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1 Sulayman Perwerdigarning namigha atap bir öy hem padishahliqi üchün bir orda sélish niyitige keldi.
And Solomon purposed to build a house for the name of Jehovah, and a house for his kingdom.
2 Shuningdin kéyin Sulayman yetmish ming ademni hammalliqqa, seksen ming ademni taghda tash késishke, üch ming alte yüz kishini nazaretchilikke teyinlidi.
And Solomon numbered seventy thousand men to bear burdens, and eighty thousand stone-masons in the mountain, and three thousand six hundred to superintend them.
3 Sulayman Tur padishahi Huramgha adem ewetip: «Özliri atam Dawutning turalghusi bolsun dep orda sélishigha kédir yaghichi yetküzüp bergen idilighu, mangimu shundaq qilghayla.
And Solomon sent to Huram king of Tyre, saying, As thou didst deal with David my father, and didst send him cedars to build him a house to dwell therein [so do for me].
4 Mana, men emdi Perwerdigar Xudayimning namigha atap bir öy salmaqchimen; öy uning aldida xushbuy yéqish, «teqdim nanlar»ning üzülmey qoyulushi, herküni ete-axshamlirida, shabat künliride, yéngi ayning birinchi künide we Perwerdigar Xudayimiz békitip bergen héyt-ayemlerde köydürme qurbanliqlarning sunulushi üchün bolidu. Bu ishlar Israil xelqige menggülük bir belgilime bolidu.
Behold, I build a house unto the name of Jehovah my God to dedicate it to him, to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual arrangement [of the shewbread], and for the morning and evening burnt-offerings [and] on the sabbaths and on the new moons, and on the set feasts of Jehovah our God. This is [an ordinance] for ever to Israel.
5 Men salmaqchi bolghan öy ajayip heywetlik bolidu; chünki bizning Xudayimiz hemme ilahlardin üstündur.
And the house that I will build is great; for great is our God above all gods.
6 Lékin asmanlar we asmanlarning üstidiki asmanmu Uni sighduralmaydighan tursa, kim Uninggha öy salalisun? Men kim idim, qandaqmu Uninggha öy saldurghudek qudretke ige bolay? Men peqet Uning aldida qurbanliqlarni köydürgüdekla ademmen, xalas!
But who is able to build him a house, seeing the heavens and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him? And who am I that I should build him a house, except to burn sacrifice before him?
7 Emdi özliri manga atam Dawut Yehudada we Yérusalémda teyyarlap qoyghan ustilar bilen bille ishlesh üchün, altun-kümüshte, mis we tömürde ishleshke pishshiq, sösün, toq qizil we kök renglik yip ishleshke puxta hem neqqashliqni bilidighan bir ustamni ewetkeyla.
And now send me a man skilful to work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze, and in iron, and in purple and crimson and blue, and experienced in carving, besides the skilful men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father provided.
8 Hem manga Liwandin kédir, archa-qarighay we sendel derexlirini yetküzüp bergen bolsila; chünki özlirining xizmetkarlirining Liwanda yaghachni késishke ustiliqini bilimen; mana, manga köplep yaghachlarni teyyarlap bérish üchün méning xizmetkarlirim özlirining xizmetkarliri bilen bille ishlisun; chünki men salidighan öy intayin heywetlik we ajayib karamet bolidu.
Send me also cedar-trees, cypress-trees, and sandal-wood trees, out of Lebanon; for I know that thy servants are experienced in cutting timber in Lebanon; and behold, my servants shall be with thy servants,
even to prepare me timber in abundance: for the house that I build shall be great and wonderful.
10 Mana, men özlirining yaghach késidighan xizmetkarlirigha yigirme ming kor bughday, yigirme ming kor arpa, yigirme ming bat sharab, yigirme ming bat zeytun méyi bérimen» — dédi.
And behold, I will give to thy servants the hewers that fell timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil.
11 Turning padishahi Huram Sulayman’gha jawaben mektup yollap: «Perwerdigar Öz xelqini söygechke U özlirini ularning üstige padishah qildi» — dédi.
And Huram king of Tyre answered in writing, which he sent to Solomon, Because Jehovah loved his people, he made thee king over them.
12 Huram yene: «Asman-pelek bilen yer-zéminni yaratqan Israilning Xudasi Perwerdigargha Hemdusana bolghay! Chünki U padishah Dawutqa yorutulghan, pem-parasetlik, Perwerdigar üchün bir öy, uning padishahliqi üchün bir orda salalaydighan bir danishmen oghul berdi.
And Huram said, Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, that made the heavens and the earth, who has given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, who will build a house for Jehovah and a house for his kingdom.
13 Mana men hazir özlirige hünerde kamaletke yetken, eqil-paraset bilen yorutulghan, Huram-Abi dégen bir ademni ewetey.
And now, I send a skilful man, endued with understanding, Huram Abi,
14 Uning anisi Dan qebilisilik bir ayal, atisi Turluq iken. U altun, kümüsh, mis, tömür, tashlar, yaghachchiliq ishlirigha mahir, sösün, toq qizil, aq we kök renglik yip ishleshke puxta, herxil neqqashliq ishlirighimu usta, tapshurulghan herqandaq layihige amalini qilalaydu. Bu kishi özlirining hünerwenliri bilen we atiliri bolghan xojam Dawutning hünerwenliri bilen bille ishlisun.
the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and whose father was a man of Tyre, experienced in working in gold, and in silver, in bronze, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in byssus, and in crimson, and for doing any manner of engraving, and for inventing every device which shall be put to him, besides thy skilful men, and the skilful men of my lord David thy father.
15 Emdi xojam tilgha alghan bughday, arpa, may we sharab bolsa, bularni öz xizmetkarlirigha yetküzüp bergeyla.
And now the wheat and the barley, the oil and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants.
16 Biz bolsaq silige qanche kérek bolsa Liwanda shunche yaghach késip, sal qilip baghlap, déngiz arqiliq Yoppagha yetküzüp bérimiz; andin sili u yerdin Yérusalémgha toshup ketsile bolidu» dédi.
And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need; and we will bring it to thee [in] floats by sea to Joppa, and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.
17 Atisi Dawut Israil zéminida turushluq yaqa yurtluqlarni sanaqtin ötküzgendek, Sulaymanmu ularni sanaqtin ötküzdi. Ular jemiy bir yüz ellik üch ming alte yüz adem chiqti.
And Solomon numbered all the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the account that David his father had taken of them, and there were found a hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred.
18 U ulardin yetmish ming kishini hammalliqqa, seksen ming kishini taghda tash késishke we ish qiliwatqanlar üstidin nazaret qilip turushqa üch ming alte yüz kishini teyinlidi.
And he set seventy thousand of them to be bearers of burdens, and eighty thousand to be stone-masons in the mountains, and three thousand six hundred overseers to set the people to work.

< Tarix-tezkire 2 2 >