< 2 Mose 1 >

1 Yakob mma ne wɔn abusuafoɔ a wɔne no tu kɔtenaa no din na ɛdidi so yi.
Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt (euery man and his housholde came thither with Iaakob)
2 Ruben, Simeon, Lewi ne Yuda;
Reuben, Simeon, Leui, and Iudah,
3 Isakar, Sebulon ne Benyamin;
Issachar, Zebulun, and Beniamin,
4 Dan, Naftali; Gad ne Aser.
Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
5 Yakob asefoɔ a ɔne wɔn kɔeɛ no nyinaa ano si aduɔson. Na Yosef wɔ Misraim dada.
So al the soules, that came out of the loines of Iaakob, were seuentie soules: Ioseph was in Egypt already.
6 Yosef ne ne nuanom ne wɔn ɛberɛ sofoɔ no nyinaa wuwuiɛ,
Nowe Ioseph died and all his brethren, and that whole generation.
7 nanso Israelfoɔ no ase dɔreeɛ, na wɔyɛɛ bebree, hyɛɛ asase no so ma.
And the children of Israel brought foorth fruite and encreased in aboundance, and were multiplied, and were exceeding mightie, so that the land was full of them.
8 Na ɔhene foforɔ bi bɛdii adeɛ wɔ Misraim a na ɔnnim Yosef ho asɛm.
Then there rose vp a newe King in Egypt, who knewe not Ioseph.
9 Ɔka kyerɛɛ ne mamfoɔ no sɛ, “Monhwɛ, Israelfoɔ yi ase adɔre, wɔreyɛ adɔɔso dodo ama yɛn.
And he sayde vnto his people, Beholde, the people of the children of Israel are greater and mightier then we.
10 Momma yɛmpɛ ɛkwan bi na yɛmfa so nsi saa dɔre a wɔredɔre no ano. Sɛ yɛanyɛ saa na ɔko bi si a, wɔbɛdɔm yɛn atamfoɔ ne wɔn ako atia yɛn na wɔafiri ɔman yi mu.”
Come, let vs worke wisely with them, least they multiplie, and it come to passe, that if there be warre, they ioyne them selues also vnto our enemies, and fight against vs, and get them out of the land.
11 Enti wɔde nkoa sohwɛfoɔ gyinagyinaa wɔn kɔn so ma wɔyɛɛ adwuma den de kyekyeree adekora nkuropɔn Pitom ne Rameses maa Farao.
Therefore did they set taskemasters ouer them, to keepe the vnder with burdens: and they built the cities Pithom and Raamses for the treasures of Pharaoh.
12 Nanso mpɛn dodoɔ a Misraimfoɔ no hyɛɛ wɔn so no, dɔ ara na Israelfoɔ no dɔɔso. Yei maa Misraimfoɔ no suroo Israelfoɔ
But the more they vexed them, the more they multiplied and grewe: therefore they were more grieued against the children of Israel.
13 na wɔkɔɔ so hyɛɛ Israelfoɔ no so ketee.
Wherefore the Egyptians by crueltie caused the children of Israel to serue.
14 Wɔde adwumadenyɛ dii Israelfoɔ no nya. Wɔma wɔyɛɛ ntayaa ne dɔteɛ ho adwuma a ɛyɛ den ne mfuom nnwuma ahodoɔ. Yeinom nyinaa akyiri no Misraimfoɔ yɛɛ atirimuɔden akwan bebree so kyerɛɛ Israelfoɔ no.
Thus they made them weary of their liues by sore labour in clay and in bricke, and in al worke in the fielde, with all maner of bondage, which they layde vpon them most cruelly.
15 Misraimhene ka kyerɛɛ Hebrifoɔ awogyefoɔ a wɔn din ne Sifra ne Pua sɛ,
Moreouer the King of Egypt commanded ye midwiues of the Ebrewe women, (of which the ones name was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah)
16 “Sɛ mokɔgye Hebrini biara awoɔ, na awoeɛ hɔ mohunu sɛ ɔyɛ ɔbabarima a, monkum no, na sɛ ɔyɛ ɔbabaa deɛ a, monnyɛ no hwee.”
And sayde, When ye doe the office of a midwife to the women of the Ebrewes, and see them on their stooles, if it be a sonne, then yee shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then let her liue.
17 Esiane sɛ na awogyefoɔ no yɛ onyamesurofoɔ no enti, wɔanni mmara a ɔhene no hyɛɛ wɔn no so maa mmarimaa a wɔwowoo wɔn no tenaeɛ.
Notwithstanding ye midwiues feared God, and did not as the King of Egypt commanded them, but preserued aliue the men children.
18 Ɔhene no frɛɛ wɔn bisaa wɔn sɛ, “Adɛn enti na moanni mmara a mehyɛeɛ no so na moama mmarimaa a Hebrifoɔ no wowoo wɔn no atena?”
Then the King of Egypt called for the midwiues, and sayde vnto them, Why haue yee done thus, and haue preserued aliue the men children?
19 Wɔbuaa no sɛ, “Hebrifoɔ mmaa no de ahoɔden wo ɔherɛ so enti yɛbɛduru hɔ no, na wɔawo dada. Wɔnte sɛ Misraimfoɔ mmaa no.”
And the midwiues answered Pharaoh, Because the Ebrewe women are not as the women of Egypt: for they are liuely, and are deliuered yer the midwife come at them.
20 Onyankopɔn hyiraa awogyefoɔ no. Na Israelfoɔ no dɔɔso ara bɛyɛɛ ɔman kɛseɛ.
God therefore prospered the midwiues, and the people multiplied and were very mightie.
21 Esiane sɛ na awogyefoɔ no yɛ nyamesurofoɔ enti, Onyankopɔn domm wɔn mma.
And because ye midwiues feared God, therefore he made them houses.
22 Afei, Farao hyɛɛ mmara sɛ Herbrifoɔ mmarimaa a wɔbɛwo wɔn foforɔ no, wɔnto wɔn ngu Asubɔnten Nil mu na mmaayewa a wɔbɛwo wɔn foforɔ no deɛ, wɔntena hɔ.
Then Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Euery man childe that is borne, cast yee into the riuer, but reserue euery maide childe aliue.

< 2 Mose 1 >