< Misirdin chiqish 34 >

1 Perwerdigar Musagha: — Sen awwalqigha oxshash özüng üchün tashtin ikki taxtayni yonup kel; Men bu taxtaylargha sen ilgiri chéqiwetken taxtaylardiki sözlerni yézip qoyimen.
And YHWH says to Moses, “Hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first, and I have written on the tablets the words which were on the first tablets which you have broken;
2 Sen ete etigen’giche teyyar bolup, seherde Sinay téghigha chiqip, shu yerde taghning choqqisida Méning aldimda hazir bolghin.
and be prepared at morning, and you have come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and have stood before Me there, on the top of the mountain,
3 Lékin héch kishi sen bilen bille chiqmisun we yaki taghning héch yéride bashqa adem körünmisun, qoy-kalilarmu taghning tüwide otlimisun, — dédi.
and no man comes up with you, and also no man is seen in all the mountain, also the flock and the herd do not feed toward the front of that mountain.”
4 Musa awwalqigha oxshash tashtin ikki taxtayni yonup, etisi tang seher qopup, bu ikki tash taxtayni qolida élip, Perwerdigarning buyrughini boyiche Sinay téghigha chiqti.
And he hews two tablets of stone like the first, and Moses rises early in the morning, and goes up to Mount Sinai as YHWH commanded him, and takes [the] two tablets of stone in his hand.
5 Shuning bilen Perwerdigar bulutta chüshüp, shu yerde Musaning qéshida turup, «Yahweh» dégen namini jakarlidi.
And YHWH comes down in a cloud, and stations Himself with him there, and calls in the Name of YHWH,
6 Perwerdigar uning köz aldidin ötüp: — «Perwerdigar, Perwerdigar, rehimdil we méhir-shepqetliktur, asan ghezeplenmeydighan, shapaet bilen wapasi keng Tengridur,
and YHWH passes over before his face, and calls: “YHWH, YHWH God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in kindness and truth,
7 minglighan-on minglighanlargha rehim-shapaet körsitip, qebihlik, asiyliq we gunahni kechürgüchidur; lékin u gunahkarlarni hergiz gunahsiz dep qarimaydighan, belki atilarning qebihlikining jazasini baliliri we newrlirigiche, shundaqla üchinchi we tötinchi ewladighiche yükleydighan [Tengridur]» — dep jakarlidi.
keeping kindness for thousands, taking away iniquity, and transgression, and sin, and not entirely acquitting, charging iniquity of fathers on sons and on sons’ sons, on a third and on a fourth [generation].”
8 Shuning bilen Musa derhal yerge bash qoyup sejde qilip: —
And Moses hurries, and bows to the earth, and pays respect,
9 — Ey Reb, eger men rasttinla neziringde iltipat tapqan bolsam, undaqta i Reb, arimizda biz bilen mangghaysen; chünki bu xelq derweqe boyni qattiq bir xelqtur; bizning qebihlikimizni we gunahimizni kechürgeysen, bizni Öz mirasing bolushqa qobul qilghaysen! — dédi.
and says, “Now if I have found grace in Your eyes, O my Lord, please let my Lord go in our midst (for it [is] a stiff-necked people), and you have forgiven our iniquity and our sin, and have inherited us.”
10 Shuning bilen u Musagha: — Mana, Men bir ehde tüzimen; séning barliq xelqing aldida pütkül yer yüzining héchbir jayida yaki héchbir el arisida qilinip baqmighan möjizilerni yaritimen. Shuning bilen sen arisida bolghan xelqingning hemmisi Perwerdigarning [karamet] emelini köridu; chünki Méning silerge qilidighan emelim derweqe dehshetlik ish bolidu.
And He says, “Behold, I am making a covenant. I do wonders before all your people, which have not been done in all the earth, or in any nation, and all the people in whose midst you [are in] have seen the work of YHWH, for it [is] fearful—that which I am doing with you.
11 Men bügün sanga tapilaydighan emrlirimni tutqin; mana, Men silerning aldinglardin Amoriy, Qanaaniy, Hittiy, Perizziy, Hiwiy we Yebusiylarni heydep chiqirimen.
Observe for yourself that which I am commanding you today. Behold, I am casting out from before you the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite;
12 Emdi hézi bolghinki, sen baridighan zéminda turuwatqanlar bilen héch ehde baghlashmighin; bolmisa, bu ish silerge tuzaq bolidu;
take heed to yourself lest you make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land into which you are going, lest it become a snare in your midst;
13 belki siler ularning qurban’gahlirini chöwüp, but tüwrüklirini sundurup, «asherah» butlirini késip tashlanglar.
for you break down their altars, and you shatter their standing pillars, and you cut down its Asherim;
14 Chünki sen héchqandaq bashqa ilahqa ibadet qilmasliqing kérek — chünki Menki Perwerdigarning nami «Wapasizliqqa Heset Qilghuchi» bolup, heset qilghuchi bir ilahdurmen.
for you do not bow yourselves to another god—for YHWH, whose Name [is] Zealous, is a zealous God.
15 Bolmisa, shu zéminda turuwatqanlar bilen ehde tüzüshüng mumkin; andin ular ilahlirining keynidin yürüp buzuqchiliq qilip, ilahlirigha qurbanliqlar ötküzginide, silerni chaqirsa ularning qurbanliqliridin yep kétishinglar mumkin;
Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land, and they have gone whoring after their gods, and have sacrificed to their gods, and [one] has called to you, and you have eaten of his sacrifice,
16 sen shundaqla yene ularning qizlirini oghulliringgha xotunluqqa élip bérishing mumkin; u qizlar öz ilahlirining keynidin yürüp buzuqchiliq qilghinida, ular oghulliringnimu öz ilahlirining arqisidin mangghuzup, buzuqchiliq qildurushi mumkin.
and you have taken of their daughters for your sons, and their daughters have gone whoring after their gods, and have caused your sons to go whoring after their gods;
17 Özüng üchün héchqandaq quyma butlarni yasatmighin.
you do not make a molten god for yourself.
18 Pétir nan héytini tutunglar; Méning emr qilghinimdek Abib éyida, békitilgen waqitta yette kün pétir nan yenglar. Chünki siler Abib éyida Misirdin chiqqansiler.
You keep the Celebration of Unleavened Things; [for] seven days you eat unleavened things, as I have commanded you, at an appointed time, [in] the month of Abib: for in the month of Abib you came out from Egypt.
19 Baliyatquning tunji méwisi Méningki bolidu; charpay malliringning ichidin deslep tughulghan erkekler, kala bolsun, qoy bolsun ularning tunjilirining hemmisi Méningki bolsun.
All opening a womb [are] Mine, and every firstling of your livestock born a male, [whether] ox or sheep;
20 Lékin ésheklerning tunji texeylirining ornigha qoza bilen bedel tölishing lazim bolidu. Eger ornigha [qoza] bermiseng, texeyning boynini sunduruwetkin. Tunji oghulliringni bolsa, ulargha bedel tölep qayturuwal. Héchkim Méning huzurumgha quruq qol kelmisun.
and you ransom the firstling of a donkey with a lamb; and if you do not ransom, then you have beheaded it; you ransom every firstborn of your sons, and they do not appear before Me empty.
21 Sen alte kün ichide ish-emelingni qilip, yettinchi küni aram élishing zörür; yer heydesh waqti bolsun, orma waqti bolsun, aram élishing zörür.
[For] six days you work, and on the seventh day you rest; in plowing-time and in harvest you rest.
22 Yéngi bughdayning tunji hosulini tebrikleydighan «heptiler héyti»ni ötküzünglar; yilning axirida «hosul yighish héyti»ni ötküzünglar.
And you observe [the] Celebration of Weeks for yourself, of [the] first-fruits of wheat-harvest; and the Celebration of Ingathering at the revolution of the year.
23 Séning herbir erkek kishiliring yilda üch qétim Israilning Xudasi bolghan Reb Perwerdigarning aldigha hazir bolsun.
Three times in a year all your males appear before the Lord YHWH, God of Israel;
24 Chünki Men taipilerni aldingdin heydiwétip, chégraliringni kéngeytimen; shuningdek sen yilda üch qétim Perwerdigar Xudayingning aldigha hazir bolushqa chiqip barsang, héchkim yéringge köz qirini salmaydu.
for I dispossess nations from before you, and have enlarged your border, and no man desires your land in your going up to appear before your God YHWH three times in a year.
25 Manga sunulidighan qurbanliqning qénini boldurulghan nan bilen bille sunmighin; yaki ötüp kétish héytining qurbanliqining göshini etige qaldurma.
You do not slaughter the blood of My sacrifice with a fermented thing; and the sacrifice of the Celebration of the Passover does not remain until morning.
26 Zéminingning deslepki hosulidin tunji mehsulatlarni Perwerdigar Xudayingning öyige keltürüp ata. Oghlaqni anisining sütide qaynitip pishurma.
You bring the first of the first-fruits of the land into the house of your God YHWH. You do not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.”
27 Perwerdigar Musagha: — Bu sözlerni özüng üchün yéziwalghin; chünki Men mushu sözlerni asas qilip sen bilen we Israil bilen ehde baghlidim, dédi.
And YHWH says to Moses, “Write these words for yourself, for I have made a covenant with you and with Israel according to the tenor of these words.”
28 U waqitta Musa shu yerde Perwerdigarning huzurida qiriq kéche-kündüz turdi; u héchnerse yémidi, héch su ichmidi. U yerde [Perwerdigar] taxtaylargha ehdining sözliri bolghan on emrni pütti.
And he is there with YHWH forty days and forty nights; he has not eaten bread, and he has not drunk water; and he writes on the tablets the matters of the covenant—the Ten Commandments.
29 Musa Sinay téghidin chüshkende shundaq boldiki (u taghdin chüshkende ikki höküm-guwahliq taxtiyi uning qolida idi), özining [Perwerdigar] bilen sözleshkini üchün yüzining parqirap ketkinini bilmeytti.
And it comes to pass, when Moses is coming down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the Testimony [are] in the hand of Moses in his coming down from the mountain), that Moses has not known that the skin of his face has shone in His speaking with him,
30 Emdi Harun we barliq Israillar Musani kördi, mana, uning yüz térisi parqirap turatti; ular uninggha yéqin bérishtin qorqushti.
and Aaron sees—all the sons of Israel also—Moses, and behold, the skin of his face has shone, and they are afraid of coming near to him.
31 Lékin Musa ularni chaqiriwidi, Harun we jamaetning barliq bashliri yénip, uning qéshigha keldi; Musa ular bilen sözleshti.
And Moses calls to them, and Aaron and all the princes in the congregation return to him, and Moses speaks to them;
32 Shuningdin kéyin, barliq Israillar uning yénigha keldi; u waqitta Musa Perwerdigar özige Sinay téghida söz qilghinida tapshurghan barliq emrlerni ulargha tapilidi.
and afterward all the sons of Israel have come near, and he charges them with all that YHWH has spoken with him in Mount Sinai.
33 Musa ulargha deydighinini dep tügetti. U [sözligende] yüzige bir chümperde tartiwalghanidi;
And Moses finishes speaking with them, and puts a veil on his face;
34 Qachanki Musa Perwerdigar bilen sözlishishke uning huzurigha kirse, chümperdini éliwétetti, taki u yénip chiqquche shundaq bolatti; yénip chiqqanda özige néme tapilan’ghan bolsa, shuni Israillargha éytip béretti.
and in the going in of Moses before YHWH to speak with Him, he turns aside the veil until his coming out; and he has come out and has spoken to the sons of Israel that which he is commanded;
35 Israillar Musaning yüz térisining parqirap turghinini köretti; shunga Musa yene taki Perwerdigar bilen sözleshkili uning huzurigha kirgüche yüzige chümperde tartiwalatti.
and the sons of Israel have seen the face of Moses, that the skin of the face of Moses has shone, and Moses has put back the veil on his face until his going in to speak with Him.

< Misirdin chiqish 34 >