< 4 Mose 22 >

1 Afei, Israelfoɔ no kɔɔ Moab tata so kɔtenaa Asubɔnten Yordan apueeɛ fam a ɛhɔ ne Yeriko di nhwɛanimu no.
And they set out and made camp in the plains of Moab, across the Jordan, where Jericho is situated.
2 Sipor babarima Moabhene Balak hunuu deɛ Israelfoɔ ayɛ Amorifoɔ.
Then Balak, the son of Zippor, seeing all that Israel had done to the Amorite,
3 Ɛberɛ a ɔhunuu Israelfoɔ dodoɔ a wɔwɔ hɔ no, ɔne ne nkurɔfoɔ bɔɔ huboa.
and that the Moabites had great fear of him, and that they were not able to bear his assault,
4 Ntɛm ara, wɔne Midian mpanimfoɔ tuu agyina. Wɔkaa sɛ, “Saa dɔm yi bɛwe biribiara a wɔhunu sɛdeɛ nantwie we serɛ.” Enti, Moab ɔhene Balak
said to those greater by birth of Midian: “So will this people wipe away all those who are dwelling within our borders, in the same way that the ox is accustomed to tear out grass, all the way to the roots.” At that time, he was king of Moab.
5 somaa nnipa ma wɔkɔɔ Beor babarima Balaam nkyɛn wɔ Petor a ɛbɛn Asubɔnten Eufrate ho. Ɔsrɛɛ Balaam sɛ ɔmmɛboa no. Ɔkaa sɛ, “Nnipadɔm bi firi Misraim aba. Wɔkata asase ani nyinaa na wɔrehunahuna me.
Therefore, he sent messengers to Balaam, the son of Beor, a seer who lived above the river of the land of the sons of Ammon, to call him, and to say: “Behold, a people has gone forth from Egypt, which has covered the face of the earth. They are encamped opposite me.
6 Mɛsrɛ wo, bra na bɛdome wɔn ma me, ɛfiri sɛ wɔdɔɔso dodo. Ebia metumi adi wɔn so nkonim na mapam wɔn afiri asase no so. Na menim nhyira a ɛba wɔn a wohyira wɔn no so, ɛnna menim musuo a ɛba wɔn a wodome wɔn so.”
Therefore, come and curse this people, for they are stronger than I am. If only, in some way, I might be able to strike them and to drive them from my land. For I know that he whom you bless shall be blessed, and he whom you curse shall be cursed.”
7 Nnipa a ɔsomaa wɔn no yɛ atitire a wɔfiri Moab ne Midian. Wɔfaa sika sɛ wɔde rekɔtua Balaam ka ama wadome Israelfoɔ. Enti wɔkɔɔ Balaam nkyɛn kɔkaa deɛ ɛhia Balak kyerɛɛ no.
And the elders of Moab, and those greater by birth of Midian, continued on, holding the price of divination in their hands. And when they had come to Balaam, and had explained to him all the words of Balak,
8 Balaam kaa sɛ, “Monna ma adeɛ nkye mo. Adeɛ kye a, deɛ Awurade bɛkyerɛ me sɛ menyɛ no, mɛka akyerɛ mo.” Enti wɔdaeɛ.
he responded, “Remain for this night, and I will answer with whatever the Lord will say to me.” And while they stayed with Balaam, God came and said to him,
9 Anadwo no, Onyankopɔn baa Balaam nkyɛn bɛbisaa no sɛ, “Saa nnipa yi yɛ ɛhefoɔ?”
“What do these men want with you?”
10 Ɔbuaa sɛ, “Wɔfiri Moabhene Balak nkyɛn.
He responded, “Balak, the son of Zippor, the king of the Moabites has sent to me,
11 Na nnipadɔm bi firi Misraim aba ne hyeɛ so, na ɔpɛ sɛ mekɔ hɔ ntɛm so na mekɔdome wɔn sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, ɔbɛtumi adi wɔn so.”
saying: ‘Behold, a people, which has gone forth from Egypt, has covered the face of the earth. Come and curse them, so that, in some way, I may be able to fight them and drive them away.’”
12 Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Nkɔ. Ɛnsɛ sɛ wodome wɔn, ɛfiri sɛ, mahyira wɔn!”
And God said to Balaam, “Do not go with them, and do not curse the people, for they are blessed.”
13 Adeɛ kyeeɛ no, anɔpa, Balaam ka kyerɛɛ nnipa no sɛ, “Monsane nkɔ fie! Awurade rempene mma mennyɛ saa.”
And he, rising up in the morning, said to the leaders, “Go into your own land, for the Lord has prohibited me from going with you.”
14 Enti, ɔhene Balak ananmusifoɔ no sane wɔn akyi bɛbɔɔ amaneɛ sɛ ɔse ɔremma.
Returning, the leaders said to Balak, “Balaam was not willing to come with us.”
15 Balak sɔ hwɛɛ bio. Saa ɛberɛ no deɛ, ɔsomaa nnipa dodoɔ pa ara a animuonyamfoɔ a wɔkyɛn kane dɔm no fra wɔn mu.
Again, he sent many more persons, and these were more noble than those he had sent before.
16 Wɔbaa Balaam nkyɛn bɛka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ɔhene Balak se ɔsrɛ wo sɛ bra.
And when these had come to Balaam, they said: “So says Balak, the son of Zippor. Do not hesitate to come to me.
17 Ɔbɛhyɛ wo animuonyam na sika biara a wɔbɛgye no no nso, ɔbɛtua. Ka sika a wobɛgye! Ɔse, wo deɛ, bra na bɛdome saa nnipa no ma yɛn.”
For I am ready to honor you, and whatever you would want, I shall give to you. Come and curse this people.”
18 Nanso, Balaam buaa sɛ, “Sɛ ɔma me ahemfie a wɔde dwetɛ ne sikakɔkɔɔ ahyɛ no ma tɔ koraa a, merentumi nyɛ biribiara mmu saa ahyɛdeɛ a Awurade a ɔyɛ me Onyankopɔn no ahyɛ no so.
Balaam responded: “Even if Balak were to give to me his own house, filled with silver and gold, I still would not be able to change the word of the Lord my God, neither to say more, nor to say less.
19 Nanso, monna ha ma adeɛ nkye na yɛnhwɛ sɛ Awurade bɛka asɛm foforɔ bi aka deɛ waka dada no ho anaa.”
I beg you to remain for this night also, so that I may know what the Lord will answer me again.”
20 Anadwo no, Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ Balaam sɛ, “Sɔre na wo ne saa nnipa no nkɔ na mmom, hwɛ yie na yɛ deɛ mɛkyerɛ wo sɛ yɛ no nko ara.”
Therefore, God came to Balaam in the night, and said to him: “If these men have arrived to call you, then rise up and go with them; yet only in so far as you shall do what I will command you.”
21 Adeɛ kyee anɔpa no, ɔhyehyɛɛ nʼafunumu, tenaa ne so ne wɔn hyɛɛ aseɛ kɔeɛ.
Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddling his donkey, he set out with them.
22 Nanso, Onyankopɔn bo fuu Balaam ahopere a ɔde kɔeɛ no; enti ɔsomaa ɔsoro Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ kɔgyinaa akwantemfi sɛ ɔnkum no wɔ hɔ. Ɛberɛ a Balaam ne asomfoɔ baanu rekorɔ no,
And God was angry. And an Angel of the Lord stood in the way opposite Balaam, who was sitting on the donkey, and he had two servants with him.
23 prɛko pɛ, Balaam afunumu no hunuu Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no sɛ ɔkura sekan gyina ɛkwan no mfimfini. Aboa no kwae faa wiram nanso Balaam kaa ne so sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, ɔbɛfa ɛkwan mu.
The donkey, discerning that the Angel was standing in the way with a drawn sword, turned herself from the road and went through a field. And when Balaam beat her and intended to return her to the path,
24 Baabi a na Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no gyina hɔ no yɛ bobefuo afasuo mmienu ntam.
the Angel stood in a narrow place between the two walls, with which the vineyards were enclosed.
25 Ɛberɛ a afunumu no hunuu Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no, ɔde ne ho twee ɔfasuo no ho maa Balaam nan pɛkyɛeɛ. Nanso, Balaam kɔɔ so hwee aboa no bio.
And the donkey, seeing this, drew herself close to the wall and scraped the foot of the rider. So he beat her again.
26 Afei, Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no kɔɔ ɛkwan no anafoɔ kɔgyinaa baabi a ɛhɔ kyere pa ara a na afunumu no nnya baabi mfa.
And, nevertheless, the Angel passing on to a narrow place, where one would not be able to deviate either to the right or to the left, stood to meet him.
27 Enti, ɔbutuu ɛkwan no mu. Balaam de abufuo kaa aboa no mmaa.
And when the donkey had seen the Angel standing there, she fell under the feet of the rider, who, being angry, struck her sides more vehemently with a club.
28 Afei, Awurade hyɛɛ afunumu no ma ɔkasaeɛ! Ɔbisaa ne wura no sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn na mayɛ enti a ɛsɛ sɛ wohwe me mprɛnsa?”
And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said: “What have I done to you? Why do strike you me, behold now, for the third time?”
29 Balaam nso buaa no sɛ, “Ɛfiri sɛ, woama masɛ ɔkwasea. Na sɛ mekura sekan a, anka mɛkum wo.”
Balaam responded, “Because you have deserved it, and you have mistreated me. If only I had a sword, so that I might pierce you.”
30 Afunumu no nso bisaa no sɛ, “Me ne wo tenaeɛ yi, mayɛ sei pɛn?” Ne wura no buaa sɛ, “Dabi.”
The donkey said: “Am not I your animal, on which you have always been accustomed to sit, even until this present day? Tell me, when did I ever do the same thing to you.” But he said, “Never.”
31 Afei, Awurade buee Balaam ani ma ɔhunuu ɔsoro ɔbɔfoɔ no sɛ watwe sekan gyina ɛkwan no mfimfini enti ɔkɔbutuu nʼanim.
Immediately, the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the Angel standing in the way with a drawn sword, and he reverenced him prone on the ground.
32 Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no bisaa no sɛ, “Adɛn enti na wohwe wʼafunumu no mprɛnsa saa? Maba sɛ merebɛka ama woagyae, ɛfiri sɛ, worepɛ adeɛ asɛe.
And the Angel said to him: “Why did you beat your donkey three times? I have come to be an adversary to you, because your way is perverse and contrary to me.
33 Afunumu no hunuu me mprɛnsa a emu biara ɔkwae faa baabi; anyɛ saa a, anka mɛkum wo na magyaa no.”
And unless the donkey had turned aside from the way, allowing a place for my opposition, I would have killed you, and she would have lived.”
34 Afei, Balaam ka kyerɛɛ Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no sɛ, “Mafom. Na mennim sɛ wowɔ hɔ. Sɛ wompɛ sɛ metoa mʼakwantuo no so deɛ a, meresane akɔ efie.”
Balaam said: “I have sinned, not knowing that you stood against me. And now, if it displeases you for me to continue on, I will return.”
35 Nanso, Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Wo ne nnipa no nkɔ, nanso asɛm a mɛka akyerɛ wo no nko na ka.” Enti Balaam ne wɔn kɔeɛ.
The Angel said, “Go with them, but be careful not to speak anything other than what I shall instruct you.” And so, he went with the leaders.
36 Ɛberɛ a ɔhene Balak tee sɛ Balaam reba no, ɔfirii kuro no mu kɔhyiaa no Asubɔnten Arnon ho wɔ ne hyeɛ so.
And when Balak had heard it, he went out to meet him in a town of the Moabites, which is situated at the furthest borders of Arnon.
37 Ɔbisaa Balaam sɛ, “Adɛn enti na wokyɛɛ saa? Anaasɛ, mehyɛɛ wo bɔ sɛ mɛhyɛ wo animuonyam no na wonnye nni?”
And he said to Balaam: “I sent messengers to call you. Why did you not come to me immediately? Was it because I am not able to pay the cost for your arrival?”
38 Balaam buaa sɛ, “Ɛwom sɛ maba deɛ, nanso menni tumi biara a mɛka asɛm biara agye asɛm a Onyankopɔn bɛka akyerɛ me sɛ menka no nko na mɛka.”
He answered him: “Behold, here I am. Am I able to speak anything other than what God will put into my mouth?”
39 Balaam kaa ɔhene no ho ne no kɔɔ Kiria-Husot,
Therefore, they continued on together, and they arrived at a city, which was at the furthest borders of his kingdom.
40 baabi a ɔhene Balak de anantwie ne nnwan bɔɔ afɔdeɛ na ɔde mmoa no bi maa Balaam ne ne mpanimfoɔ sɛ wɔmfa mmɔ afɔdeɛ no.
And after Balak had killed oxen and sheep, he sent the gifts to Balaam, and to the leaders who were with him.
41 Adeɛ kyee anɔpa no, Balak faa Balaam de no kɔɔ Bamot-Baal atifi. Ɔfiri hɔ too nʼani hunuu sɛ Israelfoɔ no sam aseɛ hɔ.
Then, when morning arrived, he led him to the heights of Baal, and he gazed upon the most distant portions of the population.

< 4 Mose 22 >