< Hékmet toplighuchi 5 >

1 Xudaning öyige barghanda, awaylap yürgin; exmeqlerche qurbanliqlarni sunush üchün emes, belki anglap boysunush üchün yéqinlashqin; chünki exmeqler rezillik qiliwatqini bilmeydu.
Guard your steps when you go to God’s house; for to draw near to listen is better than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil.
2 Aghzingni yéniklik bilen achma; könglüng Xuda aldida birnémini éytishqa aldirmisun; chünki Xuda ershlerde, sen yer yüzididursen; shunga sözliring az bolsun.
Do not be rash with your mouth, and do not let your heart be hasty to utter anything before God; for God is in heaven, and you on earth. Therefore let your words be few.
3 Chünki ish köp bolsa chüshmu köp bolghandek, gep köp bolsa, exmeqning gépi bolup qalidu.
For as a dream comes with a multitude of cares, so a fool’s speech with a multitude of words.
4 Xudagha qesem ichseng, uni ada qilishni kéchiktürme; chünki U exmeqlerdin huzur almaydu; shunga qesimingni ada qilghin.
When you vow a vow to God, do not defer to pay it; for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay that which you vow.
5 Qesem ichip ada qilmighandin köre, qesem ichmesliking tüzüktur.
It is better that you should not vow, than that you should vow and not pay.
6 Aghzing téningni gunahning ixtiyarigha qoyuwetmisun; perishte aldida: «Xata sözlep saldim» déme; némishqa Xuda gépingdin ghezeplinip qolliring yasighanni halak qilidu?
Do not allow your mouth to lead you into sin. Do not protest before the messenger that this was a mistake. Why should God be angry at your voice, and destroy the work of your hands?
7 Chünki chüsh köp bolsa bimenilikmu köp bolidu; gep köp bolsimu oxshashtur; shunga, Xudadin qorqqin!
For in the multitude of dreams there are vanities, as well as in many words; but you must fear God.
8 Sen namratlarning ézilgenlikini yaki yerlik mensepdarlarning heq-adaletni zorawanlarche qayrip qoyghanliqini körseng, bu ishlardin heyran qalma; chünki mensepdardin yuqiri yene birsi közlimekte; we ulardinmu yuqirisimu bardur.
If you see the oppression of the poor, and the violent taking away of justice and righteousness in a district, do not marvel at the matter, for one official is eyed by a higher one, and there are officials over them.
9 Biraq némila bolmisun yer-tupraq hemme ademge paydiliqtur; hetta padishahning özimu yer-tupraqqa tayinidu.
Moreover the profit of the earth is for all. The king profits from the field.
10 Kümüshke amraq kümüshke qanmas, bayliqlargha amraq öz kirimige qanmas; bumu bimeniliktur.
He who loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver, nor he who loves abundance, with increase. This also is vanity.
11 Mal-mülük köpeyse, ularni yégüchilermu köpiyidu; mal igisige ularni közlep, ulardin huzur élishtin bashqa néme paydisi bolsun?
When goods increase, those who eat them are increased; and what advantage is there to its owner, except to feast on them with his eyes?
12 Az yésun, köp yésun, emgekchining uyqusi tatliqtur; biraq bayning toqluqi uni uxlatmas.
The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eats little or much; but the abundance of the rich will not allow him to sleep.
13 Men quyash astida zor bir külpetni kördüm — u bolsimu, igisi özige ziyan yetküzidighan bayliqlarni toplashtur;
There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: wealth kept by its owner to his harm.
14 shuningdek, uning bayliqliri balayi’apet tüpeylidin yoqilishidin ibarettur. Undaq ademning bir oghli bolsa, [oghlining] qoligha qaldurghudek héchnémisi yoq bolidu.
Those riches perish by misfortune, and if he has fathered a son, there is nothing in his hand.
15 U apisining qorsiqidin yalingach chiqip, ketkendimu yalingach péti kétidu; u özining japaliq emgikidin qoligha alghudek héchnémini épketelmeydu.
As he came out of his mother’s womb, naked shall he go again as he came, and shall take nothing for his labor, which he may carry away in his hand.
16 Mana bumu éghir elemlik ish; chünki u qandaq kelgen bolsa, yene shundaq kétidu; emdi uning shamalgha érishish üchün emgek qilghinining néme paydisi?
This also is a grievous evil, that in all points as he came, so shall he go. And what profit does he have who labors for the wind?
17 Uning barliq künliride yep-ichkini qarangghuluqta bolup, gheshliki, késelliki we xapiliqi köp bolidu.
All his days he also eats in darkness, he is frustrated, and has sickness and wrath.
18 Mana némining yaramliq we güzel ikenlikini kördum — u bolsimu, insanning Xuda uninggha teqdim qilghan ömrining herbir künliride yéyish, ichish we quyash astidiki barliq méhnitidin huzur élishtur; chünki bu uning nésiwisidur.
Behold, that which I have seen to be good and proper is for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labor, in which he labors under the sun, all the days of his life which God has given him; for this is his portion.
19 Xuda herbirsini bayliqlargha, mal-dunyagha ige bolushqa, shuningdek ulardin yéyishke, öz rizqini qobul qilishqa, öz emgikidin huzur élishqa muyesser qilghan bolsa — mana bular Xudaning sowghitidur.
Every man also to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him power to eat of it, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God.
20 Chünki u ömridiki téz ötidighan künliri üstide köp oylanmaydu; chünki Xuda uni könglining shadliqi bilen bend qilidu.
For he shall not often reflect on the days of his life, because God occupies him with the joy of his heart.

< Hékmet toplighuchi 5 >