< Ester 6 >

1 Shu küni kéchisi padishahning uyqusi qéchip, tarix-tezkirinamini ekeldürdi we bular uning aldida oqup bérildi.
That night the king was unable to sleep, so he [summoned] a servant [and] told [him] to bring the records of what had happened during all the time he had been king. [So the servant brought the records] and read some of them to the king.
2 Bir yerde: «Padishahning Bigtana, Teresh deydighan orda derwazisini baqidighan ikki heremaghisi bar idi, ular padishah Ahashwéroshqa qol sélishqa qestligende, Mordikay bu ishni pash qilip xewer yetküzgen, dep pütülgenidi.
[The servant read about] Bigthana and Teresh, the two men who had guarded the entrance to the king’s rooms. He read the account of when Mordecai had found out that they planned to assassinate the king [and that he had told the king about it].
3 Padishah: — Bu ish üchün Mordikaygha qandaq nam-shöhret we izzet-ikram nail qilindi? — dep soridi. — U héch némige érishmidi, — dep jawap bérishti padishahning yénidiki xizmette bolghan ghulamliri.
The king asked [some of his servants], “What did we do to reward Mordecai or show that we appreciate what he did?” The servants replied, “We did not do anything for him.”
4 — Orda hoylisida kim bar? — dep soridi padishah. Bu chaghda Haman padishahtin Mordikayni özi teyyarlap qoyghan dargha ésishni telep qilghili kélip, ordining tashqiriqi hoylisigha kirgenidi.
At that moment, Haman entered the outer courtyard of the palace. He wanted to talk to the king about hanging Mordecai on the gallows that he had [just] set up. The king [saw him and] said, “Who is [that out there] in the courtyard?”
5 — Mana, Haman hoylida turidu, — déyishti padishahning ghulamliri uninggha. — Kirsun, — dédi padishah.
His servants replied, “That is Haman standing there in the courtyard.” The king said, “Bring him in [here]!”
6 Haman kiriwidi, padishah uningdin: — Padishah izzet-hörmitini qilishni yaxshi körgen kishige néme ishlarni qilishi kérek? — dep soriwidi, Haman könglide: «Padishah izzet-hörmitini qilishni yaxshi körgen kishi méningdin bashqa yene kim bolatti?» — dep oylidi-de
When Haman came in, the king asked him, “What should I do for a man whom I want to honor?” Haman thought to himself, “(Whom would the king like to honor more than me?/I think there is no one whom the king would like to honor more than me!)” [RHQ]
7 padishahqa: — Padishah izzet-hörmitini qilishni yaxshi körgen kishige
So he replied to the king, “If there is someone you wish to honor,
8 padishahim daim kiyidighan shahane kiyim-kéchek we daim minidighan arghimaq, yeni béshigha shahane taj-belge taqalghan arghimaq élip kélinip,
you should [tell your servants to] bring him one of the robes you wear [you to show that you are] the king. Also tell them to bring one of the horses you have ridden. Tell them to put a fancy headdress on the horse’s head to show that it belongs to you, the king.
9 shahane kiyim bilen arghimaqni padishahning eng muhterem emirliridin birige tutquzsun, u kiyimni padishahim izzet-hörmitini qilishni yaxshi körgen kishige kiygüzüp we uni arghimaqqa mindürüp sheher meydan-kochilirini aylandursun we uning aldida: «Qaranglar! Padishah izzet-hörmitini qilishni yaxshi körgen kishige mushundaq muamile qilinidu!» dep jakarlap mangsun, — dédi.
Then tell one of your very important officials to put the robe on the man whom you want to honor, and tell that man to sit on the horse, and then lead the horse through the city streets. And tell that official to keep shouting, ‘This is what (the king does/is doing) for the man whom he wants to honor!’”
10 Shuning bilen padishah Haman’gha: — Téz bérip déginingdek shahane kiyim bilen arghimaqni epkel, orda derwazisining aldida olturghan awu Yehudiy Mordikaygha del sözüngdek qilghin; séning dégenliringning birersimu kem bolup qalmisun! — dédi.
The king replied to Haman, “[Fine]! Go and do what you said immediately! Get my robe and my horse, and do just what you suggested! Do it for Mordecai, the Jew, who is sitting [outside] at the gate of the palace. Do not forget anything that you suggested!”
11 Shundaq qilip Haman shahane kiyim bilen arghimaqni ekélip, aldi bilen Mordikaygha shahane kiyimni kiygüzdi, andin uni arghimaqqa mindürüp, sheher meydan-kochilirini aylandurdi we uning aldida: — «Mana, padishah izzet-hörmitini qilishni yaxshi körgen kishige mushundaq muamile qilinidu!» dep jakarlap mangdi.
So Haman did what the king said. He got the robe and the horse. He put the robe on Mordecai, and as Mordecai sat on the horse, Haman led the horse through the city streets proclaiming “This is what the king (does/is doing) for the man whom the king wants to honor!”
12 Mordikay yenila orda derwazisining aldigha qaytip bardi; Haman bolsa ghem-qayghugha pétip, béshini chümkigen halda aldirap-ténep öz öyige qaytip ketti.
Then, Mordecai returned [and sat] at the gate of the palace. But Haman hurried home, covering his face [because he felt] completely disgraced/humiliated.
13 Haman xotuni Zereshke we barliq dost-aghinilirige béshigha kelgenlirining hemmisini éytip berdi. Andin uning danishmenliri bilen xotuni Zeresh buni anglap uninggha: — Mordikayning aldida yéngilishqa bashlaptila; u eger Yehudiylarning neslidin bolsa, uni yéngelmeyla, eksiche sözsiz uning aldida meghlup bolidila, déyishti.
He told his wife Zeresh and his friends everything that had happened to him that day. Then his wife and his friends said to him, “Mordecai, the man who has caused you to be completely disgraced/humiliated, is a Jew. [It is clear that the God whom the Jews worship is fighting for them.] So you will never be able to defeat Mordecai. He will defeat you!”
14 Ular téxi Haman bilen sözlishiwatqan chéghida, padishahning heremaghiliri kélip Hamanni Ester teyyarlighan ziyapetke bérishqa aldiratti.
And while they were still talking, some of the king’s officials arrived to take Haman quickly to the banquet/feast that Esther had prepared.

< Ester 6 >