< Nnwom 62 >

1 Wɔde ma dwomkyerɛfoɔ Yedutun. Dawid dwom. Me ɔkra wɔ ahomegyeɛ wɔ Onyankopɔn nko ara mu; me nkwagyeɛ firi ne nkyɛn.
To the excelletn musician Ieduthun. A Psalme of David. Yet my soule keepeth silence vnto God: of him commeth my saluation.
2 Ɔno nko ara ne me botan ne me nkwagyeɛ; ɔyɛ mʼaban, na merenhinhim da.
Yet he is my strength and my saluation, and my defence: therefore I shall not much be mooued.
3 Mobɛkɔ so ahyɛ onipa baako so akɔsi da bɛn? Mo nyinaa mobɛsum no ahwe fam anaa? Mayɛ ɔfasuo a akyea, ɛban a ɛrebuo wɔ wɔn ani so.
How long wil ye imagine mischiefe against a man? ye shalbe all slaine: ye shalbe as a bowed wall, or as a wall shaken.
4 Wɔayɛ adwene sɛ wɔbɛtu me afiri me diberɛ a ɛkorɔn no so; wɔn ani gye atorɔ die ho. Wɔde wɔn ano hyira na wɔn akoma mu deɛ, wɔdome.
Yet they consult to cast him downe from his dignitie: their delight is in lies, they blesse with their mouthes, but curse with their hearts. (Selah)
5 Ao me kra, gye wʼahome wɔ Onyankopɔn nko ara mu; na ne mu na mʼanidasoɔ wɔ.
Yet my soule keepe thou silence vnto God: for mine hope is in him.
6 Ɔno nko ara ne me botan ne me nkwagyeɛ; ɔyɛ mʼaban, na merenhinhim.
Yet is hee my strength, and my saluation, and my defence: therefore I shall not be mooued.
7 Me nkwagyeɛ ne mʼanimuonyam gyina Onyankopɔn so; ɔyɛ me botan a ɛkorɔn, ne me dwanekɔbea.
In God is my saluation and my glory, the rocke of my strength: in God is my trust.
8 Ao me nkurɔfoɔ, momfa mo ho nto ne so daa; monka mo akoma mu nsɛm nyinaa nkyerɛ no, ɛfiri sɛ Onyankopɔn ne yɛn dwanekɔbea.
Trust in him alway, ye people: powre out your hearts before him, for God is our hope. (Selah)
9 Nnipa nyinaa te sɛ home; akɛseɛ ne nkumaa nyinaa nka hwee; sɛ wɔkari wɔn wɔ nsania so a, wɔnka hwee; wɔn nyinaa bɔ mu a, wɔyɛ home mu tutuo.
Yet the children of men are vanitie, the chiefe men are lies: to lay them vpon a balance they are altogether lighter then vanitie.
10 Mommfa mo ho nto nsisie so na monnhoahoa mo ho korɔnodeɛ ho; ɛwom sɛ mo ahonya dɔɔso deɛ, nanso mommfa mo akoma nto so.
Trust not in oppression nor in robberie: be not vaine: if riches increase, set not your heart thereon.
11 Asɛm baako na Onyankopɔn aka, nsɛm mmienu na mateɛ sɛ, wo, Onyankopɔn, wo na wowɔ ahoɔden,
God spake once or twise, I haue heard it, that power belongeth vnto God,
12 na wo, Awurade, wo na woyɛ adɔeɛ. Ampa ara, wobɛtua obiara ka sɛdeɛ nʼadwuma teɛ.
And to thee, O Lord, mercie: for thou rewardest euery one according to his worke.

< Nnwom 62 >