< Padishahlar 1 5 >

1 Turning padishahi Hiram Sulaymanni atisining ornigha padishah bolushqa mesih qilin’ghan dep anglap, öz xizmetkarlirini uning qéshigha ewetti; chünki Hiram Dawutni izchil söygüchi idi.
And Hiram king of Tyre sends his servants to Solomon, for he heard that they had anointed him for king instead of his father, for Hiram was loving toward David all the days;
2 Sulayman Hiramgha adem ewitip mundaq uchurni yetküzdi: —
and Solomon sends to Hiram, saying,
3 «Özüng bilisenki, atam Dawutning düshmenlirini Perwerdigar uning puti astigha qoyghuche, u etrapida her terepte jeng qilghanliqi tüpeylidin Perwerdigar Xudasning namigha bir ibadetxana yasiyalmidi.
“You have known my father David, that he has not been able to build a house for the Name of his God YHWH, because of the wars that have been all around him, until YHWH’s putting them under the soles of his feet.
4 Emdi hazir Perwerdigar Xudayim manga hemme tereptin aram berdi; héchbir düshminim yoq, héchbir bala-qaza yoq.
And now, my God YHWH has given rest to me all around, there is no adversary nor evil occurrence,
5 Mana, Perwerdigarning atam Dawutqa: «Men séning ornunggha öz textingge olturghuzghan oghlung bolsa, u méning namimgha bir ibadetxana yasaydu» dep éytqinidek, men Perwerdigar Xudayimning namigha bir ibadetxana yasay dep niyet qildim;
and behold, I am saying to build a house for the Name of my God YHWH, as YHWH spoke to my father David, saying, Your son whom I appoint in your stead on your throne, he builds the house for My Name.
6 emdi men üchün [ademliringge] Liwandin kédir derexlirini késinglar, dep yarliq chüshürgin; méning xizmetkarlirim séning xizmetkarliringgha hemdemde bolidu. Séning békitkining boyiche xizmetkarliringgha bérilidighan ish heqqini sanga töleymen; chünki özüngge ayanki, derex késishte arimizda héchkim Zidondikilerdek usta emes».
And now, command, and they cut down cedars for me out of Lebanon, and my servants are with your servants, and I give the hire of your servants to you according to all that you say, for you have known that there is not a man among us acquainted with cutting wood, like the Sidonians.”
7 Hiram Sulaymanning sözini anglighanda intayin xushal bolup: — Bügün bu ulugh xelq üstige höküm sürüshke Dawutqa shundaq dana bir oghul bergen Perwerdigargha teshekkür éytilsun! — dédi.
And it comes to pass at Hiram’s hearing the words of Solomon, that he rejoices exceedingly and says, “Blessed [is] YHWH today, who has given to David a wise son over this numerous people.”
8 Hiram Sulayman’gha adem ewitip: — Sen manga qoyghan telepliringni anglap qobul qildim. Men séning kédir yaghichi we archa yaghichi toghruluq arzu qilghanliringning hemmisini ada qilimen;
And Hiram sends to Solomon, saying, “I have heard that which you have sent to me, I do all your desire concerning cedar-wood and fir-wood;
9 Méning xizmetkarlirim shularni Liwandin déngizgha apiridu; men ularni sal qilip baghlap, déngiz bilen sen manga békitken yerge yetküzimen, andin shu yerde ularni yeshküzimen. Shuning bilen sen ularni tapshuruwélip, élip kétisen. Buning hésabigha sen teleplirim boyiche ordidikilirim üchün yémek-ichmek teminligeysen, — dédi.
my servants bring [them] down from Lebanon to the sea, and I make them floats in the sea to the place that you send to me, and I have spread them out there; and you take [them] up, and you execute my desire, to give the food [for] my house.”
10 Shundaq qilip, Hiram Sulayman’gha barliq telipi boyiche kédir yaghachliri we archa yaghachlirini berdi.
And Hiram is giving cedar-trees and fir-trees to Solomon—all his desire,
11 Sulayman Hiramgha ordidikilirining yémek-ichmikige yigirme ming kor bughday we yigirme bat sap zeytun méyini ewetip berdi. Her yili Sulayman Hiramgha shundaq béretti.
and Solomon has given twenty thousand cors of wheat to Hiram, [the] food for his house, and twenty cors of beaten oil; thus Solomon gives to Hiram year by year.
12 Perwerdigar Sulayman’gha wede qilghandek uninggha danaliq bergenidi. Hiram bilen Sulaymanning arisida inaqliq bolup, ikkisi ehde tüzüshti.
And YHWH has given wisdom to Solomon as He spoke to him, and there is peace between Hiram and Solomon, and both of them make a covenant.
13 Sulayman padishah pütün Israildin hashargha ishlemchilerni békitti, ularning sani ottuz ming idi.
And King Solomon lifts up a tribute out of all Israel, and the tribute is thirty thousand men,
14 U bularni nöwet bilen her ayda on mingdin Liwan’gha ewetetti; shundaq qilip, ular bir ay Liwanda tursa, ikki ay öyide turdi. Adoniram hasharchilaning üstide turatti.
and he sends them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month, by changes; they are in Lebanon [for] a month [and] two months in their own house; and Adoniram [is] over the tribute.
15 Sulaymanning yetmish ming hammili, taghlarda ishleydighan seksen ming tashchisi bar idi.
And King Solomon has seventy thousand bearing burdens, and eighty thousand hewing in the mountain,
16 Uningdin bashqa Sulaymanning mensepdarliridin ish üstige qoyulghan üch ming üch yüz ish béshi bar idi; ular ishlemchilerni bashquratti.
apart from the three thousand and three hundred heads of the officers of Solomon who [are] over the work—those ruling over the people who are working in the business.
17 Padishah yarliq chüshürüshi bilen ular ibadetxanining ulini sélishqa yonulghan, chong we qimmetlik tashlarni késip keltürdi.
And the king commands, and they bring great stones, precious stones, [and] hewn stones, to lay the foundation of the house;
18 We Sulaymanning tamchiliri bilen Hiramning tamchiliri we Geballiqlar qoshulup tashlarni oyup, öyni yasash üchün yaghach hem tashlarni teyyarlap qoydi.
and the builders of Solomon, and the builders of Hiram, and the Giblites hew [them], and prepare the wood and the stones to build the house.

< Padishahlar 1 5 >