< Korintliqlargha 1 4 >

1 Birsi biz toghruluq birnéme démekchi bolsa, bizni Mesihning xizmetkarliri we Xudaning sirliri amanet qilin’ghan ghojidarlar dep bilsun.
Let us be so accounted of by you, as the servants of Messiah, and the stewards of the mysteries of God.
2 Emdi ghojidar dégenlerdin telep qilinidighini shuki, ular wapadar-sadiq bolushi kérektur.
Now it is required of stewards, that each be found faithful.
3 Emma men siler teripinglardin yaki bashqa herqandaq insaniy sot teripidin sürüshtürüp bahalansam, bu men üchün zighirchilik ish; men hetta özüm toghruluq sürüshtürüp olturmaymen.
But to me, it is a light matter to be judged of by you, or by any man whatever; nay, I am no judge of myself.
4 Chünki wijdanim eyibleydighan héchqandaq ishlirimdin xewirim yoq; emma bu ishning özi méni heqqaniy dep aqlimaydu; méni sürüshtürüp bahalighuchi bolsa Rebdur.
-(For I am not conscious in myself of any thing flagrant; yet I am not by this justified; for the Lord is my judge.)
5 Shunga waqti-saiti kelmigüche, yeni Reb kelmigüche héch ish toghruluq höküm chiqarmanglar; Reb kelgende u qarangghuluqtiki yoshurun ishlarni ashkarilaydu, qelb-dillardiki barliq oy-niyetlerni ayan qilidu; shu chaghda herbiri Xuda teripidin teriplinidu.
Therefore pronounce not judgments before the time, or until the Lord come, who will pour light upon the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the thoughts of men's hearts: and then will each one have due praise from God.
6 Emma, i qérindashlar, bu ishlarni silerning menpeetinglarni dep özümge we Apollosqa tetbiqlidim; meqset siler biz arqiliq «pütülgenning dairisidin halqip ketmenglar» dégen sawaqni öginishinglar, shundaqla héchqaysinglarning melum birsini bashqa birsidin üstün dep pexirlinip tekebburliship ketmeslikinglar üchündur.
These things, my Brethren, I have stated concerning the person of myself and of Apollos, for your sakes; that, in us, ye might learn not to think of men, above what is written; and that no one might exalt himself in comparison with his fellow, on account of any person.
7 Chünki kim séni bashqa birsidin üstün qilidu? Sanga ata qilin’ghan nersidin bashqa sende yene néme bar? Hemme sanga bérilgen tursa, némishqa «Mende esli bar idi» dep pexirlinip körenglep kétisen?
For who exploreth thee? Or what hast thou, which thou didst not receive? And if thou receivedst it, why gloriest thou, as if thou didst not receive it?
8 Siler alliqachan toyunup kettinglar! Alliqachan béyip kettinglar! Siler bizsiz padishahlar bolup höküm sürdunglar! Kashki siler heqiqeten höküm sürgen bolsanglaridi — undaqta biz siler bilen bille höküm sürgen bolattuq!
Now ye are yourselves full, and enriched; and, without us, are on thrones! And I wish ye were enthroned; that we also might reign with you.
9 Chünki Xuda rosullar bolghan bizlerni ölümge mehkum bolghan ademlerdek eng axirgha qoyup sazayi qilip otturigha chiqarghan, dep oylaymen; chünki biz pütkül alemge, yeni hem perishtilerge hem insanlargha bir xil tamasha bolduq.
But I suppose, that God hath placed us legates the last, as for death; since we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men.
10 Biz Mesih üchün exmeq sanalghanlarmiz, emma siler Mesihde danasiler! Biz ajiz, emma siler küchlüksiler; siler izzetlik, emma biz xar;
We are fools, on account of Messiah; but ye are wise in Messiah! We are feeble; but ye are strong! Ye are lauded, we are contemned.
11 Hazirqi deqiqigiche ach-yalingach, changqap yürmektimiz, dumbalinip, sergerdan, makansiz bolup yürmektimiz;
Unto this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no permanent home:
12 öz qolimiz bilen ishlep japa tartmaqtimiz; ahanetke qalghanda yaxshiliq tilewatimiz; ziyankeshlikke uchrighanda, chidawatimiz;
and we toil, working with our own hands: they defame us, and we bless: they persecute us, and we endure it:
13 töhmetke uchrighanda, [biz ularni] chirayliqche [towigha] ündeymiz; biz jahanning dashqili, insanlarning süpüründisi dep qariliwatimiz, ta hazirghiche shundaq.
they revile us, and we entreat them: we are as the filth of the world, and the expiation for all men, up to this time.
14 Bu ishlarni yézishim, silerni xijaletke qaldurush üchün emes, belki söyümlük balilirim süpitide silerge nesihet qiliwatimen;
I write these things, not to shame you; but I instruct you, as dear children.
15 chünki silerning Mesihde tümenligen terbiyiligüchiliringlar bolsimu, silerning atanglar köp emestur; chünki men Mesih Eysada bolup silerni xush xewer arqiliq töreldürüp ata boldum.
For though ye have a myriad of teachers in Messiah, yet not many fathers; for in Jesus Messiah, I have begotten you by preaching.
16 Shunga men silerdin ötünimenki, méni ülge qilinglar.
I beseech you, therefore, that ye be like me.
17 Del bu sewebtin men Rebde bolghan öz söyümlük we ishenchlik oghlum Timotiyni yéninglargha ewettim; herqaysi jaylardiki jamaette ögetkenlirimge egiship, u silerge Mesihde bolghan yollirim toghruluq eslitidu.
For this cause have I sent to you Timothy, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, that he might bring to your recollection my ways in Messiah, agreeably to what I teach in all the churches.
18 Emma beziliringlar, «Pawlusni yénimizgha kelmeydu», dep körenglep kettinglar;
Now some of you are inflated, as though I would not dare come to you.
19 biraq Reb buyrusa men pat arida yéninglargha barimen; shu chaghda men körenglep ketkenlerning sözlirini emes, belki ularda bolghan küch-qudretni körüp baqay.
But I will come to you speedily, if God be willing: and I will know, not the speech of them who exalt themselves, but their power:
20 Chünki Xudaning padishahliqi sözde emes, belki küch-qudrette ispatlinidu.
for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
21 Emdi némini xalaysiler? Yéninglargha tayaq kötürüp bérishimnimu, yaki méhir-mulayimliq rohida bérishimnimu?
What will ye? Shall I come to you with the rod, or with love and a gentle spirit?

< Korintliqlargha 1 4 >