< Qanun sherhi 27 >

1 Musa we Israilning aqsaqalliri xelqqe buyrup mundaq dédi: — «Men bügün silerge tapilighan bu barliq emrni tutunglar.
Forsothe Moyses comaundide, and the eldre men, to the puple of Israel, and seiden, Kepe ye ech `comaundement which Y comaunde to you to dai.
2 Iordan deryasidin ötüp Perwerdigar Xudayinglar silerge béridighan zémin’gha kirgen künde, siler chong-chong tashlarni tiklep ularni hak bilen aqartinglar;
And whanne ye han passid Jordan, in to the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, thou schalt reyse grete stoonus, and thou schalt make tho pleyn with chalk,
3 andin ata-bowiliringlarning Xudasi Perwerdigar silerge wede qilghinidek, Perwerdigar Xudayinglar silerge béridighan, süt bilen hesel éqip turidighan zémin’gha kirishinglar üchün deryadin ötkininglerde, bu qanunning hemme sözlirini shu tashlargha pütüp qoyunglar.
that thou mow write in tho alle the wordis of this lawe, whanne Jordan is passid, that thou entre in to the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, the lond flowynge with mylke and hony, as he swoor to thi fadris.
4 Siler Iordan deryasidin ötüp, méning bügünki emrim boyiche shu tashlarni Ébal téghida tiklep, ularni hak bilen aqartinglar.
Therfor whanne thou hast passid Jordan, reise thou the stonus whiche Y comaunde to dai to thee, in the hil of Hebal; and thou schalt make tho pleyn with chalk.
5 Siler shu yerde Perwerdigar Xudayinglar üchün tömür eswab tegmigen tashlardin qurban’gah yasanglar;
And there thou schalt bilde an auter to thi Lord God, of stoonys whiche yrun touchide not,
6 Perwerdigar Xudayinglarning bu qurban’gahi yonulmighan, pütün tashlardin yasalsun; uning üstide köydürme qurbanliqlarni Xudayinglar Perwerdigargha atap sununglar,
and of stonys vnformed and vnpolischid; and thou schalt offre theron brent sacrifices to thi Lord God; and thou schalt offre pesible sacrifices,
7 we shu yerde inaqliq qurbanliqlirinimu sununglar, ulardin yep Perwerdigar Xudayinglarning huzurida shadlininglar.
and thou schalt ete there, and thou schalt make feeste bifor thi Lord God.
8 Siler shu tashlar üstige bu qanunning hemme sözlirini éniq pütüp qoyunglar».
And thou schalt write pleynli and clereli on the stoonys alle the wordis of this lawe.
9 Andin Musa bilen Lawiy kahinlar pütkül Israilgha söz qilip: «Ey Israil, shük turup anglanglar! Siler bügün Perwerdigar Xudayinglarning xelqi boldunglar.
And Moises and the preestis of the kynde of Leuy seiden to al Israel, Israel, perseyue thou, and here; to day thou art maad the puple of thi Lord God;
10 Emdi Perwerdigar Xudayinglarning awazigha qulaq sélip, men bügün silerge tapilighan uning emrliri we belgilimilirige emel qilinglar» — déyishti.
thou schalt here his vois, and thou schalt do `the comaundementis, and riytfulnessis, whiche Y comaunde to thee to dai.
11 Shu küni Musa xelqqe emr qilip mundaq dédi: —
And Moises comaundide to the puple in that day,
12 Siler Iordan deryasidin ötkendin kéyin, bular, yeni Shiméon, Lawiy, Yehuda, Issakar, Yüsüp bilen Binyaminlar Gerizim téghining üstide turup, xelqqe bext-beriket tilisun.
and seide, These men schulen stonde on the hil of Garizym to blesse the Lord, whanne Jordan `is passid; Symeon, Leuy, Judas, Isachar, Joseph, and Benjamyn.
13 Bular, yeni Ruben, Gad, Ashir, Zebulun, Dan bilen Naftali Ébal téghining üstide lenet oqushqa tursun.
And euene ayens these men schulen stonde in the hil of Hebal to curse, Ruben, Gad, and Aser, Zabulon, Dan, and Neptalym.
14 U waqitta Lawiylar Israillarning hemmisige yuqiri awaz bilen: —
And the dekenes schulen pronounce, and schulen seie `with hiy vois to alle the men of Israel,
15 «Kimki hünerwenning qoli bilen birer oyma yaki quyma mebudni yasap chiqsa (Perwerdigar aldida yirginchlik ishtur!), uni yoshurunche tiklep qoysa lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
Cursid is the man that makith a grauun ymage and yotun togidere, abhomynacioun of the Lord, the werk of `hondis of crafti men, and schal sette it in priuey place; and al the puple schal answere, and schal seie, Amen!
16 «Kimki ata-anisini közge ilmisa lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
He is cursid that onoureth not his fadir and modir; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
17 «Kimki qoshnisining pasil téshini yötkise lenetke qalsun», dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
Cursid is he that `berith ouer the termes of his neiybore; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
18 «Kimki bir korni yoldin azdursa lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
Cursid is he that makith a blynde man to erre in the weie; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
19 «Kimki musapir, yétim-yésir we tul xotun toghrisidiki hökümni burmilisa, lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
He is cursid that peruertith the doom of a comelyng, of a fadirles, ethir modirles child, and of a widewe; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
20 «Kimki atisining xotuni bilen yatsa, atisining yotqinini achqan bolghachqa lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: Amin! — désun.
Cursid is he that slepith with `the wijf of his fadir, and schewith the hiling of his bed; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
21 «Kimki haywan bilen munasiwet qilsa lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: Amin! — désun.
Cursid is he that slepith with ony beeste; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
22 «Kimki atisining qizi yaki anisining qizi bolghan öz hemshirisi bilen yatsa lenetke qalsun» — dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: Amin! — désun.
Cursid is he that slepith with his sistir, the douytir of his fadir, ethir of his modir; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
23 «Kimki qéynanisi bilen yatsa lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: Amin! — désun.
Cursid is he that slepith with his wyues modir; and al the puple schal seye, Amen!
24 «Kimki qoshnisini paylap turup yoshurun öltürse lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
Cursid is he that sleeth pryueli his neiybore; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
25 «Kimki gunahsiz ademni öltürüp uning qéni üchün heq alsa lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
Cursid is he that slepith with `the wijf of his neiybore; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!
26 «Kimki bu qanunning sözlirige köngül bölmey, uninggha emel qilishta ching turmisa, lenetke qalsun» dep jakarlisun. Andin xelqning hemmisi jawaben: — Amin! désun.
Cursid is he that takith yiftis, that he smyte the lijf of innocent blood; and al the puple schal seie, Amen! Cursid is he that dwellith not in the wordis of this lawe, nethir `parfourmeth tho in werk; and al the puple schal seie, Amen!

< Qanun sherhi 27 >