< Псалми 99 >

1 Царює Господь, — і наро́ди тремтя́ть, сидить на Херуви́мах, і трясе́ться земля!
Yahweh is the [supreme] king, so [all] the people-groups should tremble ([in his presence/in front of him])! He sits on his throne [in the temple] above the [statues of] winged creatures, [so] the earth should quake/shake!
2 Великий Госпо́дь на Сіоні, і підне́сений Він над усі́ма наро́дами!
Yahweh is a mighty [king] in Jerusalem; [but] he is [also] the supreme ruler of all people-groups.
3 Хай Ім'я́ Твоє сла́влять, — велике й грізне́ воно!
[So] they should praise him because he is very great/powerful; and he is holy!
4 А сила Царя любить право, справедливість Ти міцно поста́вив, Ти Якову право та правду вчинив!
He is a mighty king who (loves/is pleased with) what is just/right; he has acted justly and fairly [DOU] in Israel.
5 Звели́чуйте Господа, нашого Бога, і вклоняйтесь підні́жкові ніг Його, — Він бо Святий!
Praise Yahweh our God! Worship him [in front of the Sacred Chest in his temple] [MTY], where he rules people. He is holy!
6 Мойсей й Ааро́н — серед священиків Його, а Самуїл серед тих, що кличуть Іме́ння Його. Вони кликали до Господа, — і Він вислухав їх,
Moses and Aaron were two of his priests; Samuel also was someone who prayed to him. Those [three] cried out to Yahweh [to help them], and he answered them.
7 у стовпі хмари до них говорив. Вони зберіга́ли свідо́цтва Його й постано́ви, що Він дав був для них.
He spoke to Moses and Aaron from the cloud [that was like a huge] pillar; they obeyed [all] the laws and commandments [DOU] that he gave to them.
8 Господи, Боже наш, — Ти вислухо́вував їх, Ти був для них Богом виба́чливим, але мстився за їхні діла́.
Yahweh, our God, you answered [your people] [when they cried out to you to help them]; you are a God who forgave them [for those sins that they had committed], even though you punished them for the things that they did that are wrong.
9 Звеличуйте Господа, нашого Бога, і вклоня́йтеся перед горою святою Його, — бо Святий Господь, Бог наш!
Praise Yahweh, our God, and worship him [at the temple] on his sacred hill; [it is right to do that] because Yahweh, our God, is holy!

< Псалми 99 >