, and he calls his name Enos; then a beginning was made of preaching in the Name of YHWH.

< Yaritilish 4 >