< Ezakiyal 45 >

1 Siler zéminni miras qilip bölüsh üchün chek tashlap teqsim qilghininglarda, siler «kötürme hediye» süpitide zémindiki muqeddes bir ülüshni Perwerdigargha atap sunisiler. Uning uzunluqi yigirme besh ming [xada], kengliki yigirme ming [xada] bolidu. Bu parche yer her tereptiki chigrisighiche muqeddes hésablinidu.
“And in your causing the land to fall into inheritance, you lift up a raised-offering to YHWH, a holy [portion] of the land: the length—twenty-five thousand [is] the length, and the breadth—ten thousand; it [is] holy in all its surrounding border.
2 U yerdin besh ming [xada] uzunluqtiki, besh ming [xada] kengliktiki töt chasiliq yer muqeddes jaygha ayrilidu; uning etrapida bosh yer bolush üchün ellik gezlik kengliktiki yer bölünidu.
There is of this for the sanctuary five hundred by five hundred, square, around; and fifty cubits of outskirt [is] around it.
3 Bu ülüshtin sen uzunluqi yigirme besh ming [xada], kengliki on ming [xada] bolghan yerni ölchep bölisen; buning ichi muqeddes jay, eng muqeddes jay bolidu.
And by this measure you measure: the length—twenty-five thousand, and the breadth—ten thousand: and the sanctuary is in it, the Holy of Holies.
4 Bu yer zéminning muqeddes ülüshi bolidu; u muqeddes jayning xizmitide bolghan, yeni Perwerdigarning xizmitide bolushqa yénigha yéqin kélidighan kahinlar üchün bolidu; u ularning öyliri üchün, shundaqla muqeddes jayning orunlishishi üchün muqeddes orun bolidu.
It [is] the holy [portion] of the land; it is for priests, servants of the sanctuary, who are drawing near to serve YHWH; and it has been a place for their houses, and a holy place for the sanctuary.
5 Uningdin sirt yene uzunluqi yigirme besh ming gez, kengliki on ming gez bolghan yer, öyning xizmitide bolidighan Lawiylarning igiliki, yeni özliri turidighan sheherliri üchün bolidu.
And of the twenty-five thousand of length, and of the ten thousand of breadth, there is to the Levites, servants of the house, for them—for a possession—twenty chambers.
6 Siler bu «kötürme hediye» bolghan muqeddes ülüshning yénidin sheher üchün kengliki besh ming [xada], uzunluqi yigirme besh ming [xada] yerni bölüp békitisiler. Bu pütkül Israil jemeti üchün bolidu.
And of the possession of the city you set [an area] of five thousand breadth, and twenty-five thousand length, alongside the raised-offering of the holy [portion]; it is for all the house of Israel.
7 Shahzadining ülüshi bolsa, bu muqeddes ülüshning ikki teripige tutishidu, shundaqla sheherge tewe jayning ikki teripige tutishidu, yeni gherbiy teripi gherbke qaraydighan, sherq teripi sherqqe qaraydighan ikki parche yer bolidu; bu parche yerlerning jemiy uzunluqi qebililerning ülüshining uzunluqi bilen parallél bolidu.
And for the prince: on this side and on that side of the raised-offering of the holy place, and of the possession of the city, at the front of the raised-offering of the holy place, and at the front of the possession of the city, from the west corner westward, and from the east corner eastward—and the length [is] corresponding to one of the portions from the west border to the east border—
8 Bu yer shahzadining Israil zéminidiki igiliki bolidu; we Méning shahzadilirim xelqimni yene héch ezmeydu; zémin Israil jemetige, qebililiri boyiche bölüp teqsim qilinidu.
of the land there is for a possession to him in Israel, and My princes do not oppress My people anymore, and they give the land to the house of Israel according to their tribes.”
9 Reb Perwerdigar shundaq deydu: — Boldi bes, i Israil shahzadiliri! Jebir-zulum we bulang-talangni özünglardin néri qilip, toghra höküm chiqirip adalet yürgüzünglar; Méning xelqimni qayta yéridin heydiwetküchi bolmanglar, — deydu Reb Perwerdigar.
Thus said Lord YHWH: “Enough from you—princes of Israel; turn violence and spoil aside, and do judgment and righteousness; lift up your exactions from off My people—a declaration of Lord YHWH.
10 Silerde toghra mizan, toghra efah, toghra «bat» bolsun.
You must have just balances, and a just ephah, and a just bath.
11 «Efah» we «bat» bolsa bir ölchem bolsun; shuning bilen bat xomirning ondin birige, efah xomirning ondin birige barawer bolsun; xomir bolsa ular ikkisi üchün ölchem bolsun.
The ephah and the bath is of one measure, for the bath to carry a tenth of the homer, and the ephah a tenth of the homer: its measurement is according to the homer.
12 Bir shekel bolsa yigirme «gerah» bolsun. Yigirme shekel, yigirme besh shekel, on besh shekel qoshulup silerge «mina» bolidu.
And the shekel [is] twenty gerah: twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, fifteen shekels—is your maneh.
13 Bu silerning [shahzade üchün] «kötürme hediye»nglar bolidu; bir «xomir» bughdaydin altidin bir efah bughday, bir «xomir» arpidin altidin bir efah arpa sunisiler;
This [is] the raised-offering that you lift up; a sixth part of the ephah of a homer of wheat, also you have given a sixth part of the ephah of a homer of barley,
14 zeytun méyi bolsa, «bat» bilen ölchinidu, herbir «kor»din ondin bir bat sunisiler (bir «kor» on «bat» yaki bir «xomir» bolidu, chünki on bat bir xomir bolidu).
and the portion of oil, the bath of oil, a tenth part of the bath out of the cor, a homer of ten baths—for ten baths [are] a homer;
15 Israilning süyi mol yaylaqliridin, her ikki yüz tuyaq padigha birdin paxlan sunisiler — bular bolsa, «ashliq hediye», «köydürme qurbanliq», «inaqliq qurbanliq»lar bolup, Israillar üchün kafaret qilish üchün bolidu, — deydu Reb Perwerdigar.
and one lamb out of the flock, out of two hundred, out of the watered country of Israel, for a present, and for a burnt-offering, and for peace-offerings, to make atonement by them—a declaration of Lord YHWH.
16 Zémindiki xelqning hemmisining Israilning shahzadisige sun’ghan bu «kötürme hediye»ge töhpisi bolidu.
All the people of the land are at this raised-offering for the prince in Israel.
17 Shahzadining wezipisi bolsa, héytlerge, «yéngi ay»largha, «shabat kün»lerge, jümlidin Israil jemetining barliq «ibadet sorun»lirigha köydürme qurbanliqlar, ashliq hediyeler we sharab hediyelerni teminleshtin ibaret; Israil jemeti üchün kafaret élip kélidighan gunah qurbanliqi, ashliq hediye, köydürme qurbanliq we inaqliq qurbanliqlirini teminligüchi del shu bolidu.
And on the prince are the burnt-offerings, and the present, and the drink-offering, in celebrations, and in new moons, and in Sabbaths, in all appointed times of the house of Israel: he makes the sin-offering, and the present, and the burnt-offering, and the peace-offerings, to make atonement for the house of Israel.”
18 Reb Perwerdigar shundaq deydu: — Birinchi ayning birinchi künide sen béjirim yash bir torpaqni alisen, uning bilen sen muqeddes jayni paklaysen.
Thus said Lord YHWH: “In the first [month], on the first of the month, you take a bullock, a son of the herd, a perfect one, and have cleansed the sanctuary:
19 Kahin bu gunah qurbanliqining qénidin élip ibadetxanining ishik késheklirige, qurban’gahning yuqiri tekchisidiki töt burjekke we ichki hoylining derwazisining kirish yolining késheklirige süridu;
and the priest has taken from the blood of the sin offering, and has put [it] on the doorpost of the house, and on the four corners of the border of the altar, and on the post of the gate of the inner court.
20 shuningdek yoldin azghanlar yaki nadanlar üchün sen shu ayning yettinchi künide oxshash ish qilishing kérek; shuning bilen sen ibadetxana üchün kafaret qilisen.
And so you do on the seventh of the month, because of each erring one, and because of the simple one—and you have purified the house.
21 Birinchi ayning on tötinchi künide siler «ötüp kétish» héyti, yette künlük bir héytni ötküzisiler; pétir nanni yéyish kérek.
In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month, you have the Passover, a celebration of seven days, unleavened bread is eaten.
22 Shu küni shahzade özi we zémindiki barliq xelq üchün gunah qurbanliqi süpitide bir torpaqni sunidu.
And the prince has prepared on that day, for himself, and for all the people of the land, a bullock, a sin-offering.
23 Héytning yette künining herbiride u Perwerdigargha köydürme qurbanliqni, yeni yette künning herbiride yette torpaq we yette qochqarni, hemmisini béjirim halda sunidu; her küni gunah qurbanliqi üchün bir tékini sunidu.
And [on] the seven days of the celebration he prepares a burnt-offering to YHWH, seven bullocks, and seven rams, perfect ones, daily [for] seven days, and a sin-offering, a kid of the goats, daily.
24 U herbir torpaqqa bir efah ashliq hediyeni, herbir qochqargha bir efah ashliq hediyeni qoshup sunidu; herbir efah un’gha u bir xin zeytun méyini qoshup sunidu.
And he prepares a present of an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ram, and a hin of oil for an ephah.
25 Yettinchi ayning on beshinchi künide bashlan’ghan héytta, héytning yette künining herbiride u mushundaq gunah qurbanliqliri, köydürme qurbanliqlar, ashliq hediyelerni we zeytun méyi qatarliqlarni oxshash sunushi kérek.
In the seventh [month], on the fifteenth day of the month, in the celebration, he does according to these things [for] seven days; as the sin-offering so the burnt-offering, and as the present so also the oil.”

< Ezakiyal 45 >