< 1 Mose 44 >

1 Afei, Yosef hyɛɛ ne ɔsomfoɔ panin no sɛ, “Fa aduane dodoɔ biara a mmarima no bɛtumi asoa no hyɛ wɔn nkotokuo no ma ma, na fa obiara sika nso hyɛ ne kotokuo mu ma no.
And he commaunded the rueler of his house saynge: fyll the mens sackes with food as moch as they can carie
2 Afei, fa me dwetɛ kuruwa no ka akumaa no aduane no sika ho, na fa hyɛ ne kotokuo no mu.” Na ɔsomafoɔ panin no yɛɛ sɛdeɛ Yosef kaeɛ no pɛpɛɛpɛ.
and put euery mans money in his bagge mouth and put my syluer cuppe in the sackes mouth of the yongest and his corne money also. And he dyd as Ioseph had sayde.
3 Adeɛ kyee anɔpa no, ɔgyaa anuanom no ne wɔn mfunumu no kwan.
And in ye mornynge as soone as it was lighte the me were let goo with their asses.
4 Wɔannuru akyiri baabiara, na Yosef ka kyerɛɛ ne ɔsomfoɔ panin no sɛ, “Ti nkurɔfoɔ no ntɛm so, na sɛ woto wɔn a, bisa wɔn sɛ, ‘Adɛn enti na mode bɔne tua papa so ka? Adɛn enti na moawia me dwetɛ kuruwa?
And when they were out of the cytie and not yet ferre awaye Ioseph sayde vnto the ruelar of his house: vp and folowe after the men and ouertake them and saye vnto them: wherefore haue ye rewarded euell for good?
5 Ɛnyɛ saa kuruwa yi a me wura nom ano na ɔhwɛ mu ka nhunumusɛm no nie? Yei yɛ bɔne kɛseɛ a moayɛ.’”
is that not the cuppe of which my lorde drynketh ad doth he not prophesie therin? ye haue euell done that ye haue done.
6 Ɔkɔtoo wɔn no, ɔtii saa asɛm korɔ yi ara mu kyerɛɛ wɔn.
And he ouertoke them and sayde the same wordes vnto them.
7 Nanso, anuanom no buaa no sɛ, “Adɛn enti na yɛn wura keka saa nsɛm yi? Ɛmpare wo nkoa sɛ wɔbɛyɛ adeɛ a ɛte saa!
And they answered him: wherfore sayth my lorde soch wordes? God forbydd that thy servauntes shulde doo so.
8 Sika a yɛhunuu wɔ yɛn nkotokuo mu no, yɛansane amfa amfiri Kanaan ammrɛ mo anaa? Adɛn enti na ɛsɛ sɛ yɛwia dwetɛ anaa sikakɔkɔɔ firi wo wura fie?
Beholde the money which we founde in oure sackes mouthes we brought agayne vnto the out of the lande of Canaa: how then shulde we steale out of my lordes house ether syluer or golde?
9 Sɛ wohunu saa kuruwa no wɔ wo nkoa no biara nkyɛn a, okum na ɛsɛ sɛ wokum saa onipa no. Na sɛ ɛba saa nso a, yɛn nyinaa bɛyɛ wo wura nkoa afebɔɔ.”
with whosoeuer of thy seruauntes it be founde let him dye and let vs also be my lordes bondmen.
10 Ɔsomfoɔ no buaa sɛ, “Ɛyɛ, na deɛ ɔwiaeɛ no nko na ɔbɛyɛ mʼakoa. Na mo a moaka no bɛfa mo ho adi.”
And he sayde: Now therfore acordynge vnto youre woordes he with whom it is found shalbe my seruaunte: but ye shalbe harmelesse.
11 Anuanom no nyinaa yiyii wɔn nnesoa no firii mfunumu no so, guu fam, sane sanee wɔn nkotokuo no ano.
And attonce euery man toke downe his sacke to the grounde ad every man opened his sacke.
12 Afei, ɔsomfoɔ panin no firii aseɛ, hwehwɛɛ wɔn nkotokuo no mu firi ɔpanin no so kɔsii akumaa no so. Wɔhunuu kuruwa no wɔ Benyamin kotokuo no mu.
And he serched and began at the eldest and left at the yongest. And the cuppe was founde in Ben Iamins sacke.
13 Ɛbaa saa no, anuanom no sunsuanee wɔn ntadeɛ mu. Afei, wɔn nyinaa sane hyehyɛɛ wɔn nnesoa no wɔ wɔn mfunumu no so, sanee wɔn akyiri, kɔɔ kuro no mu bio.
Then they rent their clothes and laded euery man his asse and went agayne vnto the cytie.
14 Ɛberɛ a Yuda ne ne nuanom no kɔduruu kuro no mu hɔ no, na Yosef da so wɔ ne fie hɔ. Enti, wɔn nyinaa totoo wɔn ho guu fam wɔ nʼanim.
And Iuda and his brethre came to Iosephs house for he was yet there ad they fell before him on the grounde.
15 Yosef bisaa wɔn sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn adeɛ na moayɛ yi? Monnim sɛ onipa a ɔte sɛ me nam nhunumusɛm so bɛtumi ahunu biribiara mu?”
And Ioseph sayde vnto the: what dede is this which ye haue done? wist ye not that soch a man as I can prophesie?
16 Yuda buaa sɛ, “Anoyie bɛn na yɛbɛtumi ayi wɔ me wura anim? Asɛm bɛn na yɛwɔ ka? Yɛbɛyɛ dɛn na yɛatumi ama woahunu sɛ yɛnni saa asɛm yi ho fɔ? Onyame ada yɛn wʼasomfoɔ afɔdie yi adi. Yɛne deɛ wɔhunuu kuruwa no wɔ no nkyɛn no nyinaa yɛ yɛn wura nkoa”.
Then sayde Iuda: what shall we saye vnto my lorde what shall we speake or what excuse can we make? God hath founde out ye wekednesse of thy seruauntes. Beholde both we and he with whom the cuppe is founde are thy seruauntes.
17 Nanso, Yosef kaa sɛ, “Ɛmpare me sɛ mɛyɛ adeɛ a ɛte saa. Onipa a wɔhunuu kuruwa no wɔ ne nkyɛn no nko ara na ɔbɛyɛ mʼakoa. Mo a moaka no deɛ, monsane nkɔ mo agya nkyɛn asomdwoeɛ mu.”
And he answered: God forbyd ye I shulde do so the man with whom the cuppe is founde he shalbe my seruaunte: but goo ye in peace vn to youre father.
18 Yuda sɔre kɔɔ Yosef anim, ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ma me a meyɛ wʼakoa no ɛkwan na me ne wo, me wura, nkasa. Ɛwom sɛ, wo ne Farao yɛ pɛ deɛ, nanso mesrɛ wo, nya aboterɛ ma wo ɔsomfoɔ.
Then Iuda went vnto him and sayde: oh my lorde let thy servaunte speake a worde in my lordes audyence and be not wrooth with thi servaunte: for thou art euen as Pharao.
19 Me wura bisaa nʼasomfoɔ no sɛ, ‘Mowɔ agya anaa onuabarima bi?’
My lorde axed his seruaunte sainge: haue ye a father or a brother?
20 Na yɛbuaa sɛ, ‘Yɛwɔ agya a wabɔ akɔkoraa ne yɛn kaakyire a ɔwoo no ne nkɔkoraaberɛ mu. Ne nuabarima a ɔka ne ho no awu. Na ɔno nko ara ne ne maame ba a waka. Nʼagya pɛ nʼasɛm yie.’
And we answered my lord we haue a father that is old and a yonge lad which he begat in his age: ad the brother of the sayde lad is dead and he is all that is left of that mother. And his father loueth him.
21 “Na ɔka kyerɛɛ wʼasomfoɔ sɛ, ‘Momfa no mmra, na menhwɛ no.’
Then sayde my lorde vnto his seruauntes brynge him vnto me that I maye sett myne eyes apon him.
22 Yɛka kyerɛɛ me wura sɛ, ‘Abarimaa no rentumi nte ne ho mfiri nʼagya ho. Na sɛ ɛba sɛ ɔte ne ho firi nʼagya ho a, nʼagya no bɛwu.’
And we answered my lorde that the lad coude not goo from his father for if he shulde leaue his father he were but a deed man.
23 Ɛnna woka kyerɛɛ wʼasomfoɔ sɛ. ‘Sɛ moamfa mo nua kumaa no anka mo ho amma a, monnsi mʼanim bio.’
Than saydest thou vnto thy servauntes: excepte youre yongest brother come with you loke that ye se my face no moare.
24 Yɛsane kɔɔ wʼakoa, yɛn agya nkyɛn no, yɛkaa wo a woyɛ yɛn wura no nsɛm a woka kyerɛɛ yɛn no nyinaa kyerɛɛ no.
And when we came vnto thy servaunt oure father we shewed him what my lorde had sayde.
25 “Ɛnna yɛn agya kaa sɛ, ‘Monsane nkɔ bio nkɔtɔ aduane kakra mmra.’
And when oure father sayde vnto vs goo agayne and bye vs a litle fode:
26 Nanso, yɛka kyerɛɛ yɛn agya sɛ, ‘Yɛrentumi nkɔ, gye sɛ yɛn nua kumaa no ka yɛn ho. Sɛ yɛamfa yɛn nua kumaa no anka yɛn ho ankɔ a, yɛrentumi nkɔ owura no anim.’
we sayd yt we coude not goo. Neverthelesse if oure youngeste brother go with vs then will we goo for we maye not see the mannes face excepte oure yongest brother be with vs.
27 “Afei, wo ɔsomfoɔ, yɛn agya ka kyerɛɛ yɛn sɛ, ‘Monim sɛ me ne me yere woo mmammarima baanu.
Then sayde thy servaunt oure father vnto vs. Ye knowe that my wyfe bare me. ij. sonnes.
28 Wɔn mu baako firii me nkyɛn kɔeɛ a, manhunu no bio, ma mekaa sɛ, “Aboa bi atete no pasaa.” Ɛfiri saa ɛberɛ no, menhunuu no bio.
And the one went out from me and it is sayde of a suertie that he is torne in peaces of wyld beastes and I sawe him not sence.
29 Sɛ mofa yei firi me nkyɛn, na asiane bi kɔsiane no wɔ ɛkwan so a, me nso, mede awerɛhoɔ bɛwu bi.’ (Sheol h7585)
Yf ye shall take this also awaye fro me and some mysfortune happen apon him then shall ye brynge my gray heed with sorow vnto the grave. (Sheol h7585)
30 “Enti, saa ɛberɛ yi, sɛ yɛkɔpue firi wʼakoa, yɛn agya, anim na abɔfra yi nka yɛn ho a, ɛnneɛ, sɛdeɛ nʼakoma da abɔfra no ho fa no,
Now therfore whe I come to thy servaunt my father yf the lad be not with me: seinge that his lyfe hageth by the laddes lyfe
31 sɛ ɔhunu sɛ abɔfra no nka yɛn ho a, ɔbɛwu. Wo nkoa bɛma wɔn agya adi awerɛhoɔ, de ne tiri so dwono akɔ asaman. (Sheol h7585)
then as soone as he seeth that the lad is not come he will dye. So shall we thy servautes brynge the gray hedde of thy servaunt oure father with sorow vnto the grave. (Sheol h7585)
32 Wʼakoa a ɔde ne ho dii abɔfra no agyinamu sɛ ɔde no bɛba kaa sɛ, ‘Sɛ mamfa no ansane ammrɛ wo a, ɛho asodie no mmɛda me so, me nkwanna nyinaa.’
For I thy servaunt became suertie for the lad vnto my father and sayde: yf I bringe him not vnto the agayne. I will bere the blame all my life loge.
33 “Afei, mesrɛ wo, ma wʼakoa nsi abɔfra no ananmu wɔ ha, na ma abɔfra no ne ne nuammarima no nsane nkɔ.
Now therfore let me thy servaunt byde here for ye lad and be my lordes bondman: and let the lad goo home with his brethern.
34 Na sɛ abɔfra no anka me ho ankɔ a, mɛyɛ dɛn makɔpue mʼagya anim. Dabi! Merentumi nnyina ahohiahia a ɛbɛto mʼagya wɔ saa asɛm yi ho no ano.”
For how can I goo vnto my father and the lad not wyth me: lest I shulde see the wretchednes that shall come on my father.

< 1 Mose 44 >