< 4 Mose 3 >

1 Ɛberɛ a Awurade kasa kyerɛɛ Mose wɔ Sinai Bepɔ so no.
Now this is the history of the generations of Aaron [Light-bringer] and Moses [Drawn out] in the day that Adonai spoke with Moses [Drawn out] in Mount Sinai [Thorn].
2 Na yeinom ne Aaron ne Mose abusua. Aaron mmammarima edin na ɛdidi soɔ yi: Nadab, nʼabakan, Abihu, Eleasa ne Itamar.
These are the names of the sons of Aaron [Light-bringer]: Nadab the firstborn, and Abihu, Eleazar [Help of God], and Ithamar.
3 Yeinom ne Aaron mma a wɔasra wɔn ngo na wɔayi wɔn asi hɔ sɛ asɔfoɔ.
These are the names of the sons of Aaron [Light-bringer], the priests who were anointed, whom he consecrated to minister in the priest’s office.
4 Nadab ne Abihu deɛ, wɔwuwuu wɔ Awurade anim ɛberɛ a wɔhyee afɔrebɔdeɛ wɔ ogya a ɛmfata so wɔ Sinai ɛserɛ so. Na wɔnni mma enti, Eleasa ne Itamar nko ara na wɔsomm sɛ asɔfoɔ, ɛberɛ a wɔn agya Aaron te ase.
Nadab and Abihu died before Adonai, when they offered strange fire before Adonai, in the wilderness of Sinai [Thorn], and they had no children. Eleazar [Help of God] and Ithamar ministered in the priest’s office in the presence of Aaron [Light-bringer] their father.
5 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ:
Adonai spoke to Moses [Drawn out], saying,
6 “Frɛ Lewifoɔ no, na fa wɔn ma ɔsɔfoɔ Aaron sɛ nʼaboafoɔ.
“Bring the tribe of Levi [United with] near, and set them before Aaron [Light-bringer] the priest, that they may minister to him.
7 Wɔbɛyɛ adwuma wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no mu ama ɔsɔfoɔ Aaron ne nnipa no nyinaa.
They shall keep his requirements, and the requirements of the whole congregation before the Tent of Meeting, to do the service of the tabernacle.
8 Afei, wɔbɛhwɛ nneɛma a wɔde siesie Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan mu no so, de asi Israelfoɔ no no anan mu ayɛ asodie a wɔyɛ wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no mu.
They shall keep all the furnishings of the Tent of Meeting, and the obligations of the children of Israel [God prevails], to do the service of the tabernacle.
9 Fa Lewifoɔ no ma Aaron ne ne mmammarima; wɔn ne Israelfoɔ a wɔde wɔn bɛma no korakora.
You shall give the Levites [Descendants of United with] to Aaron [Light-bringer] and to his sons. They are wholly given to him on the behalf of the children of Israel [God prevails].
10 Ma Aaron ne ne mmammarima no nsom sɛ asɔfoɔ; onipa foforɔ biara a ɔbɛbɛne kronkronbea hɔ no, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔkum no.”
You shall appoint Aaron [Light-bringer] and his sons, and they shall keep their priesthood. The stranger who comes near shall be put to death.”
11 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ,
Adonai spoke to Moses [Drawn out], saying,
12 “Mayi Lewifoɔ no afiri Israelfoɔ no mu de wɔn asi Israel babaa biara abakan a ɔyɛ ɔbarima anan mu. Lewifoɔ no yɛ me dea,
“Behold, I have taken the Levites [Descendants of United with] from among the children of Israel [God prevails] instead of all the firstborn who open the womb among the children of Israel [God prevails]; and the Levites [Descendants of United with] shall be mine:
13 ɛfiri sɛ abakan biara wɔ me. Ɛberɛ a mekunkum mmakan wɔ Misraim no, megyaa Israel mmakan, sɛ wɔyɛ nnipa anaa mmoa. Wɔyɛ me dea. Mene Awurade.”
for all the firstborn are mine. On the day that I struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt [Abode of slavery] I made holy to me all the firstborn in Israel [God prevails], both man and animal. They shall be mine. I am Adonai.”
14 Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose wɔ Sinai ɛserɛ so sɛ,
Adonai spoke to Moses [Drawn out] in the wilderness of Sinai [Thorn], saying,
15 “Kan Lewifoɔ no wɔ wɔn mmusua ne afie mu. Kan ɔbarima biara firi deɛ wadi bosome baako so.”
“Count the children of Levi [United with] by their fathers’ houses, by their families. You shall count every male from a month old and upward.”
16 Enti Mose kanee wɔn sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ no no.
Moses [Drawn out] counted them according to Adonai’s word, as he was enjoined.
17 Yeinom ne Lewi mmammarima: Gerson, Kohat ne Merari.
These were the sons of Levi [United with] by their names: Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari.
18 Gerson asefoɔ nie: Libni ne Simei.
These are the names of the sons of Gershon by their families: Libni and Shimei.
19 Kohat asefoɔ: Amram, Ishar, Hebron ne Usiel.
The sons of Kohath by their families: Amram, and Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
20 Merari asefoɔ: Mahli ne Musi. Yeinom ne Lewifoɔ sɛdeɛ wɔn mmusua ne wɔn afie teɛ.
The sons of Merari by their families: Mahli and Mushi. These are the families of the Levites [Descendants of United with] according to their fathers’ houses.
21 Gerson asefoɔ no na wɔyɛ mmusua a wɔfiri Libni ne Simei ase.
Of Gershon was the family of the Libnites, and the family of the Shimeites: these are the families of the Gershonites.
22 Na Gersonfoɔ mmarima a wɔadi bosome ne deɛ ɛboro saa a wɔfiri Gerson mmusua mu no dodoɔ yɛ mpem ahanson ne ahanum.
Those who were counted of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, even those who were counted of them were seven thousand five hundred.
23 Wɔn atenaeɛ wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no akyi wɔ atɔeɛ fam.
The families of the Gershonites shall encamp behind the tabernacle westward.
24 Na Gersonfoɔ no ntuanoni ne Lael babarima Eliasaf.
The prince of the fathers’ house of the Gershonites shall be Eliasaph the son of Lael.
25 Saa mmusuakuo mmienu yi na na wɔhwɛ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ne ne nkataho no ne ɛkwan nsɛnanotam no so.
The duty of the sons of Gershon in the Tent of Meeting shall be the tabernacle, and the tent, its covering, and the screen for the door of the Tent of Meeting,
26 Afei, na wɔhwɛ adihɔ nsɛnanotam a ɛtwa Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ho ne afɔrebukyia ne adihɔ nsɛnanotam, nhoma ne ɛhɔ nneɛma a wɔde di dwuma ahodoɔ no nyinaa so.
and the hangings of the court, and the screen for the door of the court, which is by the tabernacle, and around the altar, and its cords for all of its service.
27 Kohat asefoɔ yɛ mmusua a wɔfiri Amram, Ishar, Hebron ne Usiel ase.
Of Kohath was the family of the Amramites, and the family of the Izharites, and the family of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uzzielites: these are the families of the Kohathites.
28 Na Kehat mmusua no mu mmarima a wɔadi bosome ne deɛ ɛboro saa dodoɔ yɛ mpem aha nwɔtwe ne ahansia. Wɔn na na wɔhwɛ kronkronbea mu hɔ so.
According to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, there were eight thousand six hundred, keeping the requirements of the sanctuary.
29 Wɔmaa wɔn atenaeɛ wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no anafoɔ fam.
The families of the sons of Kohath shall encamp on the south side of the tabernacle.
30 Na Kohatfoɔ ntuanoni no ne Usiel babarima Elisafan.
The prince of the fathers’ house of the families of the Kohathites shall be Elizaphan the son of Uzziel.
31 Saa mmusua ɛnan yi na na wɔhwɛ apam adaka, ɛpono, kaneadua, afɔrebukyia hodoɔ, ne deɛ ɛkeka ho a na wɔde di dwuma wɔ kronkronbea hɔ, mfimfini ntwamutam ne nneɛma a wɔde di dwuma ahodoɔ wɔ hɔ nyinaa no so.
Their duty shall be the ark, the table, the menorah ·lamp·, the altars, the utensils of the sanctuary with which they minister, and the screen, and all its service.
32 Aaron babarima ɔsɔfoɔ Eleasa no na na ɔyɛ ɔpanin wɔ Lewifoɔ no nyinaa so. Ɔyɛɛ no panin wɔ asɔfoɔ a wɔhwɛ kronkronbea no so.
Eleazar [Help of God] the son of Aaron [Light-bringer] the priest shall be prince of the princes of the Levites [Descendants of United with], with the oversight of those who keep the requirements of the sanctuary.
33 Na Merari asefoɔ no yɛ mmusua a wɔfiri Mahli ne Musi ase.
Of Merari was the family of the Mahlites, and the family of the Mushites. These are the families of Merari.
34 Merarifoɔ mmusua no mu na mmarima a wɔadi bosome ne deɛ ɛboro saa dodoɔ yɛ mpem nsia ne ahanu.
Those who were counted of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were six thousand two hundred.
35 Merari abusua no ntuanoni ne Abihail babarima Suriel, na wɔtenaa Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no atifi fam.
The prince of the fathers’ house of the families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail. They shall encamp on the north side of the tabernacle.
36 Dwumadie a wɔde hyɛɛ saa mmusuakuo mmienu yi nsa ne sɛ, wɔbɛhwɛ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no nnyinasoɔ so. Afei, wɔbɛhwɛ mmeamu nnua, mpunan, nsisisoɔ ne ɛho nneɛma a wɔde di dwuma nyinaa.
The appointed duty of the sons of Merari shall be the tabernacle’s boards, its bars, its pillars, its sockets, all its instruments, all its service,
37 Afei, mpunan a ɛwɔ adihɔ hɔ nyinaa ne ne nsisisoɔ, mpɛɛwa, ne ntampehoma nyinaa, wɔbɛhwɛ so.
the pillars of the court around it, their sockets, their pins, and their cords.
38 Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no apueeɛ fam, deɛ owia pue firi no, wɔgya maa Mose ne Aaron ne ne mmammarima sɛ wɔnsisi wɔn ntomadan wɔ hɔ. Saa nnipa yi na na wɔsi Israelfoɔ no anan mu di Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ho dwuma nyinaa. Onipa foforɔ biara a ɔbɛbɛn kronkronbea hɔ no, wɔbɛkum no.
Those who encamp before the tabernacle eastward, in front of the Tent of Meeting toward the sunrise, shall be Moses [Drawn out], and Aaron [Light-bringer] and his sons, keeping the requirements of the sanctuary for the duty of the children of Israel [God prevails]. The stranger who comes near shall be put to death.
39 Lewifoɔ a Awurade hyɛɛ Mose ne Aaron sɛ wɔnkan wɔn sɛdeɛ wɔn mmusua teɛ a ɔbarima biara a wɔadi bosome ne deɛ ɛboro saa ka ho no dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu mmienu.
All who were counted of the Levites [Descendants of United with], whom Moses [Drawn out] and Aaron [Light-bringer] counted by their families, all the males from a month old and upward, were twenty-two thousand.
40 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ, “Kan Israelfoɔ mmakan a wɔyɛ mmarima na wɔadi bosome ne deɛ ɛboro saa no, na twerɛ wɔn edin.
Adonai said to Moses [Drawn out], “Count all the firstborn males of the children of Israel [God prevails] from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names.
41 Lewifoɔ no bɛyɛ me dea. Ma wɔnsi Israelfoɔ mmakan nyinaa anan mu, na Lewifoɔ nyɛmmoa mmakan nsi Israelfoɔ nyɛmmoa mmakan anan mu. Mene Awurade.”
You shall take the Levites [Descendants of United with] for me (I am Adonai ·) instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel [God prevails]; and the livestock of the Levites [Descendants of United with] instead of all the firstborn among the livestock of the children of Israel [God prevails].”
42 Enti Mose kanee Israelfoɔ mmakan nyinaa sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ no no.
Moses [Drawn out] counted, as Adonai enjoined him, all the firstborn among the children of Israel [God prevails].
43 Mmammarima mmakan a wɔadi bosome ne deɛ ɛboro saa no a ɔtwerɛɛ wɔn edin no ano si mpem aduonu mmienu ahanu ne aduɔson mmiɛnsa.
All the firstborn males according to the number of names, from a month old and upward, of those who were counted of them, were twenty-two thousand two hundred seventy-three.
44 Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ,
Adonai spoke to Moses [Drawn out], saying,
45 “Ma Lewifoɔ nsi Israelfoɔ mmakan ananmu. Na Lewifoɔ nyɛmmoa mmakan nso nsi Israelfoɔ nyɛmmoa mmakan ananmu. Lewifoɔ yɛ me dea. Mene Awurade.
“Take the Levites [Descendants of United with] instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel [God prevails], and the livestock of the Levites [Descendants of United with] instead of their livestock; and the Levites [Descendants of United with] shall be mine. I am Adonai.
46 Ansa na mobɛgye Israelfoɔ mmakan ahanu aduɔson mmiɛnsa no a wɔboro Lewifoɔ no dodoɔ so no,
For the redemption of the two hundred seventy-three of the firstborn of the children of Israel [God prevails], who exceed the number of the Levites [Descendants of United with],
47 momma wɔntua tiadeɛ, sɛdeɛ hyiadan mu nnwetɛbena teɛ, a emu duru yɛ gram aduonum nson.
you shall take five shekels [2 oz; 56.7 g] for each one, that is 273 shekels [6.83 lb; 3.1 kg] total; after the shekel of the sanctuary you shall take them; (the shekel is 0.4oz; 11.34 g; or called twenty gerahs 20/50 of an oz):
48 Fa tiadeɛ sika no ma Aaron ne ne mma.”
and you shall give the money, with which their remainder is redeemed, to Aaron [Light-bringer] and to his sons.”
49 Enti Mose gyegyee Israelfoɔ ahanu aduɔson mmiɛnsa a na wɔboro Lewifoɔ no dodoɔ so no tiadeɛ.
Moses [Drawn out] took the redemption money from those who exceeded the number of those who were redeemed by the Levites [Descendants of United with];
50 Sika a wɔgyegyeeɛ no nyinaa ano sii dwetɛ kilogram dunum ne fa.
from the firstborn of the children of Israel [God prevails] he took the money, one thousand three hundred sixty-five shekels [34.13 lb; 15.48 kg], after the shekel of the sanctuary [0.4 oz; 11.34 g]:
51 Na Mose de maa Aaron ne ne mmammarima sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ no no.
and Moses [Drawn out] gave the redemption money to Aaron [Light-bringer] and to his sons, according to Adonai’s word, as Adonai enjoined Moses [Drawn out].

< 4 Mose 3 >