< Misirdin chiqish 1 >

1 We töwendikiler Israil [bilen bille] Misirgha barghan oghullirining isimliri (ular herqaysisi öz bala-chaqilirini élip, Yaqup bilen bille Misirgha barghanidi): —
These ben the names of the sones of Israel, that entriden into Egipt with Jacob; alle entriden with her housis;
2 Ruben, Shiméon, Lawiy, Yehuda,
Ruben, Symeon,
3 Issakar, Zebulun, Binyamin,
Leuy, Judas, Isachar, Zabulon, and Benjamin,
4 Dan, Naftali, Gad we Ashir.
Dan, and Neptalim, Gad, and Aser.
5 Emdi Yaqupning pushtidin bolghanlar jemiy bolup yetmish adem idi. Bu waqitta Yüsüp Misirda idi.
Therfor alle the soules of hem that yeden out of `the hipe of Jacob weren seuenti and fyue.
6 Kéyin Yüsüp, uning barliq qérindashliri hemde barliq zamandashliri ölüp tügidi.
Forsothe Joseph was in Egipt; and whanne he was deed, and alle hise brithren, and al his kynrede,
7 Shundaqtimu, Israillar köp tughulup, téz awup, intayin kücheydi; ular zémin’gha bir keldi.
the sones of Israel encreessiden, and weren multiplied as buriounnyng, and thei weren maad strong greetli, and filliden the lond.
8 U waqitlarda Yüsüpni bilmeydighan yéngi bir padishah Misirda textke chiqti.
A newe kyng, that knewe not Joseph, roos in the meene tyme on Egipt, and seide to his puple, Lo!
9 U xelqige: Mana, Israillarning xelqi bizdin ziyade awup hemde bizdinmu küchlinip ketti.
the puple of the sones of Israel is myche, and strongere than we;
10 Emdi biz ulargha nisbeten aqilane ish tutayli; bolmisa, ular téximu awup kétidu, mubada urush partlap qalsa, shundaq boliduki, ular düshmenlirimiz terepke ötüp, bizge hujum qilip, yurttin chiqip kétishi mumkin, — dédi.
come ye, wiseli oppresse we it, lest perauenture it be multiplied; and lest, if batel risith ayens vs, it be addid to oure enemyes, and go out of the lond, whanne we ben ouercomun.
11 Shuning bilen ular ularni qattiq emgekler bilen xarlash üchün ish bashlirini teyinlep nazaretchilikke qoydi. Shuning bilen Israillar Pirewn üchün Pitom bilen Raamses dégen maddiy eshya saqlaydighan sheherlerni yasap berdi.
And so he made maistris of werkis souereyns to hem, that thei schulden turmente hem with chargis. And thei maden citees of tabernaclis to Farao, Fiton, and Ramesses.
12 Lékin ularni [qanche] ezgenséri, bular shunche köpiyip hemme yerni qaplidi; buning bilen misirliqlar Israillargha öch bolup ketti.
And bi hou myche thei oppressiden hem, bi so myche thei weren multiplied, and encreessiden more.
13 Shuning bilen misirliqlar Israillargha zulum qilip, ularni téximu qattiq ishlitip éghir ishlargha saldi.
And Egipcians hatiden the sones of Israel, and turmentiden, and scorneden hem;
14 Misirliqlar ularni laychiliq, xish-kések quyush we étizlarning herxil emgeklirige sélip, ishning qattiqliqi bilen ularning turmushigha qattiq éghirchiliq saldi; ularni néme emgekke salmisun, intayin japaliq idi.
and brouyten her lijf to bitternesse bi hard werkis of cley and to tijl stoon, and bi al seruage, bi which thei weren oppressid in the werkis of erthe.
15 Misir padishahi ikki ibraniy tughut anisigha söz qilip (ularning birining ismi Shifrah, yene birining ismi Puah idi):
Forsothe the kyng of Egipt seide to the mydwyues of Ebrews, of whiche oon was clepid Sefora, the tother Fua;
16 — siler qachanliki ibraniy xotunlarni tughdursanglar, tughqanda obdan qaranglar; bowaq oghul bolsa, öltürüwétinglar; qiz bolsa, tirik qoyunglar, — dédi.
and he commaundide to hem, Whanne ye schulen do the office of medewyues to Ebrew wymmen, and the tyme of childberyng schal come, if it is a knaue child, sle ye him; if it is a womman, kepe ye.
17 Lékin tughut aniliri Xudadin qorqup, Misirning padishahi ulargha éytqandek qilmay, belki oghul bowaqlarni tirik qoydi.
Forsothe the medewyues dredden God, and diden not bi the comaundement of the kyng of Egipt, but kepten knaue children.
18 Shunga Misirning padishahi tughut anilirini chaqirtip ulardin: — Bu néme qilghininglar?! Oghul balilarni némishqa tirik qoydunglar? — dep soridi.
To whiche clepid to hym the kyng seide, What is this thing which ye wolden do, that ye wolden kepe the children?
19 Tughut aniliri Pirewn’ge jawab bérip: — Ibraniy ayallar misirliq ayallargha oxshimaydu. Ular küchlük, saghlam-timen bolghini üchün tughut aniliri ularning qéshigha yétip barghuche, özliri tughup bolidu, — dédi.
Whiche answeriden, Ebrew wymmen ben not as the wymmen of Egipt, for thei han kunnyng of the craft of medewijf, and childen bifore that we comen to hem.
20 Netijide, Xuda tughut anilirigha iltipat körsetti; Israil xelqi dawamliq köpiyip, téximu kücheydi.
Therfor God dide wel to medewyues; and the puple encreesside, and was coumfortid greetli.
21 Shundaq boldiki, tughut aniliri Xudadin qorqidighan ixlasmen bolghanliqi üchün Xuda ularni aililik bolushqa muyesser qildi.
And for the mydewyues dredden God, he bildide `housis to hem.
22 Buning bilen Pirewn barliq puxralirigha: — Israillardin yéngi tughulghan oghul balilarning hemmisini deryagha tashlanglar, lékin qiz balilarning hemmisini tirik qaldurunglar, dep emr qildi.
Therfor Farao comaundide al his puple, and seide, What euer thing of male kynde is borun to Ebrewis, `caste ye into the flood; what euer thing of wymmen kynde, kepe ye.

< Misirdin chiqish 1 >