< Nnwom Mu Dwom 5 >

1 Maba me turo mu, me nuabaa, mʼayeforɔ; maboaboa me kurobo ne me nnuhwam ano. Madi me woɔkyɛm ne ɛwoɔ; manom me bobesa ne me nufosuo. Nnamfonom: Ao, nnamfonom, monnidi na monnom; Ao, adɔfonom, monnom deɛ ɛbɛmee mo.
I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I gathered my myrrhe with my spice: I ate mine hony combe with mine hony, I dranke my wine with my milke: eate, O friends, drinke, and make you merie, O welbeloued.
2 Medaeɛ nanso mʼakoma anna. Tie! Me dɔfoɔ rebɔ ɛpono no mu; “Bue me, me nuabaa, me dɔ, mʼaborɔnoma, a ne ho nni dɛm. Obosuo afɔ me tirim, anadwo mu bosuo afɔ me nwi.”
I sleepe, but mine heart waketh, it is the voyce of my welbeloued that knocketh, saying, Open vnto mee, my sister, my loue, my doue, my vndefiled: for mine head is full of dewe, and my lockes with the droppes of the night.
3 Maworɔ mʼatadeɛ, mensane mfa nhyɛ anaa? Mahohoro me nan ase, memma ho nyɛ fi bio anaa?
I haue put off my coate, howe shall I put it on? I haue washed my feete, howe shall I defile them?
4 Me dɔfoɔ yɛɛ sɛ ɔrebue ɛpono no mʼakoma firi aseɛ bɔɔ kimkim wɔ me mu.
My welbeloued put in his hand by the hole of the doore, and mine heart was affectioned toward him.
5 Mesɔree sɛ merekɔhini me dɔfoɔ, na me nsa ho kurobo ne me nsateaa ho aduhwam, yɛɛ apratwom no ho.
I rose vp to open to my welbeloued, and mine hands did drop downe myrrhe, and my fingers pure myrrhe vpon the handels of the barre.
6 Mebue maa me dɔfoɔ no, nanso na ɔkɔ. Ne korɔ no maa me ho dwirii me. Mehwehwɛɛ no nanso manhunu no baabiara. Mefrɛɛ no nanso wannye me so.
I opened to my welbeloued: but my welbeloued was gone, and past: mine heart was gone when hee did speake: I sought him, but I coulde not finde him: I called him, but hee answered mee not.
7 Awɛmfoɔ no hunuu me ɛberɛ a wɔrebɔ aporɔ wɔ kuropɔn no mu. Wɔbobɔɔ me pirapiraa me; wɔyii mʼatadeɛ kɔreɛ saa awɛmfoɔ a wɔwɛn afasuo no!
The watchmen that went about the citie, founde me: they smote me and wounded me: the watchmen of the walles tooke away my vaile from me.
8 Ao, Yerusalem mmammaa, mehyɛ mo, sɛ mohunu me dɔfoɔ no a, asɛm bɛn na mobɛka akyerɛ no? Monka nkyerɛ no sɛ ɔdɔ ama matɔ piti.
I charge you, O daughters of Ierusalem, if you finde my welbeloued, that you tell him that I am sicke of loue.
9 Ɛdeɛn na wo dɔfoɔ de sene afoforɔ, mmaa ahoɔfɛfoɔ mu ahoɔfɛ? Ɛdeɛn na wo dɔfoɔ de sene afoforɔ a enti wohyɛ yɛn sei?
O the fairest among women, what is thy welbeloued more then other welbeloued? what is thy welbeloued more then another louer, that thou doest so charge vs?
10 Me dɔfoɔ ho twa na ɔgyegye, wɔfa mpemdu a ɔda mu fua.
My welbeloued is white and ruddie, the chiefest of ten thousand.
11 Ne ti yɛ sikakɔkɔɔ amapa; ne tiri so nwi yɛ kuhaa, na ɛyɛ tuntum sɛ kwaakwaadabi.
His head is as fine golde, his lockes curled, and blacke as a rauen.
12 Nʼaniwa aba te sɛ aborɔnoma a ɔgyina asuwa bi ho; ɛte sɛ deɛ wɔde nufosuo adware no, na ɛsisi hɔ sɛ abohemaa.
His eyes are like doues vpon the riuers of waters, which are washt with milke, and remaine by the full vessels.
13 Nʼafono te sɛ pɛperɛ a wɔasɛ no kɛtɛ. Ɛho hwa te sɛ aduhwam. Nʼanofafa te sɛ sukooko a ɛsosɔ kurobo.
His cheekes are as a bedde of spices, and as sweete flowres, and his lippes like lilies dropping downe pure myrrhe.
14 Nʼabasa te sɛ sikakɔkɔɔ abaa a wɔde sikabereɛboɔ asisi mu. Ne onipadua te sɛ asonse a wɔatwi ho na wɔde aboɔdemmoɔ adura ho.
His hands as rings of gold set with the chrysolite, his belly like white yuorie couered with saphirs.
15 Ne nan te sɛ abohemaa afadum a ɛsisi sikakɔkɔɔ amapa nnyinasoɔ so. Ne bɔberɛ te sɛ Lebanon a ɔyɛ sononko sɛ ne ntweneduro.
His legges are as pillars of marble, set vpon sockets of fine golde: his countenance as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.
16 Nʼano te sɛ ɔdɛ ankasa; ɛkwan biara so, ne ho yɛ fɛ. Me dɔfoɔ nie, mʼadamfo nie, Ao, Yerusalem mmammaa.
His mouth is as sweete thinges, and hee is wholy delectable: this is my welbeloued, and this is my louer, O daughters of Ierusalem.

< Nnwom Mu Dwom 5 >