< Qanun sherhi 33 >

1 Xudaning adimi bolghan Musaning ölümidin ilgiri Israillarni beriketleshke tiligen bext-tilekliri munular: —
This is the blessing, with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.
2 U mundaq dédi: — «Perwerdigar Özi Sinay téghidin kélip, Séirdin chiqip [Israil] üstige parlidi; Paran téghidin peyda bolup chaqnidi, U tümenligen muqeddeslerning otturisidin chiqip keldi; Ong qolidin Israilgha atalghan otluq bir qanun chiqti.
He said, "The LORD came from Sinai, and dawned from Seir upon us. He shone forth from Mount Paran. He came from the ten thousands of holy ones. At his right hand was a fiery law for them.
3 Derheqiqet, U xelqni söyidu; Séning barliq muqeddes bendiliring qolungdidur; Ularning herbiri ayighing aldida olturup, Sözliringge muyesser bolidu.
Yes, he loves the people. All his holy ones are in your hand. They sat down at your feet; each receives your words.
4 Musa bizge bir qanun buyrup, Buni Yaqupning jamaitige miras qilip berdi;
Moses commanded us a law, an inheritance for the assembly of Jacob.
5 Xelqning serdarliri jem bolup, Israilning qebililiri bir yerge yighilghanda, U Yeshurunning otturisida padishahdek boldi.
He was king in Jeshurun, when the heads of the people were gathered, all the tribes of Israel together.
6 «Ruben bolsa, ademliri ölüp ketmey, hayat tursun; Uning ademliri az bolmisun».
"Let Reuben live, and not die; Nor let his men be few."
7 [Musa]ning Yehuda toghrisida tiligen bexti mundaq: — «Yehudaning awazini anglighaysen, i Perwerdigar; Uni öz xelqige qobul qildurghaysen; Uning qolliri ular üchün küresh qilsun; Emdi özini ezgüchilerge qarshi turushqa uninggha medet bolghaysen».
This is for Judah. He said, "Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah. Bring him in to his people. With his hands he contended for himself. You shall be a help against his adversaries."
8 U Lawiy toghrisida mundaq dédi: — «Séning urim we tummim tashliring Séning bu muqeddes bendengge tapshurulghan; Sen uni Massahda siniding, Meribahning sulirining yénida uning bilen talashting.
Of Levi he said, "Give to Levi your Thummim and your Urim to your faithful one, whom you proved at Massah, with whom you strove at the waters of Meribah;
9 U öz ata-anisi toghrisida: «Ulargha yüz-xatire qilmaymen», dep éytti, Öz qérindashlirining héch yüzini qilmay, Öz balilirinimu tonushni xalimay, Belki Séning sözüngge emel qilip, ehdengni ching tutti.
who said of his father, and of his mother, 'I have not seen him;' Neither did he acknowledge his brothers, Nor did he know his own children: For they have observed your word, and keep your covenant.
10 Mana, [Lawiylar] Yaqupqa hökümliringni uqturidu, Ular Israilgha qanunungni ögitidu; Ular dimighinggha xushbuyni sunidu, Qurban’gahinggha pütün köydürme qurbanliqlarni keltüridu.
They shall teach Jacob your ordinances, and Israel your law. They shall put incense before you, and whole burnt offering on your altar.
11 I Perwerdigar, uning teelluqatini beriketligeysen, Uning qollirining ejri Séni xush qilghudek bolghay, Uninggha qarshi chiqqanlar we uningdin nepretlen’genler bolsa, Ularni qopalmighudek halda bellirini sundurghaysen!»
LORD, bless his substance. Accept the work of his hands. Strike the loins of those who rise against him, of those who hate him, that they not rise again."
12 U Binyamin toghrisida mundaq dédi: — «Perwerdigarning söygini bolsa, U Uning yénida bixeter makan qilidu, Perwerdigar saye bolup pütün kün uni saqlaydu, U uni mürisi otturisida makanlashturidu»
Of Benjamin he said, "The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by him. He covers him all the day long. He dwells between his shoulders."
13 Yüsüp toghrisida u mundaq dédi: — «Uning zémini Perwerdigar teripidin beriketlik bolghay! Asmanlarning ésil németliri bilen, Shebnem bilen, Yer tégidiki németliri bilen,
Of Joseph he said, "His land is blessed by the LORD, for the precious things of the heavens, for the dew, for the deep that couches beneath,
14 Kündin hasil bolidighan ésil mehsulatliri bilen, Aydin hasil bolidighan ésil németliri bilen,
with the choices fruits of the sun, and the bounteous yield of the months,
15 Qedimki taghlarning aliy németliri bilen, Menggülük dönglerning ésil németliri bilen,
with the finest produce of the ancient mountains, and the abundance of the everlasting hills,
16 Yerning ésil németliri we uninggha tolghan hemme mewjudatliri bilen, Azghanliqta turghuchi Zatning shapaiti bilen beriketlensun! Bularning hemmisi Yüsüpning béshigha, Yeni öz qérindashliridin ayrilghanning choqqisigha chüshsun.
with the choice things of the earth and its fullness, the good will of him who lived in the bush. Let this come on the head of Joseph, on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers.
17 Uning heywisi öz buqisining tunjisidektur; Uning münggüzliri yawa kalining münggüzliridektur, Ular bilen u el-yurtlarning hemmisini biraqla yer yüzining chetlirigiche üsidu. Mana Efraimning tümenligen ademliri, Manassehning minglighan ademliri shundaq bolidu».
A firstborn bull, majesty is his. His horns are the horns of the wild ox. With them he shall push all of the peoples, to the farthest parts of the earth. They are the ten thousands of Ephraim. They are the thousands of Manasseh."
18 Zebulun toghrisida u mundaq dédi: — «Ey Zebulun, sen chiqqiningda shadlan’ghin; Ey sen Issakar, öz chédirliringda xush bolghin!
Of Zebulun he said, "Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out; and Issachar, in your tents.
19 Mana ular xelqlerni taghqa chaqiridu, Shu yerde ular heqqaniyliqning qurbanliqlirini sunidu, Chünki ular déngizdiki mol döletlerni, Qumgha kömülgen göherlerni sümürüp ulargha muyesser bolidu».
They shall call the peoples to the mountain. There they will offer sacrifices of righteousness, for they shall draw out the abundance of the seas, the hidden treasures of the sand."
20 Gad toghrisida u mundaq dédi: — «Gadning zéminini kéngeytküchige bext-beriket bolghay; Gad bolsa chishi shirdek olturaqlashti; U bilek hem bash térisini titma-titma qiliwétidu;
Of Gad he said, "He who enlarges Gad is blessed. He dwells as a lioness, and tears the arm, yes, the crown of the head.
21 Shu yerde u eng ésil nésiwini talliwaldi; Chünki shu yerdimu u höküm békitküchining ülüshi bolghan jay saqlaqliqtur; U xelqning serdarliri bilen kélip, Israil bilen birge Perwerdigarning adaliti bilen hökümlirini yürgüzdi».
He provided the first part for himself, for there was the lawgiver's portion reserved. He came with the heads of the people. He executed the righteousness of the LORD, his ordinances with Israel."
22 Dan toghrisida u mundaq dédi: — «Dan bolsa yash bir shirdur; U Bashandin taqlap ötidu».
Of Dan he said, "Dan is a lion's cub that leaps out of Bashan."
23 Naftali toghrisida u mundaq dédi: — «Ey Naftali, iltipatqa toyun’ghansen, Perwerdigar teripidin kelgen bext-beriketke tolup, Meghrip bilen jenubni özüngge mülük qilip igileysen».
Of Naphtali he said, "Naphtali, satisfied with favor, full of the blessing of the LORD, Possess the west and the south."
24 Ashir toghrisida u mundaq dédi: — «Ashir oghullar bilen beriketlinidu; U qérindashliri arisida iltipat körsun; Puti maygha chilansun.
Of Asher he said, "Asher is blessed with children. Let him be acceptable to his brothers. Let him dip his foot in oil.
25 Derwaza baldaqliring tömür bilen mistin bolidu; Künliring qandaq bolsa, küchüngmu shuninggha muwapiq teng bolidu».
Your bars shall be iron and bronze. As your days, so your strength will be.
26 «— Ey Yeshurun, Tengringdek bashqa héchkim yoqtur; U sanga yardemge asmanlar üstige, Zor heywisi bilen bulutlarning üstige minip kélidu.
"There is none like God, Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens for your help, In his majesty through the skies.
27 Ezeliy Xuda séning bashpanahingdur, Astingda ebediy bilekler turidu. U séning aldingdin düshmenni heydep: — «Ularni halak qilghin!» dep [sanga] buyruydu.
The God of old is a dwelling place. Underneath are the everlasting arms. He thrust out the enemy from before you, and said, 'Destroy.'
28 Shuning bilen Israil ashliq bilen yéngi sharab mol bolghan bir zéminda turup, Yalghuz aman-ésen makan tutidu, Yaqupning buliqi oxshashla aman-ésen bolidu; Uning asmanlirimu shebnem témitip turidu.
Israel dwells in safety; the fountain of Jacob alone, In a land of grain and new wine. Yes, his heavens drop down dew.
29 Bextliksen, i Israil! Sendek Perwerdigarning Özi qutquzghan xelqtin yene kim bar? U bolsa séning medetkar qalqining, Heywetlik qilichingdur! Séning düshmenliring sanga zeipliship boysunidu; Sen ularning égiz jaylirida dessep mangisen».
You are happy, Israel. Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD, the shield of your help, the sword of your excellency. Your enemies shall submit themselves to you. You shall tread on their high places."

< Qanun sherhi 33 >