< Ezra 6 >

1 Andin padishah Darius Babildiki dölet-bayliqlar saqlan’ghan «Arxiplar öyi»ni tekshürüp chiqishqa yarliqlarni chüshürdi.
Then gave king Darius an order, that they should make search in the house of the books, where the treasures were laid up there in Babylon.
2 Média ölkisidiki Axméta qel’esidin bir oram qeghez tépildi, uningda mundaq bir xatire pütülgen:
And there was found at Achmetha, in the castle that is in the province of Media, a roll, and therein was thus written: A record.
3 «Padishah Qoreshning birinchi yili, padishah Qoresh Yérusalémdiki Xudaning öyige dair mundaq bir yarliq chüshüridu: — «Qurbanliq sunulidighan orun bolush üchün bu öy yéngiwashtin sélinsun; uli puxta sélinsun, öyning igizliki atmish gez, kengliki atmish gez bolsun.
In the first year of king Cyrus, king Cyrus gave an order concerning the house of God at Jerusalem, Let the house be built, the place where they used to offer sacrifices, and let its foundations be strongly laid: its height shall be sixty cubits, its breadth sixty cubits,
4 Üch qewet yoghan tash, bir qewet yéngi yaghach bilen sélinsun, barliq xirajet padishahliq xezinisidin chiqim qilinsun.
With three rows of heavy stones, and a row of new timber; and let the expenses be given out of the king's house.
5 Eslide Néboqadnesar Yérusalémdiki ibadetxanidin élip Babilgha apirip qoyghan, Xudaning öyidiki altun-kümüsh qacha-quchilarning hemmisi qayturup kélinip, Yérusalémdiki ibadetxanigha qaytidin yetküzülüp, herbiri öz jayigha qoyulsun; ular Xudaning öyige quyulsun!».
And also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took away out of the temple which is in Jerusalem, and brought unto Babylon, be restored, and brought back unto the temple which is in Jerusalem, every one to its place, and let them be put in the house of God.
6 [Dariustin yarliq chüshürülüp]: «— Shunga, i deryaning shu teripining bash waliysi Tattinay we Shétar-Boznay hem silerning hemrahliringlar, yeni Deryaning shu teripidiki afarsaqliqlar, emdi siler u yerdin néri kétinglar!
Now Thathnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-bozenai, and your companions the Apharsachites, who are beyond the river, be ye far from there:
7 Xudaning öyining qurulushi bilen karinglar bolmisun; Yehudiylarning bash waliysi bilen Yehudiylarning aqsaqallirining Xudaning bu öyini eslidiki ornigha sélishigha yol qoyunglar.
Let the work of this house of God alone; let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of God on its site.
8 Shuningdek men Xudaning bu öyining sélinishi üchün Yehudalarning aqsaqalliri toghruluq silerge buyruq chüshürdumki: — Deryaning gherb teripidin, padishahliq xezinisige tapshurulghan baj kirimidin siler kéchiktürmey shu ademlerge toluq xirajet ajritip béringlar, qurulush héch toxtap qalmisun.
And by me is the order given what ye shall do to the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God, that out of the king's property, arising out of the tax beyond the river, the expenses shall forthwith be given unto these men, that they be not hindered.
9 Ulargha néme kérek bolsa, jümlidin asmandiki Xudagha köydürme qurbanliq sunushqa, meyli erkek torpaq bolsun, qochqar yaki qozilar bolsimu, shular bérilsun; yene Yérusalémdiki kahinlarning belgiligini boyiche bughday, tuz, sharab yaki zeytun maylar bolsun shularning birimu kem qilinmay, her küni temin étip turulsun.
And what they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt-offerings unto the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the requirement of the priests who are a Jerusalem, shall be given unto them day by day, without fail.
10 Shuning bilen ular asmandiki Xudagha xushbuy qurbanliqlarni keltürüp, padishahqa we padishahning ewladlirigha uzun ömür tilisun.
That they may offer sacrifices of sweet savors unto the God of heaven, and pray for the life of the king and of his sons.
11 Men yene buyruymenki, kimki bu yarliqni özgertse, shu kishining öyining bir tal limi sughuruwélinip tiklen’gendin kéyin, shu kishi uninggha ésip mixlap qoyulsun, öyi exletxanigha aylanduruwétilsun!
Also is by me the order given, that if any man should alter this command, timber shall be pulled down from his house, and being set up, he shall be hanged thereon; and his house shall be made a dunghill for this.
12 We Özining namini shu yerde qaldurghan Xuda mushu Yérusalémdiki öyini özgertishke yaki buzushqa qol uzartqan herqandaq padishah yaki xelqni halak qilsun! Men Darius mushu yarliqni chüshürdum, estayidilliq bilen beja keltürülsun!» déyildi.
And may the God that causeth his name to dwell there cast down every king and people that will stretch forth their hand to alter, to destroy this house of God which is in Jerusalem. I Darius have given the order: let it be done speedily.
13 Andin Deryaning gherb teripining bash waliysi Tattinay, Shétar-Boznay we ularning hemrahliri padishah Dariusning ewetken yolyoruqi boyiche estayidilliq bilen shu ishni beja keltürdi.
Then did Thathnai the, governor on this aide of the river, Shethar-bozenai, and their companions, in accordance with what king Darius had sent, act in this manner speedily.
14 Yehudiylarning aqsaqalliri qurulushni dawamlashturup, Hagay peyghember we Iddoning oghli Zekeriyaning bésharet bérishliri bilen shu ishta ronaq tapti. Ular Israilning Xudasining emri boyiche, shundaqla Qoresh, Darius we Artaxshashta qatarliq Pars padishahlirining emri boyiche ishlep, öyni yéngiwashtin qurup chiqish ishini püttürdi.
And the elders of the Jews built, and they prospered, through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of 'Iddo. And they built, and completed it, according to the order of the God of Israel, and according to the order of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes the king of Persia.
15 Bu öy Darius padishahi seltenitining altinchi yili, Adar éyining üchinchi küni pütküzüldi.
And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of king Darius.
16 Israillar — kahinlar, Lawiylar we qalghan sürgünlüktin qaytip kelgen xelqlerning hemmisi Xudaning bu öyini uninggha atash murasimini xushal-xuramliq bilen ötküzdi.
Then celebrated the children of Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the exile, the dedication of this house of God with joy;
17 Öyni Xudaning Özige atash murasimida ular yüz torpaq, ikki yüz qochqar we töt yüz qoza sundi hem Israil qebililirining sani boyiche barliq Israil üchün gunah qurbanliqi süpitide on ikki tékini sundi.
And they offered for the dedication of this house of God one hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin-offering for all Israel, twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.
18 Ular yene Yérusalémdiki Xudaning ibadet-xizmitini öteshke, Musaning kitabida yézilghini boyiche, kahinlarni öz nöwiti boyiche, Lawiylarni guruppiliri boyiche turghuzdi.
And they stationed the priests in their orders, and the Levites in their divisions, for the service of God, which is in Jerusalem, as it is written in the book of Moses.
19 Birinchi ayning on tötinchi küni sürgünlüktin qaytip kelgenler «ötüp kétish héyti»ni ötküzdi.
And the children of the exile prepared the passover-[sacrifice] on the fourteenth day of the first month.
20 Chünki kahinlar we Lawiylar bir niyet bilen birlikte paklinish resimlirini ötküzüp, hemmisi paklandi; andin ular barliq sürgünlüktin qaytip kelgenler we ularning qérindishi bolghan kahinlar we hem özliri üchün ötüp kétish héytigha atighan [qozilirini] soydi.
For the priests and the Levites had purified themselves, as one man were all of them clean; and they slaughtered the passover-sacrifice for all the children of the exile, and for their brethren the priests, and for themselves.
21 Sürgünlüktin [yéngila] qaytip kelgen Israillar we shuningdek Israilning Xudasi Perwerdigarni izdep, özlirini zémindiki yat elliklerning bulghashliridin ayrip chiqqan barliq kishiler qoza göshlirini birlikte yéyishti.
And then did the children of Israel, who were returned out of the exile, and all such as had separated themselves unto them from the uncleanness of the nations of the earth, to seek the Lord the God of Israel, eat thereof.
22 Ular pétir nan héytini xushal-xuramliq ichide yette kün ötküzdi; chünki Perwerdigar ularni xushalliqqa chömdürdi hem Asuriye padishahining könglini ulargha mayil qilip, Özining öyini — Israilning Xudasining öyini qurushqa ularning qolini mustehkemlidi.
And they celebrated the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy; for the Lord had made them joyful, and had turned the heart of the king of Asshur toward them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.

< Ezra 6 >