< Nnwom 27 >

1 Dawid dwom. Awurade ne me hann ne me nkwagyeɛ; hwan na mensuro no? Awurade ne me nkwa ahoɔden, na hwan anim na me ho mpopoɔ?
“Of David.” The Lord is my light and my salvation; of whom shall I be afraid? the Lord is the fortress of my life; of whom shall I have dread?
2 Sɛ nnipa bɔne toa me pɛ sɛ wɔkum me a, sɛ mʼatamfoɔ to hyɛ me so a wɔbɛsuntisunti ahwehwe ase.
When evil-doers come near against me to eat up my flesh, my assailants and my enemies at me: then do they stumble and fall.
3 Sɛ dɔm mpo twa me ho hyia a, mʼakoma rentu; mpo sɛ wɔtu me so sa a, ɛno mu koraa na menya awerɛhyɛmu.
If an army should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: if war should arise against me, even then will I have trust.
4 Adeɛ baako na mebisa Awurade; na ɛno na mehwehwɛ; sɛ mɛtena Awurade fie me nkwa nna nyinaa, na mahwɛ Awurade ahoɔfɛ na mahwehwɛ no wɔ nʼasɔrefie.
One thing have I asked of the Lord, that I will seek for: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the loveliness of the Lord, and to be every morning early in his temple.
5 Wɔ hia ɛda mu no ɔde me sie nʼatenaeɛ; ɔkora me wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan mu. Ɔde me si ɔbotan so wɔ ɔsorosoro.
For he will hide me in his pavilion on the day of evil; he will conceal me in the secret of his tabernacle; upon a rock will he place me high.
6 Afei ɔbɛma me tiri so wɔ atamfoɔ a wɔatwa me ho ahyia no so; mede anigyeɛ bɛbɔ afɔdeɛ wɔ nʼAhyiaeɛ Ntomadan mu; na mɛto dwom, ahyehyɛ nnwom ama Awurade.
And now will my head be lifted up above my enemies all round about me; and I will sacrifice in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy: I will sing, and I will triumphantly play unto the Lord.
7 Ao, Awurade, sɛ mesu frɛ wo a, tie me! Hu me mmɔbɔ na gye me so!
Hear, O Lord, my voice, [when] I call, and be gracious unto me, and answer me.
8 Mʼakoma ka wɔ wo ho sɛ, “Hwehwɛ nʼanim!” Wʼanim, Ao Awurade na mɛhwehwɛ.
Of thee, said my heart, “Seek ye my presence”: thy presence, Lord, will I seek.
9 Mfa wʼanim nhinta me, mfa abufuo mpamo wo ɔsomfoɔ me ɔboafoɔ ne wo. Mpo me na nnya me, Ao me Nkwagyeɛ Onyankopɔn.
Hide [then] not thy face from me; reject not in anger thy servant, thou [who] hast been my help: cast me not off, nor forsake me, O God of my salvation.
10 Mʼagya ne me maame bɛgya me hɔ deɛ, nanso Awurade bɛgye me.
For my father and my mother have forsaken me; but the Lord will take me up.
11 Kyerɛ me wʼakwan, Ao Awurade; fa me fa ɛkwan tee so, me nhyɛsofoɔ enti.
Point me out thy way, O Lord! and guide me on a level path, because of those that regard me enviously.
12 Nnyaa me mma sɛdeɛ mʼatamfoɔ pɛ, adansekurumfoɔ sɔre tia me na wɔpu awurukasɛm.
Give me not up to the [revengeful] desire of my assailants; for there are risen up against me false witnesses, and such as utter violence.
13 Meda so wɔ saa anidasoɔ yi sɛ: mɛhunu Awurade ayamyɛ wɔ ateasefoɔ asase so.
Unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of life—
14 Twɛn Awurade. Hyɛ wo ho den na ma wo bo nyɛ duru na twɛn Awurade.
Wait on the Lord; be strong, and let thy heart be of good courage; and only wait on the Lord.

< Nnwom 27 >