< Mmɛbusɛm 14 >

1 Ɔbaa nyansafoɔ si ne dan, nanso ɔbaa kwasea de nʼankasa ne nsa dwiri ne deɛ gu fam.
Every, wise woman, buildeth up her house, but, a foolish one, with her own hands, would break it down.
2 Deɛ ne nanteɛ tene no suro Awurade, na deɛ nʼakwan kyea no bu no animtiaa.
He that walketh in his uprightness, is one who revereth Yahweh, but, he that is crooked in his way, is one who despiseth him.
3 Ɔkwasea kasa ma wɔbɔ nʼakyi abaa, nanso anyansafoɔ ano bɔ wɔn ho ban.
In the mouth of the foolish, is a haughty rod, but, as for the lips of the wise, thou shalt give heed to them!
4 Baabi a anantwie nni no, adididaka no mu da mpan, na ɔnantwie ahoɔden mu na nnɔbaeɛ pii firi ba.
Without cattle, the crib is clean, but, much increase, is in the strength of the ox.
5 Ɔdanseni nokwafoɔ rennaadaa, ɔdansekurumni hwie atorɔ gu hɔ.
A faithful witness, will not deceive, but a false witness, uttereth deceitful things.
6 Ɔfɛdifoɔ hwehwɛ nyansa nanso ɔnnya, nanso wɔn a wɔwɔ nhunumu nya nimdeɛ ntɛm.
A scoffer seeketh wisdom, and there is none, but, knowledge, to the discerning, is easy.
7 Twe wo ho firi ɔkwasea ho, ɛfiri sɛ, worennya nimdeɛ mfiri nʼano.
Get thee from the presence of a man that is a dullard, when thou perceivest not the lips of knowledge.
8 Anitefoɔ nyansa ne sɛ wɔbɛdwene wɔn akwan ho, na nkwaseafoɔ agyimisɛm yɛ nnaadaa.
The wisdom of the prudent, is to understand his way, but, the folly of dullards, is a fraud.
9 Nkwaseafoɔ de bɔne ho adwensakyera di fɛ, na wɔn a wɔtene mu na anisɔ wɔ.
the foolish, scoff at guilt, but, between the upright, is good pleasure.
10 Akoma biara nim ɔyea ɛwɔ ne mu, na obi foforɔ rentumi ne no nkyɛ nʼanigyeɛ.
The heart, knoweth its own bitterness, and, in its joy, no stranger shareth.
11 Wɔbɛsɛe mumuyɛfoɔ efie, nanso teefoɔ ntomadan bɛyɛ frɔmm.
The house of the lawless, shall be destroyed, but, the tent of the upright, shall flourish.
12 Ɛkwan bi wɔ hɔ a ɛyɛ wɔ onipa ani so, nanso ɛkɔwie owuo mu.
There is a way that enticeth a man, but, at the latter end thereof, are the ways of death!
13 Ɔsereɛ mu mpo, akoma tumi di yea, na anigyeɛ tumi wie awerɛhoɔ.
Even, in laughter, the heart may be in pain, and, the latter end of gladness, be grief.
14 Akyirisanfoɔ bɛnya akatua sɛdeɛ wɔn akwan teɛ, na onipa pa nso bɛnya ne deɛ.
With his own ways, shall be filled the backslider in heart, and, from himself, shall a good man [be satisfied].
15 Atetekwaa gye biribiara di, nanso ɔnitefoɔ dwene nʼanammɔntuo ho.
The simple, believeth every word, but, the prudent, looketh well to his going.
16 Onyansafoɔ suro Awurade na ɔdwane bɔne, nanso ɔkwasea yɛ asowuiɛ ne basabasa.
A wise man, feareth, and avoideth evil, but, a dullard, is haughty and confident.
17 Onipa a ne bo nkyɛre fuo no yɛ nkwaseadeɛ, na deɛ ɔpam apammɔne no, wɔtane no.
The impatient, worketh folly, and, a man of wicked devices, is hated.
18 Ntetekwaafoɔ agyapadeɛ ne gyimie, na wɔde nimdeɛ bɔ anitefoɔ abotire.
The simple inherit folly, but, the shrewd, crowneth himself with knowledge.
19 Nnipa bɔnefoɔ bɛkoto nnipa pa anim, na amumuyɛfoɔ akoto ateneneefoɔ apono ano.
Abased are the wicked, before the good, and, the lawless, at the gates of the righteous.
20 Ahiafoɔ deɛ, wɔn ayɔnkofoɔ mpo mpɛ wɔn anim ahwɛ, nanso adefoɔ wɔ nnamfonom bebree.
Even by his neighbour, is a poor man hated, but, the lovers of the rich man, are many.
21 Deɛ ɔbu ne yɔnko animtiaa yɛ bɔne, na nhyira nka deɛ ne yam yɛ ma onnibie.
He that sheweth contempt for his neighbour, sinneth, but, he that sheweth favour to the afflicted, how happy is he!
22 Wɔn a wɔbɔ pɔ bɔne nyera ɛkwan anaa? Nanso wɔn a wɔhyehyɛ deɛ ɛyɛ no nya adɔeɛ ne nokorɛ.
Shall they not, become vagrants, who devise evil? but, lovingkindness and faithfulness, [be to] them who devise good.
23 Adwumadenyɛ nyinaa de mfasoɔ ba, na kasa hunu deɛ, ɛkɔ ohia mu.
By all labour, there will be abundance, but, the talk of the lips, tendeth only to want.
24 Anyansafoɔ ahonya ne wɔn abotire, na nkwaseafoɔ agyimisɛm so gyimie aba.
the crown of the wise, is their wealth, but, the folly of dullards, is, folly.
25 Ɔdanseni nokwafoɔ gye nkwa, nanso ɔdansekurumni yɛ ɔdaadaafoɔ.
A deliverer of souls, is a faithful witness, but, he that uttereth falsehoods, is a fraud.
26 Deɛ ɔsuro Awurade no wɔ banbɔ a emu yɛ den, na ɛbɛyɛ dwanekɔbea ama ne mma.
In the reverence of Yahweh, is strong security, and, his children, shall have a place of refuge.
27 Awurade suro yɛ nkwa asutire, ɛyi onipa firi owuo afidie mu.
The reverence of Yahweh, is a well-spring of life, that a man may avoid the snares of death.
28 Ɔman mu nnipa dodoɔ yɛ ɔhene animuonyam, nanso sɛ asomfoɔ nni hɔ a mmapɔmma no sɛe.
In the multitude of a people, is the majesty of the king, but, in the ceasing of population, is the ruin of the prince.
29 Onipa a ɔwɔ abodwokyerɛ wɔ nteaseɛ a emu dɔ, na deɛ ne bo fu ntɛm no da agyimisɛm adi.
One slow to anger, hath great understanding, but, the hasty in spirit, exalteth folly.
30 Akoma mu asomdwoeɛ ma onipadua nkwa, na anibereɛ ma nnompe porɔ.
The life of the whole body, is a tranquil mind, but, a decay of the bones, is jealousy.
31 Deɛ ɔhyɛ ahiafoɔ soɔ no bu wɔn Yɛfoɔ animtiaa, nanso deɛ ɔhunu ohiani mmɔbɔ no hyɛ Onyankopɔn animuonyam.
The oppressor of the poor, hath reproached his Maker, but he that sheweth favour to the needy, is one who, holdeth Him in honour.
32 Sɛ amanehunu ba a amumuyɛfoɔ hwe ase, nanso owuo mu mpo teneneefoɔ wɔ dwanekɔbea.
By his own wickedness, shall the lawless man, be thrust down, but the righteous, seeketh refuge in his integrity.
33 Nyansa te nteaseɛ akoma mu, na nkwaseafoɔ mu mpo, ɔyi ne ho adi.
In the heart of the intelligent, reposeth wisdom, but, in the midst of dullards, it maketh itself known.
34 Tenenee pagya ɔman na bɔne yɛ animguaseɛ ma nnipa biara.
Righteousness, exalteth a nation, but, a reproach to any people, is sin.
35 Ɔhene ani sɔ ɔsomfoɔ nyansani, na ɔsomfoɔ nimguaseni hyɛ no abufuo.
The good-pleasure of a king, is due to a servant who is discreet, but, his indignation, shall be against him that bringeth shame.

< Mmɛbusɛm 14 >