< Nnwom 50 >

1 Asaf dwom. Tweaduampɔn, Onyankopɔn, Awurade no kasa, na ɔfrɛ asase nyinaa ɛfiri apueeɛ kɔsi atɔeɛ.
A Psalm of Asaph. The God of gods, the Lord has spoken, and he has called the earth, from the rising of the sun even to its setting,
2 Onyankopɔn hran firi Sion kuro a ne fɛ wie pɛ yɛ.
from Zion, the brilliance of his beauty.
3 Yɛn Onyankopɔn reba nanso ɔrenyɛ komm; ogya a ɛhye nneɛma di nʼanim, ahum a ɛretu atwa ne ho ahyia.
God will arrive manifestly. Our God also will not keep silence. A fire will flare up in his sight, and a mighty tempest will surround him.
4 Ɔfrɛ ɔsorosoro ne asase, sɛ ɔrebu ne nkurɔfoɔ atɛn;
He will call to heaven from above, and to the earth, to discern his people.
5 Ɔka sɛ, “Boaboa nnipa a wɔate wɔn ho no ano ma me, wɔn a wɔnam afɔrebɔdeɛ so ne me yɛɛ apam no.”
Gather his holy ones to him, you who order his covenant above sacrifices.
6 Ɔsoro pae mu ka ne tenenee, na Onyankopɔn ankasa ne ɔtemmufoɔ.
And the heavens will announce his justice. For God is the judge.
7 “Montie, me nkurɔfoɔ na mɛkasa, mɛdi adanseɛ atia wo, Ao Israel; Mene Onyankopɔn, wo Onyankopɔn no.
Listen, my people, and I will speak. Listen, Israel, and I will testify for you. I am God, your God.
8 Merenka mo anim wɔ mo afɔrebɔdeɛ anaa mo hyeɛ afɔdeɛ a ɛwɔ mʼanim daa no ho.
I will not reprove you for your sacrifices. Moreover, your holocausts are ever in my sight.
9 Anantwinini a wɔfiri mo mfuo so anaa mpapo a wɔfiri mo buo mu ho nhia me,
I will not accept calves from your house, nor he-goats from your flocks.
10 ɛfiri sɛ kwaeɛ mu aboa biara yɛ me dea, anantwie a wɔwɔ nkokoɔ mpempem so nso saa ara.
For all the wild beasts of the forest are mine: the cattle on the hills and the oxen.
11 Menim anomaa biara a ɔwɔ mmepɔ no so, na wiram abɔdeɛ nyinaa yɛ me dea.
I know all the flying things of the air, and the beauty of the field is with me.
12 Sɛ ɛkɔm dee me a, anka merenka nkyerɛ mo; ɛfiri sɛ, ewiase ne deɛ ɛwɔ mu nyinaa yɛ me dea.
If I should be hungry, I would not tell you: for the whole world is mine, and all its plentitude.
13 Mewe anantwinini nam, na menom mpapo mogya anaa?
Shall I gnaw on the flesh of bulls? Or would I drink the blood of goats?
14 Momfa aseda afɔdeɛ mma Onyankopɔn, na monni bɔhyɛ a mohyɛɛ Ɔsorosoroni no so,
Offer to God the sacrifice of praise, and pay your vows to the Most High.
15 na momfrɛ me da hiada; na mɛgye mo na moahyɛ me animuonyam.”
And call upon me in the day of tribulation. I will rescue you, and you will honor me.
16 Nanso, amumuyɛfoɔ deɛ, Onyankopɔn bisa wɔn sɛ, “Adɛn enti na moka me mmara ho asɛm na mʼapam da mo ano?
But to the sinner, God has said: Why do you discourse on my justices, and take up my covenant through your mouth?
17 Mokyiri me nkyerɛkyerɛ na moto me nsɛm gu mo akyi.
Truly, you have hated discipline, and you have cast my sermons behind you.
18 Sɛ mohunu ɔkorɔmfoɔ a, mode mo ho bɔ no; na mo ne awaresɛefoɔ nso bɔ.
If you saw a thief, you ran with him, and you have placed your portion with adulterers.
19 Mode mo ano yɛ bɔne na mode mo tɛkrɛma boaboa nnaadaa ano.
Your mouth has abounded with malice, and your tongue has concocted deceits.
20 Mokasa tia mo nuabarima ɛberɛ biara na mosopa mo ankasa maame ba.
Sitting, you spoke against your brother, and you set up a scandal against your mother’s son.
21 Moayɛ yeinom nyinaa; nanso manka hwee, enti mosusu sɛ mete sɛ mo. Nanso mɛka mo anim na mede mo soboɔ asi mo anim.
These things you have done, and I was silent. You thought, unjustly, that I ought to be like you. But I will reprove you, and I will set myself against your face.
22 “Monnwene yei ho, mo a mo werɛ firi Onyankopɔn, anyɛ saa a, mɛtete mo mu nketenkete a obiara mmɛgye mo;
Understand these things, you who forget God; lest at any time, he might quickly take you away, and there would be no one to rescue you.
23 Deɛ ɔbɔ aseda afɔdeɛ no hyɛ me animuonyam, na ɔsiesie ɛkwan sɛdeɛ mɛda Onyankopɔn nkwagyeɛ adi akyerɛ no.”
The sacrifice of praise will honor me. And in that place is the journey by which I will reveal to him the salvation of God.

< Nnwom 50 >