< Yesaia 6 >

1 Afe a ɔhene Usia wuiɛ mu no, mehunuu Awurade sɛ ɔte ahennwa a, ɛkorɔn na wapagya so na nʼatadeɛ mmuano ayɛ asɔrefie hɔ ma.
In the year in which King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
2 Na serafim a wɔn mu biara wɔ ntaban nsia wɔ nʼAtifi. Wɔde ntaban no mmienu kata wɔn anim, na wɔde mmienu nso kata wɔn nan ho ɛnna wɔde mmienu nso tu.
Around him stood seraphs; each one of them had six wings; with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he did fly.
3 Na obiara team kyerɛ ne yɔnko sɛ, “Kronkron! Kronkron! Kronkron ne Asafo Awurade; Nʼanimuonyam ahyɛ asase nyinaa so ma!”
And one called to another, and said: Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah of hosts; The whole earth is full of his glory.
4 Wɔn nne nnyegyeeɛ maa apono ne aboboano wosooɛ, na wisie yɛɛ asɔrefie hɔ ma.
And the foundations of the thresholds were shaken with the voice of their cry. And the temple was filled with smoke.
5 Meteam kaa sɛ, “Me nnue! Memfata! Meyɛ onipa a mʼano ho nteɛ, na mete nnipa a wɔn ano ho nteɛ mu, Ɔhene, Otumfoɔ Awurade na mʼani ahunu no yi.”
Then I said, Alas for me! I am undone! For I am a man of unclean lips, and dwell among a people of unclean lips, and mine eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of hosts.
6 Na serafim no mu baako a ɔkura gyasramma, a ɔde daban kɔfa firii afɔrebukyia no so tu baa me nkyɛn.
Then flew one of the seraphs to me, having in his hands a glowing stone, which he had taken with the tongs from the altar.
7 Ɔde yei kaa mʼano kaa sɛ, “Hwɛ, yei aka wʼanofafa, wɔayi wʼafɔdie na wɔatua wo bɔne so ka.”
And he touched my mouth, and said, Behold, this toucheth thy lips, and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is expiated.
8 Afei, metee Awurade nne a ɛrebisa sɛ, “Hwan na mensoma no? Na hwan na ɔbɛkɔ ama yɛn?” Na mekaa sɛ, “Me nie. Soma me!”
And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? And I said: Behold, here am I; send me!
9 Na ɔkaa sɛ, “Kɔka kyerɛ saa nkurɔfoɔ yi sɛ, “‘Ɔte deɛ mobɛte, nanso morente aseɛ; Ɔhwɛ deɛ mobɛhwɛ, nanso morenhunu.’
And he said: Go, and say thou to this people, Hear ye, indeed, but understand not; See ye, indeed, but perceive not!
10 Ɛfiri sɛ mo, moapirim mo akoma; moasi mo aso, akatakata mo ani. Ɛnyɛ saa a, anka mo ani bɛhunu adeɛ, na mo akoma ate asɛm ase, na moanu mo ho asane aba me nkyɛn, na masa mo yadeɛ.”
Make the heart of this people gross; Make their ears dull, and blind their eyes; That they may not see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears, Nor perceive with their hearts, and turn, and be healed.
11 Na mekaa sɛ, “Ɛnkɔsi da bɛn, Ao Awurade?” Na ɔbuaa sɛ, “Ɛnkɔsi sɛ nkuropɔn no bɛyɛ nkurofon a nnipa ntete soɔ, ɛnkɔsi sɛ afie no bɛyɛ afituo na mfuo no asɛe ayɛ pasaa,
Then said I, How long, Lord? He said: Until the cities be laid waste, so that there be no inhabitant, And the houses, so that there be no man, And the land be left utterly desolate;
12 ɛnkɔsi sɛ, Awurade bɛpamo obiara akɔ akyirikyiri na asase no ada mpan.
Until Jehovah have removed the men far away, And there be great desolation in the land.
13 Mpo, sɛ nkyɛmu edu mu baako ka asase no so a, wɔbɛsɛe no bio. Nso sɛdeɛ dupɔn anaa odum gya dunsini ɛberɛ a wɔatwa ato fam no, saa ara na aba kronkron no bɛyɛ dunsini wɔ asase no so.”
And though there be a tenth part remaining in it, Even this shall again be destroyed; Yet as when the terebinth and the oak are cut down, Their stem remaineth alive, So shall a holy race be the stem of the nation.

< Yesaia 6 >