< 1 до коринтян 16 >

1 А щодо складо́к на святих, то й ви робіть так, як я постановив для Церков галаті́йських.
Now [I will reply to another question that you asked. You asked] about the [money you are] collecting [to send] to God’s people [in Jerusalem]. Do what I told the congregations in Galatia to do.
2 А першого дня в тижні нехай кожен із вас відкладає собі та збирає, згідно з тим, як ведеться йому, щоб складо́к не робити тоді, аж коли я прийду́.
Every Sunday each of you should set aside [at home] some funds [EUP] [for this purpose], in proportion to how much [God] has prospered you. Then you should save it up, so that when I arrive there, you will not need to collect [any more money. Choose some men whom you approve of, to take] this money to Jerusalem.
3 А коли я прийду́, тоді тих, кого виберете, тих пошлю я з листами, щоб вони ваш дар любови відне́сли до Єрусалиму.
Then, when I arrive, I will write letters stating that you have authorized these men to take the funds there.
4 А коли ж і мені випада́тиме йти, то зо мною піду́ть.
And if [you] (OR, [I]) think that it is appropriate, I will go with them.
5 Я прибуду до вас, коли перейду́ Македо́нію, бо прохо́джу через Македонію.
Now I plan to travel through Macedonia [province]. I [plan to] come to visit you, but I want to go through Macedonia first.
6 А в вас, коли трапиться, я поживу́ або й перези́мую, щоб мене провели́ ви, куди я піду́.
Perhaps I will stay with you for a short while, or I may stay with you for the whole winter, in order that you yourselves can provide some of the things [that I will need] [EUP] for my next trip.
7 Не хо́чу я бачитись з вами тепер мимохі́дь, але сподіва́юся деякий час перебути у вас, як дозволить Госпо́дь.
I do not want to see you just for a short time and then continue my trip. I am hoping to stay with you for a while, if the Lord [Jesus] allows me to do that.
8 А в Ефе́сі пробу́ду я до П'ятдеся́тниці,
But I will stay [here] in Ephesus [city] until [after] the Pentecost [festival].
9 бо двері великі й широкі мені відчинилися, та багато противників.
[I want to do that] because [God] has given me a great opportunity [MET] [to proclaim his good message here]. [As a result of my work here, God is producing] great results. I also want to stay here because there are many people here who oppose [my work, and I need to refute them].
10 Коли ж при́йде до вас Тимофі́й, то пильнуйте, щоб він був безпечний у вас, бо ді́ло Господнє він робить, як і я.
When Timothy arrives [there in Corinth], treat him respectfully [LIT], because he is working for the Lord just as I am.
11 Тому́ то нехай ним ніхто не пого́рджує, але відпровадьте його з миром, щоб прийшов він до мене, бо чека́ю його з брата́ми.
Do not let anyone despise him. And when he leaves there, give him some of the things that he needs [for his trip] [EUP] [here], and also [ask God to] bless him. I am waiting for him to come, along with the other fellow believers [who have been traveling with him].
12 А щодо брата Аполло́са, то я ду́же благав був його, щоб прийшов до вас з брата́ми, та охоти не мав він прибути тепер, але при́йде, як матиме час відповідний.
[You also asked] about our fellow believer, Apollos. I urged him strongly that he should go back to you with the three fellow believers [who came here from Corinth]. He was not at all willing to go [now], but he will go later, when he has an opportunity.
13 Пильнуйте, стійте у вірі, будьте мужні, будьте міцні,
Be on guard [against anything that would hinder you spiritually]. You have believed [the true message]; continue believing it firmly. Be courageous. Keep strong [in your relationship with God].
14 хай з любов'ю все робиться у вас!
Act in a loving [way] in everything that [you do].
15 Благаю ж вас, браття, — знаєте ви дім Степанів, що в Аха́ї він пе́рвісток, і що службі святим присвяти́лись вони, —
You know that Stephanas and his family were the first ones [there] in Achaia [province to believe in Christ] [IDM]. They have devoted themselves to helping God’s people.
16 і ви підкоряйтесь таким, також кожному, хто помагає та працю́є.
My fellow believers, I urge you to submit yourselves to them and to people like them who do [God’s] work and who work hard.
17 Я тішусь з при́ходу Степана, і Фортуна́та, і Аха́їка, бо вашу відсутність вони заступили,
I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus arrived here [from Corinth], because [they did things for] me that you were not able to do [because you were not with me].
18 бо вони заспоко́їли духа мого й вашого. Тож шануйте таких!
They comforted and encouraged me [SYN], and [I expect that this news from me] will do the same for you. You should honor [them, and you should also honor] others like them.
19 Вітають вас азійські Церкви́; Аки́ла й Приски́лла з домашньою Церквою їхньою гаряче вітають у Господі вас.
The congregations [here] in Asia [province] (send their greetings to/say that they are thinking fondly of) you. Aquila and [his wife] Priscilla and the congregation that meets in their house (send their warm greetings to/say that they are thinking fondly of) you because both they and you belong to the Lord.
20 Вітають вас усі брати. Вітайте один о́дного святим поцілунком.
All your fellow believers [here] (send their greetings to/say that they are thinking of) you. Greet each other affectionately, as fellow believers [should].
21 Привіта́ння моєю рукою Павловою.
Now I, Paul, having taken the pen from the hand of my secretary, write with my own hand to say that I am thinking fondly of you/to give you my greetings. I do this to show you that this letter really comes from me.
22 Коли хто не любить Господа, нехай буде про́клятий! Мара́на та́!
(I pray that God will/May God) curse/cause bad things to happen to (anyone who does not love the Lord Jesus. I pray that our Lord will come soon/May our Lord come soon)!
23 Благода́ть Господа нашого Ісуса нехай буде з вами!
I pray that our Lord Jesus will/May our Lord Jesus (continue to act toward you all kindly/in ways that you do not deserve.)
24 Любов моя з вами всіма́ у Христі Ісусі, амі́нь!
I love all of you who have a close relationship with Christ Jesus.

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