< Yaritilish 29 >

1 Andin Yaqup sepirini dawamlashturup, meshriqtiki qowmlarning zéminigha yétip keldi.
Jacob resumed his journey and came to the land of the people of the east.
2 U qariwidi, mana, yaylaqta bir quduq turatti, uning yénida üch top qoy padisi turatti; chünki xelq bu quduqtin padilarni sughiratti. Quduqning aghzigha yoghan bir tash qoyuqluq idi.
He looked and saw a well in the field, and near it lay three flocks of sheep, because the sheep were watered from this well. And a large stone covered the mouth of the well.
3 Qachaniki padilarning hemmisi u yerge yighilsa, padichilar birlikte quduqning aghzidiki tashni yumilitiwétip, qoylarni sughirip, andin tashni yene quduqning aghzigha öz ornigha qoyup qoyatti.
When all the flocks had been gathered there, the shepherds would roll away the stone from the mouth of the well and water the sheep. Then they would return the stone to its place over the mouth of the well.
4 Yaqup [padichilardin]: Ey buraderler, siler qeyerlik? — dep soridi. Ular: — Biz haranliqmiz, dédi.
“My brothers,” Jacob asked the shepherds, “where are you from?” “We are from Haran,” they answered.
5 U ulardin: — Siler Nahorning oghli Labanni tonumsiler? — dep soridi. Ular: — Tonuymiz, dédi.
“Do you know Laban the grandson of Nahor?” Jacob asked. “We know him,” they replied.
6 U ulardin: — U salametmu, dep soriwidi, ular jawab bérip: — U salamet turuwatidu. Mana ene uning qizi Rahile qoyliri bilen kéliwatidu, dédi.
“Is he well?” Jacob inquired. “Yes,” they answered, “and here comes his daughter Rachel with his sheep.”
7 U: — Mana, kün téxi égiz tursa, hazir téxi malning yighilidighan waqti bolmidi; némishqa qoylarni sughirip, andin yene bérip otlatmaysiler? — dédi.
“Look,” said Jacob, “it is still broad daylight; it is not yet time to gather the livestock. Water the sheep and take them back to pasture.”
8 Ular jawab bérip: — Yaq, mundaq qilalmaymiz. Awwal padilarning hemmisi yighilip, padichilar tashni quduqning aghzidin yumilitiwetkendin kéyin, andin qoylarni sughirimiz, dédi.
But they replied, “We cannot, until all the flocks have been gathered and the stone has been rolled away from the mouth of the well. Then we will water the sheep.”
9 U ular bilen gepliship turghinida, Rahile atisining qoyliri bilen yétip keldi; chünki u qoy baqquchi idi.
While he was still speaking with them, Rachel arrived with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherdess.
10 Shundaq boldiki, Yaqup anisining akisi Labanning qizi Rahile bilen anisining akisi Labanning qoylirini körgende, u qopup bérip, quduqning aghzidin tashni yumilitiwétip, anisining akisi Labanning qoylirini sughardi.
As soon as Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of his mother’s brother Laban, with Laban’s sheep, he went up and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle’s sheep.
11 Andin Yaqup Rahileni söyüp, yuqiri awaz bilen yighlap tashlidi we Rahilege: — Men séning atangning tughqini, Riwkahning oghli bolimen, déwidi, u yügürüp bérip atisigha xewer berdi.
Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept aloud.
He told Rachel that he was Rebekah’s son, a relative of her father, and she ran and told her father.
13 Shundaq boldiki, Laban öz singlisining oghli Yaqupning xewirini anglighanda, uning aldigha yügürüp bérip, uni quchaqlap söyüp, öyige bashlap keldi. Andin Yaqup Laban’gha [kechürmishlirining] hemmisini dep berdi.
When Laban heard the news about his sister’s son Jacob, he ran out to meet him. He embraced him and kissed him and brought him to his home, where Jacob told him all that had happened.
14 Laban uninggha: — Sen derweqe méning söngek bilen göshümdursen! — dédi. Buning bilen u uning qéshida bir ayche turup qaldi.
Then Laban declared, “You are indeed my own flesh and blood.” After Jacob had stayed with him a month,
15 Andin Laban Yaqupqa: — Sen méning tughqinim bolghach, manga bikargha xizmet qilamsen? Éytqina, heqqingge néme alisen? — dédi.
Laban said to him, “Just because you are my relative, should you work for nothing? Tell me what your wages should be.”
16 Labanning ikki qizi bar idi; chongining éti Léyah, kichikining éti Rahile idi.
Now Laban had two daughters; the older was named Leah, and the younger was named Rachel.
17 Léyahning közliri yéqimliq idi; emma Rahilening bolsa teqi-turqi kélishken, hösni-jamali chirayliq qiz idi.
Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was shapely and beautiful.
18 Yaqupning köngli Rahilege chüshken bolup Laban’gha: — Men séning kichik qizing Rahile üchün sanga yette yil xizmet qilay, dédi.
Since Jacob loved Rachel, he answered, “I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel.”
19 Laban jawab bérip: — Uni bashqa kishige berginimdin sanga berginim yaxshi. Emdi méningkide turghin, dédi.
Laban replied, “Better that I give her to you than to another. Stay here with me.”
20 Yaqup Rahileni élish üchün yette yil xizmet qildi. Emma u uni intayin yaxshi körgechke, bu yillar uninggha peqet birnechche kündekla bilindi.
So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, yet it seemed but a few days because of his love for her.
21 Waqit toshqanda Yaqup Laban’gha: — Mana méning künlirim toshti. Emdi ayalimni manga bergin, men uning qéshigha kirey, dédi.
Finally Jacob said to Laban, “Grant me my wife, for my time is complete, and I want to sleep with her.”
22 Laban shu yerdiki hemme kishilerni yighip, ziyapet qilip berdi.
So Laban invited all the men of that place and prepared a feast.
23 Lékin shundaq boldiki, kech kirgende, u chong qizi Léyahni Yaqupning yénigha élip keldi; Yaqup uning qéshigha kirip bille boldi.
But when evening came, Laban took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob, and he slept with her.
24 Laban öz dédiki Zilpahni qizi Léyahgha dédek qilip berdi.
And Laban gave his servant girl Zilpah to his daughter Leah as her maidservant.
25 Etisi shundaq boldiki, mana aldida Léyah turatti! U Laban’gha: — Bu zadi manga néme qilghining? Ejeba, men Rahile üchün sanga xizmet qilmidimmu? Méni némishqa shundaq aldiding?! — dédi.
When morning came, there was Leah! “What have you done to me?” Jacob said to Laban. “Wasn’t it for Rachel that I served you? Why have you deceived me?”
26 Laban: Bizning yurtimizda kichikini chongidin ilgiri yatliq qilidighan resim-qaide yoq.
Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older.
27 Emdi sen chongining yette künlük toy murasimini ötküzüp bolghin; andin yene ikkinchisinimu sanga béreyli; u séning manga yene yette yil qilidighan xizmitingning heqqi bolidu, — dédi.
Finish this week’s celebration, and we will give you the younger one in return for another seven years of work.”
28 Yaqup maqul bolup, Léyahning yette künlük toy murasimini ötküzüp bolghanda, Laban qizi Rahilenimu uninggha xotunluqqa berdi.
And Jacob did just that. He finished the week’s celebration, and Laban gave him his daughter Rachel as his wife.
29 Laban dédiki Bilhahni qizi Rahilege dédek qilip berdi.
Laban also gave his servant girl Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her maidservant.
30 Bu teriqide Yaqup Rahileningmu qéshigha kirdi; u Rahileni Léyahdin ziyade yaxshi kördi. Andin kéyin u yene yette yil Laban’gha xizmet qildi.
Jacob slept with Rachel as well, and indeed, he loved Rachel more than Leah. So he worked for Laban another seven years.
31 Emma Perwerdigar Léyahning etiwarlanmighanliqini körgende, uninggha tughushni nésip qildi. Lékin Rahile tughmas idi.
When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb; but Rachel was barren.
32 Léyah hamilidar bolup bir oghul tughup: — «Perwerdigar xarlan’ghinimni kördi; emdi érim méni yaxshi köridu» dep uning ismini «Ruben» qoydi.
And Leah conceived and gave birth to a son, and she named him Reuben, for she said, “The LORD has seen my affliction. Surely my husband will love me now.”
33 U yene hamilidar bolup, bir oghul tughup: — «Perwerdigar etiwarlanmighanliqini anglap, buni hem manga berdi» dep, uning ismini Shiméon qoydi.
Again she conceived and gave birth to a son, and she said, “Because the LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has given me this son as well.” So she named him Simeon.
34 U yene hamilidar bolup, bir oghul tughup: — «Emdi bu qétim érim manga baghlinidu; chünki men uninggha üch oghul tughup berdim» dep uning ismini Lawiy qoydi.
Once again Leah conceived and gave birth to a son, and she said, “Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” So he was named Levi.
35 U yene hamilidar bolup, bir oghul tughup: — «Emdi bu qétim men Perwerdigargha hemdusana oquy!» dep uning ismini Yehuda qoydi. Andin u tughuttin toxtap qaldi.
And once more she conceived and gave birth to a son and said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” So she named him Judah. Then Leah stopped having children.

< Yaritilish 29 >