< Hiob 4 >

1 Na Temanni Elifas buaa Hiob sɛ,
Then spake Eliphaz the Temanite, and said:
2 “Sɛ obi pɛ sɛ ɔne wo kasa a, worennya ntoboaseɛ mma no anaa? Hwan na wɔbɛtumi aka nʼano ato mu?
If one attempt a word with thee, wilt thou be offended? But who can refrain from speaking?
3 Dwene sɛdeɛ wakyerɛkyerɛ nnipa bebree, sɛdeɛ woahyɛ nsa a emu ayɛ mmerɛ den.
Behold, thou hast admonished many; Thou hast strengthened feeble hands;
4 Wo nsɛm ahyɛ wɔn a wɔasunti no den; woahyɛ nkotodwe a ayɛ mmerɛ mu den.
Thy words have upheld him that was falling, And thou hast given strength to feeble knees.
5 Na afei a ɔhaw aba no, wʼaba mu abu; aba wo so, na wo ho adwiri wo.
But now it is come upon thee, and thou faintest; It toucheth thee, and thou art confounded!
6 Wo nyamesuro mma wo ahotosoɔ anaa, na wʼakwan a ɛho nni asɛm mma wo anidasoɔ anaa?
Is not thy fear of God thy hope, And the uprightness of thy ways thy confidence?
7 “Dwene ho: Wɔasɛe obi a ne ho nni asɛm pɛn anaa? Ɛhefa na wɔsɛee obi a ɔyɛ pɛ?
Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished being innocent? Or where have the righteous been cut off?
8 Sɛdeɛ mahunu no, wɔn a wɔfɛntɛm bɔne ne wɔn a wɔdua ɔhaw no, wɔtwa so aba.
According to what I have seen, they who plough iniquity, And sow mischief, reap the same.
9 Sɛ Onyankopɔn home a, wɔsɛe; nʼabufuo ma wɔyera.
By the blast of God they perish, And by the breath of his nostrils they are consumed.
10 Agyata bɛtumi abobom na wɔapɔ so, nanso wɔbɛbubu gyata akɛseɛ no se.
The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the fierce lion, And the teeth of the young lions are broken.
11 Gyata annya haboa a ɔwu, na gyatabereɛ mma no bɔ hwete.
The fierce lion perisheth for lack of prey, And the whelps of the lioness are scattered abroad.
12 “Wɔbɛkaa kokoamsɛm bi kyerɛɛ me na mʼaso tee no sɛ asomusɛm.
A word was once secretly brought to me, And mine ear caught a whisper thereof.
13 Wɔ anadwo daeɛso basabasa mu, ɛberɛ a nnipa adeda nnahɔɔ no,
Amid thoughts from visions of the night, When deep sleep falleth upon men,
14 ehu ne nketenkete kyeree me. Ɛmaa me nnompe nyinaa wosoeɛ.
A fear and a horror came upon me, Which made all my bones to shake.
15 Honhom bi twaa mʼani so, na me ho nwi sɔre gyinaeɛ.
Then a spirit passed before my face, The hair of my flesh rose on end;
16 Ɛgyinaeɛ, nanso, manhunu nʼabɔsuo. Biribi bɛgyinaa mʼanim, na metee nne bɔkɔɔ bi a ɛrebisa sɛ,
It stood still, but its form I could not discern; An image was before mine eyes; There was silence, and I heard a voice:
17 ‘Onipa dasani bɛtumi atene asene Onyankopɔn? Onipa bɛtumi ayɛ kronn asene ne Yɛfoɔ anaa?
“Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall man be more pure than his Maker?
18 Sɛ Onyankopɔn ntumi mfa ne ho nto nʼankasa asomfoɔ so, na sɛ ɔka nʼabɔfoɔ mpo anim a,
Behold, he putteth no trust in his ministering spirits, And his angels he chargeth with frailty.
19 hwan ne onipa a wɔde dɔteɛ anwene no, a ne fapem sisi mfuturo mu na wɔdwerɛ no ntɛm so sene abubummabaa?
What then are they who dwell in houses of clay, Whose foundation is in the dust, Who crumble to pieces, as if moth-eaten!
20 Ɛfiri anɔpahema kɔsi anwummerɛ wɔbubu wɔn mu nketenkete; na wɔyera korakora a obiara nhunu wɔn bio.
Between morning and evening are they destroyed; They perish for ever, and none regardeth it.
21 Wɔtete wɔn ntomadan nhoma mu, ɛno enti wɔwuwu a wɔnnim.’
The excellency that is in them is torn away; They die before they have become wise.”

< Hiob 4 >