< Yesaia 46 >

1 Bel bɔ ne mu ase, Nebo kuntun ne mu; mfunumu soa wɔn ahoni. Nsɛsodeɛ a wɔso nenam no mu yɛ duru, ɛyɛ adesoa ma deɛ wabrɛ.
Bel sinketh down; Nebo falleth; Their images are laid upon beasts and cattle; Those that ye once bore are packed upon them; A burden to the weary beast!
2 Wɔbɔ mu kuntun, bɔ wɔn mu ase; wɔntumi nsi amanehunu ano, wɔn ankasa kɔ nkoasom mu.
They sink down; they fall together; They cannot rescue the burden; They themselves go into captivity.
3 “Montie me, Ao Yakob fiefoɔ, mo a moaka wɔ Israel efie nyinaa, mo a masɔ mo mu firi mo nyinsɛn mu, na maturu mo afiri ɛberɛ a wɔwoo mo.
Hearken to me, O house of Jacob, And all the remnant of the house of Israel; Ye that have been borne by me from your birth, That have been carried by me from your earliest breath!
4 Mpo kɔsi mo nkɔkoraa berɛ ne ɛberɛ a mobɛfu dwono mu, Me ne no, Me ne deɛ ɔbɛsɔ mo mu. Mabɔ mo na mɛturu mo; mɛwowa mo na mɛgye mo.
Even to your old age I am the same; Even to hoar hairs I will carry you; I have done it, and I will still bear you; I will carry, and will deliver you.
5 “Hwan ho na mode me bɛto, anaa mobɛbu no me sɛso? Hwan na mode me bɛsusu no, na mode ayɛ mfatoho?
To whom will ye liken me, and compare me? Yea, to whom will ye compare me, that we may be like?
6 Ebinom hwie sikakɔkɔɔ firi wɔn mmɔtɔ mu na wɔkari dwetɛ wɔ nsania so; wɔbɔ sika dwumfoɔ paa, ma ɔde yɛ onyame bi, na wɔkoto sɔre no.
They lavish gold out of the bag, And weigh silver in the balance; They hire a goldsmith, and he maketh it a god; They fall down, yea, they worship it.
7 Wɔsoa no wɔ wɔn mmatire so, wɔde kɔsi nʼafa, na ɛka hɔ ara. Ɛrentumi mfiri faako a esie. Obi team frɛ no deɛ, nanso ɔmmua; ɛrentumi nyi no mfiri ne haw mu.
They lift him upon the shoulder, and carry him; They set him in his place, and there he standeth; From his place he moveth not; Yea, one may cry to him, yet doth he not answer, Nor save him out of his distress.
8 “Monkae no yie, momma ɛnka mo tirim, monnwene ho mo atuatefoɔ.
Remember these things, and show yourselves men; Lay them to heart, ye apostates!
9 Monkae nneɛma a atwam no, teteete nneɛma no; Me ne Onyankopɔn, na obi nni hɔ; Me ne Onyankopɔn, na obiara nte sɛ me.
Remember the former things in ancient times! For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me.
10 Meda awieeɛ adi firi ahyɛaseɛ, ɛfiri tete, meka deɛ ɛrennya mmaeɛ. Meka sɛ: Mʼatirimpɔ bɛgyina, na mɛyɛ deɛ mepɛ nyinaa.
Declaring the end from the beginning; From ancient times the things that were not yet done; Saying, My purpose shall stand, And I will do all my pleasure;
11 Mɛfrɛ anomaa a ɔkyere mmoa afiri apueeɛ fam; afiri akyirikyiri asase so, onipa a ɔbɛhyɛ me botaeɛ ma. Deɛ maka no, ɛno na mɛma aba mu; deɛ madwene ho no, ɛno na mɛyɛ.
Calling from the East the eagle, The man that executeth my purpose from a far country; I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
12 Montie me, mo a moyɛ akokoɔdurufoɔ, mo a mo ne tenenee ntam ɛkwan ware;
Hearken to me, ye stubborn-hearted, That are far from deliverance!
13 Mede me tenenee repinkyɛ, ɛnni akyirikyiri; na me nkwagyeɛ nso, ɛrenkyɛre. Mɛma Sion nkwagyeɛ, na mede mʼanimuonyam ama Israel.
I have brought near my deliverance; it is not far off; My salvation shall not tarry; I will give to Zion salvation, To Israel, my glory.

< Yesaia 46 >