< Hiob 5 >

1 “Wopɛ a frɛ, na hwan na ɔbɛgye wo soɔ? Akronkronfoɔ no mu hwan nkyɛn na wobɛkorɔ?
Call nowe, if any will answere thee, and to which of the Saintes wilt thou turne?
2 Ahisɛm kum ɔkwasea, na anibereɛ kum atetekwaa.
Doubtlesse anger killeth the foolish, and enuie slayeth the idiote.
3 Mʼankasa mahunu ɔkwasea a ɔrefefɛ, nanso, mpofirim, wɔdomee ne fie.
I haue seene the foolish well rooted, and suddenly I cursed his habitation, saying,
4 Ne mma ne banbɔ ntam ɛkwan ware, wɔdwerɛ wɔn wɔ asɛnniiɛ a wɔnnya ɔkamafoɔ.
His children shalbe farre from saluation, and they shall be destroyed in the gate, and none shall deliuer them.
5 Deɛ ɛkɔm de noɔ no di ne nnɔbaeɛ, na ɔfa firi nkasɛɛ mu mpo, na deɛ osukɔm de noɔ no pere di nʼahodeɛ akyi.
The hungrie shall eate vp his haruest: yea, they shall take it from among the thornes, and the thirstie shall drinke vp their substance.
6 Ahokyere mmpue mfiri dɔteɛ mu na ɔhaw nso mmpue mfiri fam.
For miserie commeth not foorth of the dust, neither doeth affliction spring out of the earth.
7 Nanso wɔwo nnipa to ɔhaw mu mpɛn dodoɔ a ogyaframa turi kɔ ɔsoro.
But man is borne vnto trauaile, as the sparkes flie vpwarde.
8 “Nanso sɛ ɛyɛ me a, anka mɛdwane atoa Onyankopɔn; na mede mʼasɛm ato nʼanim.
But I would inquire at God, and turne my talke vnto God:
9 Ɔyɛ anwanwadeɛ a wɔntumi nhwehwɛ mu, ne nsɛnkyerɛnneɛ a wɔntumi nkan ne dodoɔ.
Which doeth great things and vnsearchable, and marueilous things without nomber.
10 Ɔtɔ nsuo gu asase so; na ɔde kɔ wira mu.
He giueth raine vpon the earth, and powreth water vpon the streetes,
11 Ɔde ahobrɛasefoɔ si deɛ ɛkorɔn, na ɔma wɔn a wɔdi awerɛhoɔ nya asomdwoeɛ.
And setteth vp on hie them that be lowe, that the sorowfull may be exalted to saluation.
12 Ɔsɛe anifirefoɔ nhyehyɛeɛ, ma wɔn nsa si fam.
He scattereth the deuices of the craftie: so that their handes can not accomplish that which they doe enterprise.
13 Ɔkyere anyansafoɔ wɔ wɔn anifire mu, na ɔbɔ anitefoɔ nhyehyɛeɛ gu.
He taketh the wise in their craftinesse, and the counsel of the wicked is made foolish.
14 Esum duru wɔn awia ketee; na wɔkeka owigyinaeɛ te sɛ anadwo.
They meete with darkenesse in the day time, and grope at noone day, as in the night.
15 Ɔgye ahiafoɔ firi afena a ɛhyɛ wɔn anomu; ɔgye wɔn firi ahoɔdenfoɔ nkyehoma mu.
But he saueth the poore from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hande of the violent man,
16 Enti, ahiafoɔ wɔ anidasoɔ, na ntɛnkyea ka nʼano to mu.
So that the poore hath his hope, but iniquitie shall stop her mouth.
17 “Nhyira ne onipa a Onyankopɔn tene no, enti mmu Otumfoɔ ntenetene no animtiaa.
Beholde, blessed is the man whome God correcteth: therefore refuse not thou the chastising of the Almightie.
18 Ɛfiri sɛ, ɔno na ɔpira na ɔno ara akyekyere; ɔpira nanso ne nsa sa yadeɛ.
For he maketh the wound, and bindeth it vp: he smiteth, and his handes make whole.
19 Ɔbɛgye wo afiri ɔhaw ahodoɔ nsia mu; nson so, a bɔne biara renka wo.
He shall deliuer thee in sixe troubles, and in the seuenth the euill shall not touch thee.
20 Ɛkɔm ba a, ɔbɛgye wo afiri owuo mu, na ɔko mu nso, ɔbɛgye wo afiri afena ano.
In famine he shall deliuer thee from death: and in battel from the power of the sworde.
21 Wɔbɛbɔ wo ho ban afiri kasatwie ho na sɛ ɔsɛeɛ ba a, ɛnsɛ sɛ wosuro.
Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue, and thou shalt not be afraid of destruction when it commeth.
22 Wobɛsere ɔsɛeɛ ne ɔkɔm; na ɛnsɛ sɛ wosuro asase so mmoa.
But thou shalt laugh at destruction and dearth, and shalt not be afraide of the beast of the earth.
23 Wo ne afuo so aboɔ bɛyɛ apam, na emu nkekaboa nso ne wo bɛtena asomdwoeɛ mu.
For the stones of the fielde shall be in league with thee, and the beastes of the field shall be at peace with thee.
24 Wobɛhunu sɛ wo ntomadan wɔ banbɔ; na sɛ wosese wʼahodeɛ a, wobɛhunu sɛ hwee nyeraeɛ.
And thou shalt knowe, that peace shall be in thy tabernacle, and thou shalt visite thine habitation, and shalt not sinne.
25 Wobɛhunu sɛ wo mma bɛyɛ bebree; na wʼasefoɔ bɛdɔre sɛ ɛserɛ.
Thou shalt perceiue also, that thy seede shalbe great, and thy posteritie as the grasse of the earth.
26 Wode ahoɔden bɛkɔ damena mu, te sɛ afiafi a wɔaboa ano wɔ otwa berɛ mu.
Thou shalt goe to thy graue in a ful age, as a ricke of corne commeth in due season into the barne.
27 “Yɛahwehwɛ yei mu, na ɛyɛ nokorɛ ɛno enti tie na fa toto wʼabrabɔ ho.”
Lo, thus haue we inquired of it, and so it is: heare this and knowe it for thy selfe.

< Hiob 5 >