< Qanun sherhi 2 >

1 Andin biz burulup, Perwerdigar manga éytqandek Qizil déngizgha baridighan yol bilen seperge atlanduq; biz nurghun künler Séir téghi etrapida aylinip yürduq.
“And we turn and journey into the wilderness, the way of the Red Sea, as YHWH has spoken to me, and we go around Mount Seir [for] many days.
2 Perwerdigar manga söz qilip: —
And YHWH speaks to me, saying,
3 «Silerning mushu taghni aylinip turghan waqtinglar yéterlik boldi; emdi shimal terepke burulunglar.
For you go around this mountain long enough; turn for yourselves northward.
4 Xelqqe: — Siler Séirda turuwatqan qérindishinglar Esawlarning chégrisidin ötidighan boldunglar; ular silerdin qorqidu, shunga bek éhtiyat qilip,
And the people command you, saying, You are passing over into the border of your brothers, sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, and they are afraid of you; and you have been very watchful;
5 ulargha jeng qozghimanglar; chünki men silerge ularning zéminidin hetta tapanchiliq yernimu bermeymen; chünki Séir téghini Esawgha miras qilip berdim.
you do not strive with them, for I do not give [any] of their land to you—even the treading of the sole of a foot; I have given Mount Seir to Esau for a possession.
6 Siler ulargha pul tölep ozuq-tülük sétiwélinglar, pul tölep su sétiwélinglar.
You buy food from them with money, and have eaten; and you also buy water from them with money, and have drunk.
7 Chünki Perwerdigar Xudayinglar qolunglardiki barliq ejirni beriketlep kelgen; U silerning bu bipayan chöl-bayawandin méngip ötüwatqininglarda hemmini bildi; Perwerdigar Xudayinglar bu qiriq yil siler bilen bille boldi; héch nersidin kem bolmidinglar» — dédi.
For your God YHWH has blessed you in all the work of your hands; He has known your walking in this great wilderness these forty years; your God YHWH [is] with you; you have not lacked anything.
8 Shuning bilen biz Séirda turuwatqan qérindashlirimiz Esawlarning zéminidin we Arabah tüzlenglikidin, shundaqla Élat we Ézion-Geberdin ötüp, burulup Moabdiki chöl-bayawan yoli bilen mangduq.
And we pass by from our brothers, sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, by the way of the plain, by Elath and by Ezion-Gaber, and we turn and pass over the way of the wilderness of Moab;
9 Perwerdigar manga: «Moabiylarni aware qilmanglar yaki ulargha jeng qozghimanglar; chünki Men ularning zéminini silerge miras qilip bermeymen; chünki Men Ar sheher-zéminini Lutning ewladlirigha miras qilip berdim» — dédi
and YHWH says to me, Do not distress Moab, nor stir yourself up against them [in] battle, for I do not give [any] of their land to you [for] a possession; for I have given Ar to the sons of Lot [for] a possession.
10 (Emiyler eslide shu yerde turatti; ular Anakiylargha oxshash küchlük, sani köp, égiz boyluq bir xelq idi.
The Emim have formerly dwelt in it, a people great, and numerous, and tall as the Anakim;
11 Ular Anakiylardek «gigantlar» dep hésablinidu; lékin Moabiylar ularni «Emiyler» dep ataydu.
they are reckoned [as] Rephaim, they also, as the Anakim; and the Moabites call them Emim.
12 Séirda eslide Horiylar turatti; lékin Esawlar Horiylarni zéminidin heydiwétip, ularni yoqitip ornigha olturaqlashti — xuddi Israillar Menki Perwerdigar ulargha teqdim qilghan, ularning teweliki bolghan zémin’gha qilghinigha oxshash).
And the Horim have formerly dwelt in Seir, but the sons of Esau dispossess them, and destroy them from before them, and dwell in their stead, as Israel has done to the land of his possession which YHWH has given to them.
13 [Perwerdigar: ] «Emdi hazir ornunglardin turup Zered éqinidin ötünglar» dédi. Buni anglap biz Zered éqinidin öttuq.
Now rise and pass over the Brook of Zered for yourselves; and we pass over the Brook of Zered.
14 Qadesh-Barnéadin ayrilip Zered éqinidin ötküche bolghan künler ottuz sekkiz yil boldi; bu del xuddi Perwerdigar ulargha qesem qilghinidek, u dewrdiki jengchiler bargahtin pütünley yoqitilghuche bolghan ariliqtiki waqit idi.
And the days which we have walked from Kadesh-Barnea until we have passed over the Brook of Zered [are] thirty-eight years, until the consumption of all the generation of the men of battle from the midst of the camp, as YHWH has sworn to them;
15 Derweqe Perwerdigarning qoli ularni bargahtin yoqitip tügetküche ularni halak qilishqa qarshi chiqqanidi.
and indeed the hand of YHWH has been against them, to destroy them from the midst of the camp until they are consumed.
16 We shundaq boldiki, shu jengchiler ölüp xelq arisidin pütünley tügigendin kéyin,
And it comes to pass, when all the men of battle have finished dying from the midst of the people,
17 Perwerdigar manga söz qilip: —
that YHWH speaks to me, saying,
18 «Siler bügün Moabning, yeni Arning chégrisidin ötisiler.
Today you are passing over the border of Moab, even Ar,
19 Shuning bilen siler Ammoniylargha yéqin kélisiler; emma ularni aware qilmanglar yaki ulargha jeng qozghimanglar; chünki Men Ammoniylarning zéminini silerge miras qilip bermeymen; chünki Men uni Lutning ewladlirigha miras qilip berdim» — dédi.
and [when] you have come near the sons of Ammon, you do not distress them, nor stir yourself up against them, for I do not give [any] of the land of the sons of Ammon to you [for] a possession; for I have given it to the sons of Lot [for] a possession.
20 (bu zéminmu «gigantlarning zémini» hésablinidu; chünki ilgiri gigantlar shu yerde turghanidi; Ammoniylar ularni «Zamzumlar» dep ataydu.
It is reckoned [as] a land of Rephaim, even it; Rephaim formerly dwelt in it, and the Ammonites call them Zamzummim,
21 Ular Anakiylargha oxshash küchlük, sani köp, égiz boyluq bir xelq idi. Perwerdigar ularni [Ammoniylarning] aldida yoqitishi bilen [Ammoniylar] ularni zéminidin mehrum qilip, ularning ornigha olturaqlashqanidi.
a people great, and numerous, and tall as the Anakim, and YHWH destroys them before them, and they dispossess them, and dwell in their stead,
22 Perwerdigar Séirda turghan Esawlar üchünmu oxshash ish qildi, ularning aldidin Horiylarni yoqatti; shuning bilen Esawlar ularni zéminidin mehrum qilip, bügün’ge qeder ularning ornigha olturaqlashqanidi.
as He has done for the sons of Esau who are dwelling in Seir, when He destroyed the Horim from before them, and they dispossess them, and dwell in their stead to this day.
23 We Gaza shehirigiche kent-qishlaqlarda olturaqlashqan awwiylarni bolsa, Kaftordin chiqqan Kaftoriylar yoqitip, ularning ornigha olturaqlashti).
As for the Avim who are dwelling in villages as far as Gaza, the Caphtorim—who are coming out from Caphtor—have destroyed them, and dwell in their stead.
24 — «Emdi ornunglardin qozghilinglar, sepiringlargha chiqinglar; Arnon deryasidin ötünglar; mana, Men Heshbonning padishahi Amoriy Sihonni we uning zémininimu qolunglargha tapshurdum; ishni bashlanglar, zéminni igileshke, uning bilen jeng qilishqa chiqinglar;
Rise, journey, and pass over the Brook of Arnon; see, I have given into your hand Sihon king of Heshbon, the Amorite, and his land; begin to possess [it], and stir yourself up against him [in] battle.
25 Men bügündin bashlap silerning qorqunchunglar we wehshitinglarni pütkül asman astidiki xelqler üstige chüshürimen; ular silerning xewiringlarni anglap silerning tüpeylinglardin titrep dekke-dükkige chüshidu».
This [is] the day I begin to put your dread and your fear on the face of the peoples under the whole heavens, who hear your fame, and have trembled and been pained because of you.
26 Shu chaghda men Heshbonning padishahi Sihon’gha Kedemot chölidin elchilerni ewetip, tinchliq salimi yollap: —
And I send messengers from the wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon, [with] words of peace, saying,
27 «Bizning zéminingdin ötüshimizge yol qoyghaysen; onggha, solgha burulmay, peqetla yoldin chiqmay mangimiz.
Let me pass over through your land; in the way—in the way I go, I do not turn aside [to the] right or left.
28 Sen manga ozuq-tülükni pulgha sétip bérisen, suni pulgha sétip bérisen; biz peqetla piyade méngip ötimiz, xalas.
You sell me food for money, and I have eaten; and you give to me water for money, and I have drunk; only, let me pass over on my feet,
29 Séirda turuwatqan Esawlar, Arda turuwatqan Moabiylar bizge muamile qilghandek senmu biz Iordan deryasidin ötüp, Perwerdigar Xudayimiz bizge teqdim qilidighan zémin’gha kirgüche shundaq muamile qilghaysen» — dédim.
as the sons of Esau who are dwelling in Seir and the Moabites who are dwelling in Ar have done for me, until I pass over the Jordan to the land which our God YHWH is giving to us.
30 Lékin Heshbonning padishahi Sihonning bizning u yerdin ötüshimizge yol qoyghusi yoq idi; chünki Perwerdigar Xudayinglar uni silerning qolunglargha tapshurush üchün uning roh-qelbini qattiq, könglini jahil qiliwetken (bügünki ehwal derweqe shundaq).
And Sihon king of Heshbon has not been willing to let us pass over by him, for your God YHWH has hardened his spirit and strengthened his heart, so as to give him into your hand as at this day.
31 Perwerdigar manga: «Mana, Men aldinglarda Sihonni we uning zéminini silerge tapshurushqa bashlidim; ishni bashlanglar, uning zéminini igilesh üchün uni ishghal qilishqa kirishinglar» — dédi.
And YHWH says to me, See, I have begun to give Sihon and his land before your faces; begin to possess—to possess his land.
32 Sihon derweqe özi we barliq xelqi biz bilen qarshilishish üchün jeng qilishqa Yahazgha chiqti.
And Sihon comes out to meet us, he and all his people, to the battle at Jahaz;
33 Lékin Perwerdigar Xudayimiz uni bizning aldimizda qolimizgha tapshurdi; biz uning özini, oghullirini we barliq xelqini urup meghlup qilduq.
and our God YHWH gives him before our faces, and we strike him, and his sons, and all his people;
34 Shu chaghda biz uning barliq sheherlirini ishghal qilip ularni pütünley halak qilduq; ulardiki barliq erkek, qiz-ayal we balilarni birinimu qoymay yoqattuq; ulardin héchqaysisini tirik qoymiduq.
and we capture all his cities at that time, and devote the whole city—men, and the women, and the infants; we have not left a remnant;
35 Biz peqet özlirimiz üchün charwa mallirini we ishghal qilghan sheherlerdin olja gheniymet alduq.
only, we have spoiled the livestock for ourselves, and the spoil of the cities which we have captured.
36 Arnon deryasi boyidiki Aroerdin we shu yerdiki jilghidiki sheherdin tartip Giléadqiche héchqandaq sheher bizge teng kélelmidi; Perwerdigar Xudayimiz bizning aldimizda hemmisini meghlubiyetke uchratti.
From Aroer, which [is] by the edge of the Brook of Arnon, and the city which [is] by the brook, even to Gilead, there has not been a city which [is] too high for us; our God YHWH has given the whole before our faces.
37 Halbuki, siler Ammoniylarning zéminigha, chégrisi bolghan pütkül Yabbok wadisigha, taghdiki sheherlerge yaki Perwerdigar Xudayimiz bizge men’i qilghan herqaysi yerge yéqinlashmidinglar.
Only, you have not drawn near to the land of the sons of Ammon—any part of the Brook of Jabbok, and cities of the hill-country, and anything which our God YHWH has [not] commanded.”

< Qanun sherhi 2 >